
Tuesday 27 November 2018

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday 495

Look at me, making a Christmas card! Well, I was fiddling about with leftover kits from the card Marython (rather than just sorting them and putting the de-collated elements away) and thought I might try a few of my own designs. Well, turns out I'm sick of the sight of them, so then I started to try to alter the original idea and add some other colour and well.....I got one trial run finished (just sort of out of sight behind the lamp, on the iPad stand. I'm not keen, colours seem a bit dull to me. And there's another problem with getting back to the old desk today. I'm not here. There. Erm, huh? I've run away to Jan's for a couple of days and so this is a scheduled copy of how my desk looked at OMGO'Clock on Monday morning. Mr Dunnit reassures me that it is unchanged.  He's not a card making Rumpelstiltskin then, is he. Ah well. A few days with Jan and a lot of Christmas shopping may actually punch my mojo into gear! Have a lovely Wednesday. Catch you as soon as I'm allowed to sit down and rest!!


  1. #1 spot first time ever - but no credit to Shoshi - I would never have made it if you hadn't posted a day earlier, Julia! What a cheat I am... So brickbats not bouquets are the order of the day. I hope you are having a brilliant time with Jan with lots of crafting, chat, coffee and cake. Hope we get to see some piccies. Well done making a start on the Christmas cards.

    Happy WOYWW - tomorrow!!
    Shoshi #1

  2. I've cheated too!! But that's because we'll probably be too busy doing stuff tomorrow, lol!!
    Hope you like your Christmassy non-kitsch mug :-D
    Hugs LLJ 2 xxx

  3. Hi Julia, Well I'm joining the cheaters:) LOL My excuse is I needed my number to put on my comment on LLJs blog:)

    Hope you and Jan have a fab time together.

    Happy WOYWW ...but really Tuesday
    Sue #3

  4. Lol! That completely threw me. Only came to copy the blog addy to link in my post, so I've linked up already too now. Have fun with Jan, I know you will.Have a large G&T for me, will you? Love and hugs to you both. XxXx Shaz #4 :)

  5. well after my shock this morning I have written and linked straight up.. a live blog post without scheduling! Hope you are having a great time at Jan's, Julia, and maybe even get some crafting done in with the chatting and catching up?! I like the look of the card, myself, but I tend to get bored if I make too many of the same design and have to tweak them after a while! A change of colour scheme is my fave way to do that.

  6. Go on then, I cheated too And linked up at 23:58. Lol. I hope you and Jan have a great time with lots of shopping, chatting, crafting and maybe a bit of gin! Have a lovely week Heather x #8

  7. Oh dear, now I'm all muxed-ip - what day? what time IS it?...
    But I am here - on Wednesday morning! - ready to desk hop :)
    Have fun with Jan!
    Happy WOYWW :)
    Claire no. 9

  8. OK that threw me Julia. So much so that I initially changed the number of my post when I saw this yesterday lol. I thought Shaz was a bit early and now I see why. Have a great time with Jan and hope your mojo is as refreshed as you are. Happy WOYWW. Sarah #10

  9. I cheat every week by writing mine on my day off on the Tuesday but it appears I set mine to post later on this afternoon....these things aparantly only work if we set them up right then? Who knew? :-) :-)
    Hope you have a wonderful few days away....I just know you will.
    Annie x

  10. Ooh enjoy your trip it always looks lovely at Jan's

  11. I think there is a gremlin in the works today. First my blog hadn't published now I come back to yours to find my comment that I wrote about 15mins ago hasn't published either....sorry if you get two now.
    Hope you girls have a whale of a time together....but of course you will.
    Annie x

  12. Yes dear Julia in Oz its only 4 more hours and we'll be in Thursday! So we truly all over the place which it totally appropriate for this time of the year. I do love it when you catch us all out like this.
    Better much better than when you didn't link because you were ill!
    Far from ill now with shopping amd Jan huge grin worthy time that!! Happy WOYWW.
    Shaz in Oz.x#15 I think nearly time for bed here!

  13. A day early Lol! What is going on here! Have a lovely time away. I've just realised we've only about three and a half weeks to Christmas, where has the time gone! I'm all of a panic now! Happy woyww, Angela x16x

  14. So you posted this early Julia... ha, have a GREAT time with Jan! Enjoy, enjoy, get inspired and come back refreshed and happy! Love from Holland, Marit #17

  15. Just glad you posted..Love the trees and card you have finished. I couldn't play along this week, I'm in an unusual place for a few days. Cross your fingers. Have a super fun time with Jan and a few pictures.

  16. You well and truly threw me with your Tuesday appearance but it was probably the kick up the proverbial I needed anyway. I'm not good at repetition either which is why I rarely make more than one card at a time. I'm sure you are having a whale of a time at Jan's and that you'll come back, if not rested, at least refreshed with your mojo tagging raring to go. Hugs, Elizabeth x #6

  17. I'm sure you are having loads of fun with Jan, and you will arrive home full of new ideas and Christmas Spirit! Have a wonderful week, Lindart #22

  18. Happy WOYWW. Hope you managed to get out and about yesterday. Such a shame that we couldn't meet up. It is truly horrible weather now, and yesterday morning was some of the heaviest rain we have seen here for a while. Most other people seem to have linked up early, but I like to be different so it is 4 pm on Wednesday! I am officially giving up on making Christmas cards (will probably make a special one for hubby when we return from Spain). Ali x #22

  19. HI Julia, I hope you and Jan are having a blast and you come home all energized to create again, I like those trees. :) ~Stacy #25

  20. Judging by the comments, Julia, you’ve really got us flummoxed this week with your early post haha!! Nothing like keeping the team on their toes. Hope you are continuing to have a fabby time with Jan. Thank you for your visit - so glad you like my flowers. I did say to my hubby a while back that I thought the only way to make the garden absolutely escape-proof was to put a lid on it!! He’s replaced the rotten fence panel and the netting is nice and secure, and he’s cut down a couple of offending (and not very nice) bushes that could have been used as a springboard, and when he gets back later today, he’s going to do a thorough patrol of the perimeter before allowing the kitties out again. Ruby is getting pretty fed up with being cooped up!

    Shoshi #1

  21. Haha now I have a face to go with the name. Enjoy your time with Jan and shop til you drop. Ani #12


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