
Saturday 19 May 2012

Gettin' a theme going...

So, the house was quiet, everything that could wait was waiting and I arrived at my desk for the first time this week.  And tidied a bit.  Filed my nails with the stray emery board.  Wrote a couple of notes.  Tested a couple of ink pads that have been in question and ruthlessly tossed them in the bin.  And realised that I was completely wasting my time.  Didn't want to do anything inky.  Possibly because there's other stuff waiting.  So I was very grown up and moved away from my desk, so as not to waste time.   Got out my sewing machine (second time in ten days) and used scraps of fabric and scraps of foam to make a suitcase for my iPad. 
I lost the will to live after I'd done the actual 'folio' - which is a big pocket with 1" foam in it, then a stitched 'spine' and then another pocket with foam.  Simple.  So instead of a proper closure, I just made a couple of belly bands.  
I'm not terribly precious about the iPad at home - it has a 'cover' that snaps on the back much like a phone because it makes it a bit thicker and therefore easier for my pudgies to hold it.  Generally it's on the deckchair on my desk or on the coffee table in front of my armchair. It could do with a 'sleeve' type cover really, but of course, I didn't factor that.... But as summer approaches (please, please let it turn up), so we will be going away, and anything that involves an airport, suitcases or a car journey will require some careful packing to protect the screen.  Mr Dunnit suggested I leave it behind. I tried to explain, really I did.  The fabric and foam were left over from another job that I've been attempting, and don't worry, I'll force that on you too at a moment when you think I've forgotten!
Have a great weekend.  


  1. ...way hey tis jubilee-tastic!...your endeavours are rewarded with this rather fabby patriotic case to be proud of...super makings Julia...Mel :)

  2. Love the case, I'd love an ipad to go in one, lol! Hope you are feeling more inky today!

  3. I just love the stories Julia, you tell it as it is,a bit like myself really. Anyway, I think your case is fantastic and there will be only one like it too. my craft room is still unuseable ,but I'm champing at the bit to get going again. Maybe Monday with a bit of luck. Enjoy your week-end. Hugs Rita xx

  4. I'm amazed that you were not in an inky mood, but I love that patriotic looking holder. It will surely do the trick and hold your most precious iPad.

    Now go have some fun in the (hopefully) sun and revel in your reward! Soon you will be back at your desk and inking away.

  5. Love how British your little apple case is, I have one of the apple foldy uppy ones that let's you position your it but need something more protective when out and about...want to share ;-) xx

  6. Hi Julia, with me being absolutely besotted with things British at the moment I love, love, love your holder. I want one so much now - and I don't even have an i-pad thingy!! It is certainly worth all the effort you put into it. Anne x

  7. DH bought me an iPad yestrday and I bought some of the same fabric you used for your suitcase!!! How odd an d weird is that? |Spooky, so he's telling me it need a cover and I see your 's. The fabric was going to be shopping bags for gifts but who knows now???
    JoZarty x

  8. Love it julia, your cover is just right & so very british . Have a lovely weekend

  9. Julia, love anything patriotic no matter what the country. Very creative...

  10. what a great idea!
    I have had to start a new blog I hope you will find me again, I'm starting brand new, I have called it when the bough BROKE, my blog was wped out when a nasty virus attacked us, we had Norton but it wasn't enough, I starting again, !!!

  11. Brilliant! I hope you (and your ipad) have a lovely (safe and cosy) holiday!!

  12. This is just amazing Julia! Love the pattern :)

  13. Great jumper for your iPad. Love the fabric. What is your hubby thinking, of course you need it!!!!!

  14. Thank you for welcoming me to my first WOYWW. What a very fun idea it is to spy on others' workspace. Imagine my surprise that many are as messy as mine. Now maybe there will be a contest to see who is messiest!! Charlotte

  15. A perfect cover for travelling with, you can identify it easily and it's visualy pleasing. Tell Mr D to just weap, you need your ipad regardless and there is always wifi connections too. I took my computer to Malaysia from Australia and was so glad that I did.


  16. Is the man mad ? Leave the IPad at home !
    I would need surgery to have it removed first Julia.
    My next door neighbour bought me a fab cover from Next for mine it's got an old typewriter on the front.
    You can see it on my desk on the banner of my blog.
    The iPad deckchair was a great idea of yours and is a permanent fixture on my desk now.
    Have a good holiday
    One I Made Earlier Today

  17. Julia this is a brilliant idea, and I think the belly bands are an excellent solution to fasten the pocket. You really are a very talented lady. Michelle x

  18. How terribly British Julia...its brilliantly patriotic. You are a talented lady. Ahh...if only I had an ipad (sigh)

    I think I could use a belly band!

    By the way a little birdie told me that your summer may be arriving next week! :D

    Hope your weekend went well and you have a great crafty week ahead!

  19. What an awesome suitcase for your iPad. Very clever. Thanks for the comments on my artwork. I would have replied directly but you are set as a no-reply blogger =(

  20. How very apt...fab creation Julia.

    Toni xx

  21. So cool! love it. Leave it behind?? what is Mr D thinking?? xx

  22. Well that looks rather fantastic Ma'am! I'm leaving mine at home next week - huzzah (but it does mean that I will miss the anniversary WOYWW)...

  23. "lost the will to live" BWAHAHAHAHAH!

    PS: If you ever want to STOP being a no-reply-blogger, do this:

  24. Darling - this is sooooo 'en-trend' (getting fed up with hearing that term....)

    Love it - so clever and best of all- it's made by you and no one else has one like it...

    big hugs

    Paula x x x

  25. Jubilicious! Very smart indeed. x Jo

  26. Love the Patriotic Colors and a fun project..I just posted on my new tablet and the cover I made from old placemats. Enjoy

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