
Friday 25 December 2020

Happy Christmas to you. 
It will be different; it will cause us to pause; and inevitably, we will miss our ‘normal’. 
Isolating doesn’t mean that you have to be alone. If you’re alone and feeling it, reach out. Email or call a friend or relly; get the time zone right so it’s not the middle of the night - otherwise there’s no bad time really! And watch out for pop up group chat invitations, they will be floating about!


  1. Merry Christmas to you, dear Julia. I wish you and your family a joyous, safe, and healthy Christmas.

  2. Merry Christmas to you and your family. Have as good a day as you can. Thank you for keeping us together.

  3. Merry Christmas Julia, here's to safer times with our family and friends very soon. Seasons greetings from our home to yours.. Tracey xx

  4. Merry Christmas Julia! hope you and Bart have a happy day . looking forward to more "normal" soon (you can dream, it's Christmas!)

  5. Happy Christmas Julia. Hope you are having a nice day. Sue

  6. Merry Christmas, Julia! Wishing you peace and joy over the festive period and throughout 2021! xx

  7. A wonderful message and photo, Julia! I will be borrowing that if I may. I hope you have been enjoying your Christmas Day and I wish you many blessings in the new year! Please take care and keep safe! xoxo Hugs, Darnell

  8. Hello Julia! Merry Christmas! I’m glad WOYWW is still around. One day I’ll be able to join again. I haven’t joined since December of last year, because I have not been using my table for art. I had an open heart surgery, and so I can’t go down early to paint with real paints and paper. I have to wait for my husband to wake up so he can help me with my oxygen. I am on oxygen 24/7, and I get breathless going up and down the stairs, etc. So now I do my early morning drawing on an iPad. I hope things will get better soon with the vaccine. I heard they have started giving it out in your part of the world. I don’t know if it’s safe or not, but we have been praying that our medical scientists find a vaccine fast, haven’t we? So they did! Here in the Philippines, I do not know when we will get it, but I know many people are wary. Anyway, happy to visit you and to wish you a much better 2021!

  9. Happy Christmas to you & all WOYWW mates. Lovely message Julia, thanks. Take care with hugs from Sue Hall. xx


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