
Sunday 14 October 2012

The WOYWW Crop

As with most things that I'm involved in, I like to document it in my scrapbook.  And so yesterday the one thing I did ensure to take with me was my camera.  And ask me, dear reader, how many photos did I take?  So many I can't choose from among them, probably. Yeah. Four.  And two of those are so shakey that I can't tell what they are really.  So that goes to my state of mind really.  Shakey.  I collected a trio from the station and that stopped me being shakey because they had already introduced themselves and were getting on perfectly well,  and just piled into the little green rocket and carried on chatting.  Phew.  
A partial  shot of Donna's table, about five minutes after she arrived...

Real life WOYWWers!....L to R: Lisa, Pam, Cardarian photographing Jo, Jan, Helen

Zoe's bag..perfectly packed, perfectly proportioned and yielding enough stuff for more than a day...brilliant!
Jan and G3 and important G had set up the hall while I erm, toiled at the steering wheel.  We arrived almost as the majority arrived. 
LOTS of hugs, instant friendliness, because after all, we know each other don't we. It was so, so nice to see people and know that you're already friends. Important G was a brick, he hung around to take proper photos of us all as a group and it took some doing to stop us faffing! No doubt Jan's blog will be a far better place for photos.  
I've got loads of observations to share about meeting this selection of bloggers, but will take my time in writing them up.  Meanwhile, the knee jerk reaction is this - it was fun, it wasn't nearly as scarey as I thought it would be (although there were a ridiculous number of cameras for a few minutes!). If you're a WOYWWer and wanna be involved in a meet - what's stopping you? Set it up!


  1. Oh what fun we had! Fab pic of my bag, I didn't take one myself but I was rather pleased with just how much stuff I got in there and even more pleased that I managed to get it back in! I really enjoyed it, as you say it was so friendly, full of fun and much giggles and cake...oh and crafting of course! Thank you so much for what you did, for keeping check on me, yes you were right, I did overdo it but hey ho, was worth it, and for my mugs of coffee that you delivered to my desk. Take care lovely lady, hope you got your feet up cos you deserve it! Zo xx

  2. Only four photos shows just how much running around you were doing, no doubt making sure everyone else was happy, comfortable and had everything they needed. Will have to stalk Jan's blog now! The hall looks nice and bright too, not what I imagined at all. Hope you get to put your feet up today, Jan too.


  3. Even more envious now that I see your pics, looks like you had a great turnout - so glad you did. I agree with the others, hope you have put your feet up today, if only for an hour or so! Crafty hugs, Anne x

  4. A most outstanding day, start to finish. Excellent company, inspiring (if small) workdesks, phenomenal food (way too many cakes!) and chatter galore. Next time we must all bring laptops and iPads and Skype in the far-flung WOYWW-er who couldn't make it :) Such a joy to put names to faces (real names and blog names) and too too much fun not to have another.

    So when will that be?

    Thanks ever so much to J x 2 - You done good.

    Mary Anne

  5. It sounds like a brilliant day as it was bound to be, WOYWWer's are such nice people. I'm really glad you all had so much fun and can't wait to see more piccies!!
    Hugs Lisax

  6. It was a wonderful day, you did really well. I'm sure the accolades will be flooding in all week!! I'm still eating cake and far too lazy to have investigated what I caught on camera though I think there might be one of you and sock monkey..... thanks to you and Jan for a great day. Cindy x

  7. The hall looks huge and lovely and bright!
    Everyone looks so happy and smiling!
    That bag is packed to perfection! I like to have enough for leftovers too, otherwise I worry I will run out of things to do (that happened to me once).
    Sounds like perfect day was had by all!!!

  8. Oh it sounds/looks like you guys had so much fun!! I wished I lived closer (like on the other side of the world!) I would have been there!! There aren't many (or any) WOYWWers where I live. Hmmm, maybe I see a trip in my future!!

    Glad you guys had a blast!!

  9. Yes, yes yes it was fantastic - as one of the trio you collected (and as importantly, returned!) from/to the station - once again, thanks to you and Jan (plus G and G3 for the set up/clear up) for all the hard work - fantastic food - what a lunch, I was expecting a curly cheese sandwich.... and the cakes - fab-u-lous dahling!! Please please do it again, I'll be there... and it was wonderful to meet you, Jan and the WOYWWers who could make it. MWAH!!

  10. I was thinking about you all yesterday. I'm so glad everyone had a great time! I know the jumpiness though -- I was so excited for Di's visit to New Mexico!!! Then you wonder what the person will be like in REAL life! It was perfect for us though.

    So glad you had a great time.


  11. Have just looked at all the fab photos on Jan's blog. It looks like you all had an amazing day. How special to meet all those crafty girls in day I will join you!!!
    A x

  12. This looks like the perfect event. I'm sure I'll see even more photos on others' blogs, too. It was a lovely turn-out and a great way to meet fellow bloggers in person. Takes all the fear out of meeting someone that way!

    I'm SO glad you had a good time.

  13. What fun! It really does look like the perfect way to spend a Saturday. x Jo

  14. Sounds like you had the most fab time which is brilliant. So glad it all went well. Hugs, Buttons x

  15. Julia this truly was a wonderful day that I am sooo pleased to have been a little part of. You and Jan did a super job of organising yesterday and it all went off soo well. It was fun meeting lovely peeps that we see on our blogging travels. And all because of YOU and Jan!
    Thanks Honies.

  16. Can't imagine you shakey, doll, you are so well loved!! I'm so happy the event was even more better than everyone had imagined! Hope you have yourself a good decompression day today!!

  17. Yes,Yes,Yes a brilliant day. great company, great lunch, great projects being made,great fun. You and LLJ all worked so hard. My handyman enjoyed his cakes too

  18. It was a fabulous day, you both worked so hard, the food was great as was the company. Thanks for driving me to the shop too! time you pass a scrap bin.......have a look, you may see a kyla lurking ready to dive in and rummage!

  19. All the comments I have seen give it a massive thumbs up... and yes, I am seriously jealous that everyone got to go and meet up and have cake and giggles! Don't think my Mum would have appreciated me jetting off and leaving her after not seeing her for a year though... I will make one of the future ones though... I will!!

  20. Sounds like it was a lot of fun!! Wish I could have been there! I would have taken loads of photos, but that's really my thing, lol!

  21. Looks like you had a GREAT day! Wish us Aussie WOYWWers could have been there too :)

  22. It looks like you all had a fantastic day (I popped over to Jan's to check out the photos :o)) and I'm so envious. I can't imagine you being nervous! Nothing stopping us. We may just be organising a mini meet of our own. So glad that yours was such a success xx

  23. Oooh looks and sounds like you all had a fabulous time!

  24. Looks like it was well worth all the work you put into it. All I can say is maybe next time!


  25. It looks like it was great deal of fun, and so should have been there... can you do it again , on a sunday pleeeeaaase?! Question is did you do any creating? Then I could get to meet you!!!!
    Have a great day
    Hugs x

  26. You've started something now Julia (and Jan) . . . everyone wants another go!

    Looks like you all had a delightful day.

  27. so pleased it went well,am sad i missed it but glad you all had a good time,x

  28. Glad everything went smoothly for the first woyww crop.

  29. Oh Julia! I cannot for one minute ever have believe you would be nervous or jittery in anyway. You come across as a natural who would shine in this habitat - I know it's definitely my cup of tea - I can imagine me 'working the room' LOL LOL.... (my infant school teacher says I used to do it when I was 5 - i've never changed)!!! It just sounds like you had a blast and not a bad word can be said about it - all very successful because of YOU and YOUR WOYWW... you started it and look at the success. You are uniting women across the globe and in the uk. If you would have admitted to being nervous of me, I would have pee'd myself...(sorry)!

    I really wish I was there - and definitely would like to go to a next one (are you up for another just yet)!!! Still unsure about whether I'll be at the NEC, but I know deep in my heart that we are destined to meet. You've made the last 2 years bearable for me. More than you know!

    Cakes eh? Put my name down!

    Going to look at Jan's pics... I'd have been so busy talking that I'd have had fewer pics than you - it's been known!!!

    big massive hugs - so glad that everyone enjoyed their day - three cheers to you, Jan and all involved in making the day the success that it was.

    Paula x x x x

  30. it was fun wasn't it, and as I said to Morti

    I'll be back

    was it really 5 minutes? I thought I could go from clean to chaos in ten seconds - must be getting old....


  31. Looks like a great day. Is that your new hidden craft room tee hee. Wish we could have one here

  32. It sounds like you all had an amazing time Julia. I can’t help wondering thought if any work actually got done or if the whole day was spent chatting........ot that I would blame you all, Lol!
    Happy Crafting!

  33. What a day you gave us and how we all appreciate all you did to make it so special, fun, exciting, delicious, fattening and crafty. We ate, nattered, drank tea and coffee, nattered, crafted a bit, nattered, laughed, swapped ideas and skills, nattered,oooh did I say ate cakes and superb hot food too and won prizes!!!..... well you get the picture. It was a wonderful memorable day and we now MUST have another if only to placate all the poor green eyed monsters lurking out there who didn't make it.
    Thanks so, so, so much, it was worth every inch and minute of the journey!
    Jo x

  34. Looked like you had so much fun! So looking forward to reading more about it tomorrow on people's WOYWW blogs! Congrats to you and LLJ for all that hard work!

  35. Sounds and looks as though you had a great day ...I know how much work it all is ...I used to be part of a team that did a 12 hr Christmas crop (I was cook) realizes just how much one puts into a thing like that...until they do it.Wish i could have been there ...well done to you and your team you need to sleep for a week. xx

  36. Glad you all had a wonderful time. Pity you can't post cake to me! Ali x

  37. How exciting! I would have loved to be there!!!! Ok now to hunt for pictures on other blogs!!! It's going to be like a treasure hunt! Unless you post links to WOYWW bloggers who were there!!! Patsy from

  38. Glad everyone enjoyed it.



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