
Wednesday 27 December 2017

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday 447

....or to be more precise - a childish opportunity to show off! I took this photo yesterday and am having to schedule this because we are off out to be entertained and I fear the consequences if I don't do this in advance! I hope Christmas Day was magical for y'all. 
Look what I got

I've had it a while, but knew that it would be holiday time before I could acquaint myself with it and find a surface on which to put it. Argh. That is this morning's challenge. Obviously I'll report back, as it's going to need a shoe horn to get it in anywhere, it'll probably be a while! The two ink pads at right are new too, I treated myself just before Christmas - my first two Distress Oxides. I know I'll like them, but am distressed by the prices of the Distress ink pads, so am being extremely frugal. Apart from buying a scan'n'cut, obv! 
If you have things to show from your workdesk, do. As an alternative, will happily gaze upon your tree or other Christmas surfaces! Link here if you have time. It will give you much needed normality in amongst this week of 'what day is it' moments!


  1. I had to think hard about what day it was yesterday as I prepped my post... you soon lose all sense of the days of the week, especially when the Radio Times just says "Christmas Eve" or Boxing Day... yes, but what day!! Love your new toy, hope you get to play with it soon - and do report back. Not that I could ever fit one in here, if that is the size of the box....

    Have a fabulous day today being entertained - and I am sure you will be entertaining as well! Happy Wednesday!!

  2. Good morning and Merry Christmas. I am sure you will love your new toy, they are amazing machines. Enjoy your day. Tracey R x

  3. Oh that looks like it will be a lot of fun to play with.
    sandra de @4

  4. Lo and behold I did a scheduled "look what I got" post too! I daren't ask how much the oxides cost but seem quite happy with my basic pads just now, even used them this week! Hope you had a good Christmas and enjoy your new pressy. BJ#7

  5. Happy WOYWW. Now I am jealous. Been considering the same purchase for myself many times since the Scan n' Cut was introduced. Only the cost (and my wish to get my credit card paid off) and the huge library of images for the Silhouette Cameo machine (I owned one for a few years, but had to sell it last year to help pay a large vets bill) that I have has put me off so far. Will be interested to see what you think of it. I have two Distress Oxide pads - and haven't played with them enough. I used them in a craft workshop and they are worth the cost. Ali x#9

  6. I’m sorry. I’m late today. Didn’t realise it was Wednesday! Looks like you were on Santa’s good list. I imagine you will have lots of fun with that when you can find it a home. Wishing you a very Happy New Year my friend and hoping we can all enjoy many more fun times together.
    Annie x

  7. Hi Julia, You'll have fun with that.

    Happy WOYWW
    Sue #11

  8. Hi Julia, I'm a bit like Helen and not sure what day it is actually I'm never quite sure what day it is Lol! since I retired! but then I don't need to anymore as every day is a holiday ....well a craft day actually. Nice new toy to play with. Look forward to seeing the results. Have a great woyww, Angela xXx

  9. Sorry Julia that's Angela x12x not with it this morning!

  10. Hi Julia, fabulous new toy! You'll get hours of fun from it, and more die cuts than you know what to do with, lol. Seriously, if you ever have questions or issues, a US forum I'm on, called Splitcoast Stampers, has a huge thread (under the Tool & Product Talk section) on this machine, so lots of knowledgeable people on there. Hope you enjoy your day today, love & hugs, Shaz Xxx #13

  11. Hi Julia, you'll love the Scan N Cut. I used mine to make Hubby's birthday card (blogged on Christmas Day). I should get it out more often. My tip would be to have it somewhere where you can use it without having to do more than open up the top. If it's easily accessible you'll use it far more frequently. It's brilliant for cutting out decoupage sheets! Sarah #14

  12. LOL, perhaps that's why they're called "distress" inks - because of the price - never thought of that! Yippee for your Scan and Cut! I did it in the opposite order and got a Big Shot! I realized that the two cutting systems (manual and electric) are not mutually exclusive but complimentary! You'll have so much fun with that! Happy playing in 2018! xx

  13. WOW...that will be a fun learning experience and magical designs to have some great creative days. And I can't wait for the post on any set up, and advice.
    It's my age I'm sure, but I am starting to shy away from "New" innovation. I purchased a Bose radio...have yet to watch the video on it's use. My only regret is that the remote does not light up. Never expected it to even have a remote. DA. Like I said it is an age thing. I was top in my class even over the guys in Mechanical abilities, and have kept up nicely with this computer age but the new method of "Symbols" totally baffles me. Have fun and make it conveniently accessible. Can't wait to see all the new ideas. Enjoy your time with the NEW YEAR Holiday. Here, we are just wanting to keep warm. Baby it's cold outside.

  14. Good morning Julia.
    Oh wow, I am so happy to see that machine on your desk! That was my Christmas present from Mr M. Opened, plugged in and installed as soon as we got home! If it's as good as every one says it is, then I can't wait to have a proper play! I've not bought distress oxides yet - but I have tickets to craft shows in February and March so who knows... maybe a little spending spree then! Have a wonderful new year, and best wishes for 2018, Heather #17

  15. All I can say is ....WOW!
    you must have been a VERY good girl.....
    All the very best for 2018
    Christine #18

  16. A most excellently gift. I use mine to cut out stamped images. Is supposed to be good for fabric but I haven’t tried it yet. Have a wonderful week and share what you make with your new toy. April

  17. What a fun new toy!! I can't wait to hear your report and see what you create! (I know you'll fit it in!!) I love the Distress Oxides; but--and this can't be just me--don't use them that much since I don't have all the colors yet. But I have a gift card from Christmas that should remedy that nicely.
    I wish you and Mr. D the Happiest and Healthiest of New Years!!
    -K #22

  18. May you have as much fun as my friend from your Scan n Cut. She loves hers and I must tell you she is IT challenged but has worked herself a storm with this machine.
    I was lucky with my DO's as I demonstrated them a couple of times and what I dem I get to keep. I do know where the best prices are though. Love them but I still love my DI's even more.
    Have a wonderful year ahead and may it be a very healthy one for you and yours.
    Hugs, Neet xx
    ps and may it be one in which we meet again

  19. I have read that people who have that machine just love what they do with it :) YAY for you! hope the shifting and reorganizing is going well so you can play with it soon!

    you probably don't want to read this, but I have played with my oxide inks more than my regular distress since I got them so, those are worth watching for sales on for sure.
    ~Stacy #23

  20. Hi lovely peeps - sorry to have been AWOL for such a long time. Glad to be able to come out and play with you all again. Blessings for the rest of the holiday, and 2018 xx

  21. oh a new toy!!!! Wonderful! Thank you so much for hosting again and sharing your new gift, I cannot wait to see what comes from this!!! Laurie # 26

  22. Happy New Year, Julia! What a lovely gift sitting on your desk - it must have been very hard to have had to wait until Christmas! Here's wishing you a wonderful and crafty New Year! Lindart #25

  23. Whooo hooo - I love mine :) Enjoy playing when you get the chance and Happy New Year to you xxx

  24. Well, golly, Julia, now you'll be too busy being creative with your new toy to get into trouble! Perish the thought! But, seriously, enjoy, enjoy, enjoy! I understand they are faberino!! I can't make out what color your DOxies are. Email me, please and let me know. I have extras that I will send to you. What's that? Yes, possibly I ordered some, forgot, and ordered some more. So? Happy New Cheers to you!! Hugs, Darnell

  25. Wow! I bet you'll find a place for that! I've heard lots of good about it! And no tree, I just took it down. LOL! Hope you have a wonderful new year!
    Carol N #20

  26. I got a new printer which somehow pales into significance now that I've seen this. Look forward to hearing how you get on with it ... once you've found a space for it, of course. I haven't even got any Distress Oxides - being even more frugal than you. I've decided I have to make better use of what I've got before I can justify buying more. There's not a lot on my desk, not enough to make a great feature of it this week, and though the Christmas tree is still up I thought, as nature has been doing a great job of decorating my garden, I'd share something a little fresher instead. Hope you have a wonderful Hogmanay! Hugs, Elizabeth x #27

  27. How sad is it that when the thumbnail of your picture popped up on my reading list that I knew exactly what was in the box! Totally jealous, one year I will get one, when I have somewhere to use it!


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