
Wednesday 2 May 2018

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday 465

I hope you aren't in a flat panic about ATCs for week 468, the 9th WOYWW anniversary. I'm not!
Great shot of me...round, solid, a bit spikey and loving the sun....!

I hope you aren't in a panic about ATCs for week 468, the 9th WOYWW anniversary. I'm on holiday, and am utterly unable to conjure up deadline dread. But don't worry, it won't last! Please forgive the lightness of my presence for a few days. Still, you don't need me around to enable you to visit others; as usual, link your WOYWW post here and be inspired by your fellow deskers. 


  1. how come we have a previous week's links???!! lol. Love the pineapple. I am not in a panic either. just haven't started!

  2. Morning Julia - I seem to be number 32... but there you go - I knew I was a bit late today:-) I'm not panicking yet - but may be very soon after reading and computing the number... hmm! have to start thinking seriously - and actually start making!
    Have a great time with the pineapple.
    Love and God bless

  3. Looking good on the beach, Julia! Enjoy your holiday! xx

  4. I just live your sunny pineapple picture have fun added in a new link for this week Hugs Nikki 35

  5. Happy continued Holidays Julia, enjoy dipping your toes whilst basking in that glorious sunshine! Not sure what's happened with the link but I seem to be seeing (me!) double OOopps...!! xx #34 or #10 hee hee!!

  6. Hope you are enjoying your holiday! Happy WOYWW. Sarah #39 this week

  7. Hope you’re having a whale of a time my friend. Enjoy every minute of every day.
    Annie x

  8. Great photo - nice tan you have there. Enjoy! xx Jo

  9. Hi Julia, hope you're having a lovely relaxing day - mind you put some sunblock on those spikey bits! :o) Annie C #44

  10. Hi Julia, Did laugh at you having a paddle:) LOL

    Like some others,Linky has got me down twice, which it did last week as well, with the same numbers of 22 and 37.

    Happy WOYWW. Sue

  11. Not sure I've linked properly! Anyway enjoy your Hols, it's flipping tipping down here again! Had to laugh we are identical looking etc :-) round, solid bit spikey . Anne x #45 ?

  12. Obvious that you're not in a panic Lol! Have a great time. Happy woyww, Angela x48x

  13. I dunno, you go on holiday and the whole place goes to pieces!! lol
    Glad you're enjoying yourselves and hope the WOYWWers don't cause you too much grief!
    Christine #07 and #49

  14. Hiya - Mr Linky was weird this morning and displayed all last weeks' links before today's new ones came up. I hope this is ok but I signed in as you and deleted the old links to save you doing it id your interwebs aren't brilliant. It seems to have sorted out the problem.
    Hope you're having a lovely holiday! The pineapple is very fetching, I expect you to wear it on your head next week a la Carmen Miranda :-D
    Hugs LLJ xxxx

  15. Ha ha your pic made me smile. What is it about pineapples? They are such cheery fruits even without adding anything. Sea, sky and sand all look perfect. Enjoy!! Cindy x

  16. You go on holiday and all those pina coladas and things go astray. Think that pineapple needs a little factor 50+. Ani#3 I think.

  17. Well.... now... that's something... while I am moving boxes, working and sweating, you lay on the beach and enjoy the sun... myohmy, I wish I was there! I'm glad for you though, enjoy Julia! And yes, I'm back from two months off line... moved, unpacked (mostly) and ready to roll. It's good to find you and all the fellow deskers exactly where I left, I'm glad to be back! Happy woyww Julia!!! Love from the new appartment (I can't stop grinning!) Marit #23

  18. What a lovely holiday! Enjoy the down-time, Miss Julia. You more than earn the pampering. ATCs Hmmm I need to get crackin' Safe Travels & Creative Blessings! Kelly #24

  19. Have a great time and happy WOYWW 465 xx Jan

  20. Enjoy the tropics
    Monica# 27

  21. I hope you are having a fabulous time Julia :)

  22. Inspired by the waves in your photo I am taking the WOYWW plunge. Enjoy the sea.

  23. Fab photo Julia . Have a great time .
    Jill #32

  24. Hi Julia, have a wonderful holiday! I'll catch up properly next week, not taking part this week, as my desk is completely bare! I just wanted to stop by and say hi. Have a lovely week, Heather xx


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