
Sunday 10 January 2016

Show and Tell

This is overdue. See, I put them in the conservatory so that I could photograph them in good light. And that was it. For the next week it was just grey and horrid. At last though, we've had a window of clear sky, and so I made hay. Thank You to all and every one of you that took the trouble to send us a card at Christmas. For the first time ever, hand made outnumbered the bought, which was wonderful! Feast your eyes then...

Debbie - Tattered Rocks
Claire - HamnMule
Kim  - Kim's Creations
Shaz - Silverwolfcards-shaz
Kyla - L'ilpidge

Wipso - Astitchintime

Twiglet - twiglet5

Helen - stampingbyH
Nikki -  graphixanddesign
Elizabeth - silverscrapper
Diane - Pixies
There are a few more...they'll have to go on a separate post, Blogger really isn't liking the picture heavy quality of this post! Aren't they each amazeballs. So much inspiration! Colouring cutting, glittering. Thank you.


  1. you've reminded me that I should have done one of these too...(I've put them away now!) I love that black and white one from Debbie, but everyone's are gorgeous. I shall have to up my game next (this) year!

  2. What super cards Julia - such variety.
    Toni xx

  3. What a lovely variety of cards you received.

    Hope you have a good day. Sue

  4. All so different and lovely!

  5. Morning Julia, what a lovely selection of cards. Isn't it always such a joy to receive handmade cards. Barbxx

  6. Well worth the wait! Each is lovely, and this adds further proof why I'm not known for card making.

  7. Hi Julia, all awesome cards, I agree. So loved Debbie's tag, I got enabled into the tree die, but then I'm just a pushover,lol. Love & hugs Xxx

  8. They look wonderful and congrats on more handmade then store bought that's amazing :)

  9. Thanks for showing these lovely cards.All gorgeous keepsakes.

  10. What a wonderful lot of cards! Such talent

  11. Such a fun variety of cards! Thanks for sharing.

  12. A lovely assortment of cards Julia.

  13. These are all lovely and so glad you were able to finally share them. :)

  14. I love the cards - I have to admit the one that caught my eye was the Christmas trees one at the bottom of the post - and it was made by little pixie Di :) That woman has so much talent.
    Of course, what astounded me more than all the beautiful cards (you lucky lady!) was the fact that you used the word... 'amazeballs'. Why I found this so extraordinary I have no idea - but it certainly put a smile onto my face :)

  15. Hi Julia, I've been meaning to take photos and post mine too. So nice to receive so many lovely handmade cards - love the variety. Hugs, Elizabeth xx

  16. Lovely cards Julia - wish I had had the time to make and send one too.
    Hugs, Neet xx

  17. A wonderful collection of handmade cards! I recognise some of these from people's blogs. A nice reminder of last Christmas, but as the advert says "Merry Back to Normal"!


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