
Wednesday 10 October 2018

What's On Your Workdesk Wednesday 488

Well, multi-tasking or Jack of all Trades...for once, it looks tidier than I think it really is. There's an accounts file because it's been a month-end sort of week. Some Christmas tree decorations because Mum's care home has asked for donations for a winter raffle and a small house shaped tray kit that I bought in a fit of mixed media intent some years ago. At about the time we called it painting, cutting and sticking other stuff on! I need to do it, if only to get it off my desk. We'll see, huh! 
I took the photo yesterday, to show off the sun, it makes me so happy. Even if it shows off the filthy windows, there's nothing like autumn sun, it's a wonderful thing. 
Talking of us your wonderful work desk will you? Link your post here and we'll pop round. Today it will be after the sun has gone down before I get to yours, I'm lucky's going to be beautiful and I am happily going to be outside for some of it!


  1. I'm glad you took that photo yesterday, it makes me feel less like a cheat Julia lol. Look forward to seeing how the house/tray turns out. Sarah #3

  2. enjoy your day in the sun! I hope it hangs around for the weekend (seems there is a lot of rain on the way first) for my next walk at Kew!! would love not to get soaked two weeks on the trot..

  3. Morning Julia. Yay - go enjoy the sun! If the weatherman is to be believed - it's about the last of it we will see for some time... Hope you do indeed get around to the little tray - looks rather cute.
    Take care. God bless.
    Margaret #4

  4. Truly, autumn sun is THE best! Thankfully hubby cleaned the big downstairs windows at the weeken, so we can really enjoy it (even he admitted we couldn't see through them, hence the weekend cleaning)!
    Happy WOYWW :)
    Claire, no.1 (gosh, again!)

  5. Good Morning Julia, I believe I may have that same house kit and like yourself it's untouched although you have done better than me because at least you have unleashed yours, mine is in hiding with all the others.
    Enjoy your day outdoors, I believe we are in for some ourselves today so as the day is all mine I may get a moment to get outside.
    Happy WOYWW Tracey #6
    P.S it's good to be back x

  6. It’s so lovely to see the is supposed to be really sunny so let’s enjoy it while we caneh? Hope you have a lovely week.
    Annie x

  7. There's nothing like sun to lift the spirits is there - hope you have a lovely day out in it - I'm off to do my 'spring' cleaning before getting my autumn decorations out!
    Diana xx

  8. Hi Julia, laughing at the dirty windows comment. Looked out of ours the other day and thought, bloody hell! I'd get an extra couple of hours daylight if they got cleaned. Some of ours, especially at the back are in the most ridiculously awkward places, at least one would need a cherry picker to get to! Would you like a package of, say 10, assorted cards they could have as a Raffle prize? Feel free to say no thanks, no offence will be taken, :) Love & hugs, Shaz #5 XxX

  9. Hi Julia, Your desk does look neater than usual:) LOL The tray kit sounds interesting.

    Happy WOYWW
    Sue #14

  10. Happiness, so glad you've got Sunshine! We may have some tomorrow. I'll be a changed person. Love your desk. Purchased a few years back, I have the same pine cones in a clear box with a gold ribbon, the same bells. Thanks for the inspiration I think I'll donate them in my clear out. And a bit different house kit ! House kit came out from hiding and is in a traveling box. Glue, scissors, pencils, etc. so I can grad it and go. Just in case I get called away for an emergency that I may be sitting and waiting. Have a great day. I hope you do make time to be outside.

  11. It is lovely outside now and very warm so it should be a good day to get some gardening done but I shall be visiting my parents later so will be a bit late getting round everyone. I know I have some of those trays stored away somewhere, they seemed like a good idea at the time! Need to do something with them. Have a lovely woyww, whatever you choose to do. Angela x13x

  12. Happy WOYWW. Yes it is sunny and relatively warm here too, but very windy. We are driving up to Bristol on Friday (very early flight on Saturday morning), and the weather forecast is horrible. We will be glad to get on that plane and flying south. I have bought those 'mixed media' thingies many a time. Sold lots of them recently, and still got a box full of flat mdf shapes (hearts etc), that I do mean to decorate (either with paints, photos or use the pyrography tools I have never got out of the box!). Ali x #18

  13. Hi Julia.. sorry for delay.. you beat me to comment yes.. i truly was sad you couldn't make it to crop.. but as just said to Helen I shouldn't be too greedy as was soo blessed by who did come and that it actually included me. And Jan and Margaret did a Stirling job of course!
    Yes Autumnal lights are particularly eye and camera appealing too. There's actually a halo around your pink ATG.. most curious 😉
    Hope your special day was special.. I am still way behind here.
    So yes am doing a major spring clean.
    If I waa my sister nothing would be safe.. but as it's me most things can breathe easier! Most that is not all!! 😁
    Bloggy hugs and prayers for you and mum,
    Shaz in Oz.x #7

  14. Your desk looks very orderly today. Weather forecast was right - it's beautiful here today and yes, my windows are filthy too! Ah well - I am sure it's only me that notices. xx Jo

  15. Happy WOYWW #488 Julia xx Jan (21)

  16. HI Julia, we have had rain ( we desperately needed) so seeing your sun light streaming through made me smile from ear to ear. ah, I have a suitcase full of someday to alter it stuffs. ( not a house tray but, same idea haha) and someday I just may do it. (not any day soon though) ~Stacy #22

  17. Your desk does look very tidy today! The sun is gorgeous! Good luck with your project, it sounds like fun! Have a great week, Lindart #23

  18. After a lovely day out in the sun! I have managed to come home and link up. I hope you have had as lovely a day as I have had - family and food for me is the greatest!
    Enjoy your crafting house
    Christine #25

  19. Hi Julia, it's been a lovely sunny day here too, long may it continue! I think I have one of those house kits too, stashed away in a box, out of sight out of mind! A very tidy and organised desk this week! Have a lovely week Heather x #27

  20. Lovely neat desk! Love the sunshine We finally have sunshine here. In fact I took my photo this afternoon with just the sunlight coming in; didn't even have my lights on! Well, I have been gone a while. I just can't get my blog posted, maybe just lazy! LOL #28

  21. Hope you had a great time in the sun! I did enjoy my lunch out on our patio but I was in the shade. Looks like you have quite the upcoming projects organized and ready to start! And I did look back in your posts to see all the cool building going on! Hope all the work goes quickly, smoothly, and without problems!
    Have a great rest of the week!
    Carol N #20

  22. Had to laugh about the autumn light. To me, all my furniture looks dirty in autumn and winter. I can't explain it, maybe how the light catches it, but your desk doesn't look that dirty. Your desk even looks clean, too.

    As for the mixed media house, I look forward to seeing what you do with it. As a suggestion, go through your junk drawers (yes, we all have them) to find things you can use/place in it. I know the paper backing won't be a problem, because you can use little bits of scraps.

  23. Hi Julia, I know it has been an age since I came on here but could you please help me. I'm after finding the lady who makes teddy bears from old clothes, someone from church is looking for this. Thanks in advance. BJ

  24. My windows look like yours (stormwind and rain for one night and they're filthy again!) but I, too, enjoy the sun so much that I don't feel like housekeeping... what a lovely Autumn days we have here in HOlland! I remember the days when we didn't know what 'mixed media' was.. we've come a long way Julia! Thanks for your visit to my blog the other day, I'm pretty late with my round again but hey, at least I made it before Wednesday ;) so happy woyww and a hug from Holland, Marit #11

  25. Whenever I see account books on your desk I feel guilty, Julia - you are always ahead of me and I still haven't started last month's! I haaaate doing them... Been very busy and very tired and no point doing it when I'm tired or it does my head in. Thank you for your lovely comment - I couldn't believe I finished so far ahead of the deadline! Our biscuit tin wielding friend was indeed delighted when she got her box yesterday and I don't think she was expecting it to match the album! Thanks for the tip re the PVA. That's a good idea. It would be difficult to secure the feet on the box while glueing as it's all so 3-dimensional... I've had some other useful suggestions too - Glossy Accents, gel medium, Gorilla glue... so I've got plenty of options to choose from now!

    Happy belated WOYWW,
    Shoshi #15

  26. Sorry I am so late - had a mixed week.
    Am a bit of a mixed media person myself but yesterday I gave lots of stuff away from my days of collecting for sticking and gluing.
    It's lovely sat here seeing the sunlight dappling through the trees.
    Hugs, Neet 9 xx


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