
Friday 10 January 2020

Filling up your new diary...

There’s never a bad time to remind you that we’re holding a WOYWW Crop in Shrewsbury on Saturday June 6th. And you’re welcome. I hope this gives you some planning time. Make it a resolution. Write it in your new diary and look forward to it. Shropshire is beeyoooootiful, you can make a short break of it and see something other than all of us!  We don’t need a massive commitment from you right now, but we will ask for numbers nearer the time. Because we need to know about setting out enough chairs and bringing enough mugs. And food. There is always food where crafters meet. 
Now, when I say ‘we’, I really mean ‘they’. I just roll up and have a nice time, much like every other Desker that comes. But Wipso and Twiglet are hosting. Which is a euphemism for ‘doing all the work’.  Here they are, hard at work. Just as you will be when you come to Crop.
Consider the poor photograph of the LO as an attempt to add a lovely shiny light to the Stichsters. 


  1. Love the LO but I must correct’s Wipso that calls Twiglet her much older sister!! I am MUCH younger than Joeven if I am the old grey one 😂😂😂😂 We are really looking forward to the crop and hope it’s a really good turn out....I know of several that have already booked accommodation for it.
    Annie x

  2. I will be there in spirit, but I love this scrapbook page.

  3. God willing you can count me in!
    Hugs, Neet xx

  4. I would not be able to come, but will b e thinking of you all. Sue

  5. fab page! I am hoping to be there so a tentative yes from me

  6. ooh fingers crossed I can come as I love the crops and SO missed the last one


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