
Saturday 27 April 2024

Dropping the ball...

I read Mary Anne's WOYWW 777. She mentioned ATCS and the Crop in the same sentence. I commented that I hadn't suggested a theme for ATCS because the ones we do for Crop are often separate from the ones we make for our WOYWW Anniversary. And then I went about my week. Thoughts bloomed and then I remembered...Sarah planned the date of the Crop to be as close as it could be to the fifteenth anniversary. Which is WOYWW week number 780, May 15th. Makes a lot of sense then, that Sarah and Eva have the Crop planned for Saturday 18th, huh!
I feel like I've really dropped the ball on the timeline of this, but, if you're able and want to, please prepare for an ATC swap to mark the anniversary. We'll do the thing that's become our 'normal' thing - make one ATC, no specific theme, to swap with one person on the WOYWW list on week 780. Make more if you'd like to, and arrange to swap. It's really nice to have a few happy mails that week, so do join in if you possibly can! Likewise, because of Sarah's amazing forethought, you can save postal costs if you're going to plan to give away more than one ATC and bring them to the Crop! Seamless! Well it would be if I weren't so late to tell you about it. Sorry. 
Here's a card I've made, does it it distract from my calendar shortcomings?
If you haven't joined us in an ATC swap before, please don't fret about it, ask any questions. There's even a page about it all - accessible from the home page of this blog. (That's the top of this page then!)


  1. it hadn't occurred to me that the crop was so close to the anniversary date, I just thought Mary Anne was being super organised! Time to get my atc thinking hat on!!

  2. Thanks Julia, 2 wks ago I was going to ask about it as I thought I'd do a bunch and mail for you to hand out at the crop. But you had lots going on and I just left it as next year !!!! You have had a lot on your mind and stuff happens, we all understand. I love your card the flower is really adorable. And no way we'll have a beautiful day it's a mess for rain and mudd. But I'll enjoy the thought as I stay inside and keep warm and dry. But thankful the very destructive tornadoes' were south of us. And my son was spared 2x the past 2 wks. The nicest weather was during the winter months so I guess it's our turn for wet...Enjoy your Sunday and thanks for the post. It will give me incentive to spend this day preparing !!

  3. i confess I forgot about it too, and I look forward to it every year! soon as I read this post I got an idea, so hi ho, lets go on with the show!

  4. Hi Julia, I have started mine as I had an idea so hoping they will suit. Have a nice time away hugs Angela x

  5. Think i must have missed this looked back but cant see where the crop details are for the 18th? Burbage?

  6. I would love to join in with the ATC swap again. Although I am in Australia I am happy to swap with anyone who wishes to swap with me...
    Happy Crafting!

  7. I'm In!!! 15 years of this fabulous group. We are blessed to have one another. Hugs!


Your contribution is a valuable thing - thanks for taking the time!