
Friday 26 July 2013

Things to do..

  • Make up job bags and cutting sheets for business orders that came in this week: this helps with scheduling and let's face it, a customer likes to know 'when'.
  • Bring July up to date in terms of book-keeping: this will help next week when the VAT return needs to be submitted.
  • More work on personal tax returns : because it's easier in small chunks, and doesn't make me so resentful of my time! 
  • Telephone various people: really, customers, people I'm planning to work for and even my sainted parents - this is not a difficult thing!
  • Food shopping for the weekend: before the weekend would be better, huh!
  • Unpack and put away after yesterday's workshops: as in, stop tripping over and moving the tote bag around the room and just deal with it.
  • Hang out some washing: I can hear the machine spinning as I type, and let's face it, there's always another load to do.
  • Encourage some tidying and hoovering in Miss Dunnit's bedroom: which really comes another load of laundry.
  • Take Miss Dunnit to town for a couple hours birthday shopping (hers).  If her day off really isn't going to be spent languishing in bed.
  • Hhhhhhhousework: how do the spiders get in and why do they repeat cobweb work so fast?  
  • Samples for new workshops: the Autumn schedule has been published.  You are committed.  Get on with it.
  • Grass needs cutting: since it rained this week, the damn stuff is growing again.
  • At least start the Gelli printing course: I think I've talked the talk for long enough, huh.
  • Finish crocheting the verticals on the blanket squares: it's perfect 'evening in front of the tv' work, making up the rows.  Crocheting the rows together will wait until I need to be covered in a large blanket!
  • Finish visiting WOYWW blogs: because I want to.
  • Open up  the product that you've been sent to review: Use it and review it.  Simple, huh. wanna explain to me why I've chosen this morning to embark on a couple of sewing projects?  Neither of them have any sort of priority.  I hate sewing on my workdesk but the dining table is in the conservatory and that's too hot. Using the desk means a bit of clearing - although as you can see..I haven't done much.  The situation is apparently so temporary that it wasn't worth even that effort! So it's not even convenient.  
Answers, please, if you know  -  and more crucially, if you can cure me! 


  1. There's nothing like procrastinating with a good bit of faff fing around. Maybe it's a built in instinct to protect happiness. If the world ends in the next hour you can approach the Pearly Gates with a smile on your face and a pretty fabric in your hand.

  2. If you want a job doing ask a busy person eh? what was it I wanted you to do? Enjoy your day.
    A x

  3. Just dive in and tick each job off as you go - think how good you will feel at the end of that lot!! x Jo

  4. I am cursed with the same affliction. Will be interested in the responses. I fear there may be many more than the two of us in this situation. I have just sat and cut out the pattern pieces for a dress that I don't even have fabric for yet!

  5. Sounds like me. Plans and organizing then starting something different! When you like to create there are endless possibilities and always tempting little devils!

    If you use quicken for your finances then it is so easy to do year end. I am sure there is a UK equivalent.

  6. Beyond my ability to cure you, Julia you see suffer from same problem, doing the jobs which happen to take my fancy but not necessarily a priority. I too have such lists lying around half down in piece meal fashion.., but we do get some done so that should be focus I guess :D Shaz in Oz.x who had not time for WOYWW this week, but still doing little blogging.

  7. Think l'll go for a lie down after reading your 'to do' list! I don't write mine down and that's probably why l flit round like a confused bee.

    Thanks so much for the cards you sent with Jan, they are greatly appreciated. We have a good stash of mixed items now, all of which are wonderful and should raise plenty. It's just down to us to sell them now, "Roll up, Roll up........"

    Good luck with your list xx

  8. Aside from being a crafter I earn a full time living as a Senior Project do lists are my life. My Hubby hates my lists, as they invariably have something on there that HE needs to do..ha ha ha. Love the pretty fabric..I envy anyone who has a sewing machine, as I had to leave mine at home. My cure for you is ignore it all, sew, make stuff and have a glass of wine :) Cx

  9. Dear oh dear oh dear but I do understand and know what you mean.... I have a list of things I need to do, but somehow end up avoiding them!!!!! It must be the rebel in us!!

  10. I have not found a cure for peeps like you and me...but some how the busier we are the more we get done, so just keep adding to the list...somehow this works! As for why you have added the machine to your thinks this is a temporary measure to get something not so important done as a stalling tack tick to make the rest really important so you eventually get round to doing them sooner rather than later!

  11. Lists are meant to be written and then ignored, are they not? I am sure that is the case... I can imagine (having sat in it) just how hot your conservatory must be at the moment, so I don't blame you for shifting to your workdesk.
    I do hope you get some items ticked off your list before they become redundant (like shopping for the weekend, for example!) At least you can cool down in the freezer sections..

  12. oh blimey I TOTally get where you're coming from! I have lists of lists but it isn't helping - what we really need is elastic days, that would solve everything :o)

  13. No cure from here, I am very sorry. If anyone finds one, can you pass it on to me, please. I am struggling to finish a card for tomorrow (oops, it is today now) for the arrival of a baby who was actually born in early May. I still have her present to wrap, and sort out the unstitching of the seam for the little jacket I decided to knit for her. I dare not make a list of all the things I am procrastinating about as it would depress me too much. Good luck with your list. xx Maggie

  14. Dear me, Julia, I'm exhausted just reading your to-do list, so much so I think I'm going to have to lie down for an hour or so! Seriously, now you've blogged that list you do realise you are going to have to work your way through it ... there's a hundred or so of us avid followers to nag you to death if you don't :) And, given my predilection for all things fabric and sewing of late, I'm the last person to offer a curative, and anyway it's pretty fabric so why not? :) Hugs, Elizabeth xx

  15. Oh dear Julia - sounds bad - but take heart, you are NOT alone. My to do list hangs on the wall - then I make another one for each day - then another one as the paper gets filled up - then of course, if we are going away, there is another list, so I don't forget vital stuff like hubby's medicines (believe you me, we have done!!!) I'm not sure there is much of an answer - except that we are women, and can multi-task. So we end up stirring the custard, whilst holding the baby, and probably hovering, all at the same time!! hope you managed to tick off a few of the items yesterday...

  16. While in grad school, which was before I turned most of my home into a craft space, I had to clean it SPOTLESS before I could sit down to do homework of any kind. It was an obsession I couldn't explain and couldn't avoid. Sadly, I can't cure you, but I know what helped me. I've changed my lifestyle. Graduating, turning to art after all those years studying my chosen career, and learning to enjoy life even more than before helped my obsession.

    You already enjoy life more than most, so I'm not sure what the cure is for you (grin).

  17. Now that's a long todo list!!! When faced with a long list, the brain will always be attracted to something more fun :-) prioritise your todo list so you have more time for the crafty stuff.

    Thank you so much for the lovely comment you left on my blog. I appreciated the kind words and encouragement

    Hugs Lisa xxxx <3

  18. Ah the lists, I'd be lost without them, I also add hoovering, dog walking & other little things I do daily, it makes me feel much better when something is crossed off the list :D That is one heck of a list there, hope you get it done & still find some time for yourself.
    As for the spiders & their webs, I'm convinced someone goes around the house with fake cobweb spray every night, I rarely see a spider but there's loads of webs lol.
    C xx

  19. procrastination...Girl we are related. I can find 20,000 things to do except the one that I should be doing! Hope your weekend has been good to you! Vickie

  20. You forgot to put "Take a breathe" on that list. I'm exhausted just reading it. I wish I could offer a cure, unfortunately I suffer from a very similar affliction. (((HUGS)))

  21. how do you get companies to send you things to make and review? id love to do that.

    Gill x

  22. I am chuckling, as I am always wondering how the crickets manage to get into my basement! I am TERRIFIED of them, and we can't figure it out. I tink they hide until I go down there and come out just to scare me, and they get a good cricket chuckle.

  23. Always ask a busy person and it will get done that's what they say isn't it?!?!? What we say and what we do are two different things...similar kind of thing really and we're all guilty of that!!! LOL!! Karen x

  24. Ahh yes, the things that must be done, even if they are usually nice ones, suddenly become the least favourite things to do! If you find a cure, let me know, 'kay?

  25. I am always comforted by seeing how many projects you have on the go at once. It makes my random desk feel quite normal although I never get around to making a list. Gorgeous colours for your crochet squares.

  26. I've got a million and one things to do too but don't want to do any of them and thus the to do list gets longer!

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