
Friday 6 September 2019


It Was Something Carol Said -  probably without knowing the impact her words would have on me. Describing a small pile of stuff to be put away as a pile of ‘goodness knows what’. Well if that isn’t an acronym waiting to happen! It nearly made me spit coffee at the screen, it so totally sums up how things accrue on my desk.
The good thing is that as soon as its tackled and dealt with, it becomes individual things and I know why I got it out in the first place.  I’ll probably never be able to explain why I didnt put it away when I decided not to cut it up, stick it down or turn it into ‘art’, that’s for the psychologists amongst you to explain. It’s not just idleness though. I think it’s about being in the erm, throws of inspiration and the need to create rather than tidy. Isn’t it? You get that, I know you do.

You could just stick it all down in a random fashion....
That tidying up thing; where there’s a pile of GKW that breaks down into fifteen pieces of YNKW (You Now Know What) and that requires fifteen different boxes, cupboards, pots, drawers, boxes to be opened. Sometimes, it’s just easier not to. After all, as soon as you YNKW, you can perform an assessment about the likelihood of needing it tomorrow - and there’s always that likelihood, n’est pas?
This logic is brought to you as a public service. The acronyms....well, another of the hazards of reading this blog. 


  1. Today's post made me chuckle Julia - I can TOTALLY relate! Fab make too

    Happy Friday


  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Personally, I think this is a great way to use up a bunch of leftovers that might get thrown into the GKW pile and shoved in a single box. Nice layout and nice justification!

  4. Yup, totally concur, dear Julia, I’ve numerous piles of GKW for very reason of being mid creation and can’t stop possibly to put something away.. at this moment.. and yes tomorrow I may want it, too.. or not.. back to do WOYWW catch up so better not procrastinate any longer. Loved that you added a random layout to your Radom post on GKW. 😆😁👌❤️
    Hugs and prayers, Shaz.x

    {Wonderful Words of Life - Shaz in Oz}
    {Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}

  5. I understand completely! Have lots of stacks of GKW.... and I may need it elsewhere, sometime....

  6. I always knew that my CBA attitude had a real meaning, after all why put it away to only get it out again... Fab layout.

  7. Looks like I'm infamous for an acronym! You definitely made me laugh! Cute layout!


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