
Tuesday 10 April 2012

So there was a Crop

Now y'all know that I'm a grumpy old woman of a certain age and hormone-ity. (I don't CARE if it isn't a word, it should be.) See? And most of you know that I have the same vexing duties as billions of other women - what to have for supper, the housework dilemma, the parental guilt, the...oh my...I can't keep going. Seeing it all in writing makes me want to lie down and dribble. Suffice to say that I know that I'm a grown up now, and now and then, I even believe myself. 
So what's this got to do with Saturday's fun Crop?  Well,  I made five Layouts.  FIVE.  12345!  Oh, yeah baby, I was productive.  
Having told Mary Anne that the original position of the title (all ON the doily) wasn't an issue for me, Miss Dunnit complained about its legibility, so I graciously moved it.  Nice, aren't I.
So I'm pretty sure that makes me the WINNER!  And no, I don't doubt that any of my friends even knew that it was a competition, but secretly, it was.    
Now, because I'm the winner, I want you to promise me something.  When I die (tragically, dramatically and noisily, I imagine), will you hold a retrospective of my winning scrapbook pages?  And will you stand and gaze at them, and in reverential tones will you please discuss my complete inability to apparently stick things on straight?  Good grief.


  1. I frequently put things at a purposeful angle because I am unable to get things straight.

  2. It is a good thing the boss has gone out cos I laughed out loud when I read the end of your post... yes we will!
    I also have a problem sticking things on straight except when I mean to go wonky....I refuse to measure things.
    I do like the layouts though.

  3. Wow, well done you - five! (I don't think I've done 5 this year LOL).

    Hope you got Mr D sorted with his phone.

    Toni xx

  4. you did make me laugh with your last comment,anyway that certain not quite straight angle shows that your projects are handmade with love,x

  5. What should we wear for the reverential occasion? I do hope it's decades and decades away.

    You do make me laugh.

  6. @ Carmen. It's ok - I'm doing the laying out for Julia. So it's going to be American Tan tights, lots of sparkly purple, Bet Lynch-type earrings etc. She's promised to do the same for me. What are friends for, eh?? BUT I'm going to make her walk up a hill, cos I want to be scattered to the winds on top of West Kennet Long Barrow. She promised :D
    PS I'm wearing red to the wake!!

  7. What's "straight" mean? xxx

  8. Oh, I love the pic of Jenny and Becky and all that red - loving their hair too. You made me laugh out loud with your last comment.....I always put my things on wonky now because I can't do 'straight' either. Well done on doing 5 layouts though, you get a gold star for that!

  9. Ah, but the delightful part is, this is the TRUE definition of GRUNGE. Straight may be overly rated, anyway. And of course, we will need to add your sense of humor to that final post, too (grin).

  10. ...your post made for a delightful read and cheered me up after a poopy day!...loVely makes...Mel :)

  11. Does this mean they are buried with you? Or will be be fire and brimstone!

  12. I shall come to the retrospective, but only to comment on your stunning handwriting.

    This reminds me of my 6 year old daughter, who runs upstairs shouting "it's not a race, it's not a race", until she gets to the top, when all of a sudden it was a race after all and she's won......

  13. Five you say - well I can only see TWO. Where are the other 3 then?

    Love the graffiti one, sort of thing I like to scrap. We've a wonderful painting on a wall near Sutton station and I did that one.

    You'll get to see my latest page "tomorrow".......... BJ

    PS I love your approach to life, just down my alley and I'm dreadfully hormoneity RIGHT NOW!

  14. Of course it was a race! One you won graciously I am sure...NSM! (quote Mario unquote - Not So Much that is...)

  15. I have never drawn or cut a straight line in my life and if thats because I am left handed well so be it.
    Here's to all us creative wobbly people.

  16. You make me smile! Live a long time and keep being funny! :D

  17. Crazy Mad Woman!:) who made the rule that stuff has to be straight.
    Ps. my ashes are going up in a BIG firework

  18. Well done you that's quite an achievement :0))
    and they are great pages too
    know where you are coming from with hormone-ity
    definitly a word

  19. Number good, staightability - totally rubbish, woman!!! Thought I was seeing things til you fessed up!!! Tee hee

    ps if you can make up a word, so can I!!

  20. Straight is so over-rated. I am looking forward to the retrospective. Will there be tea? And biscuits? And spirited drinks? To go with our spirited discussions!

  21. Five - I'm super impressed and with your made up word! and straight, what is straight?? I have no clue!?! Once again you have made me smile - lots! xx

  22. ohoo it's that door... hmmm I need a door.

  23. Hilarious Julia - I don't even do layouts let alone work so well at not lining things up straight. Di xx

  24. Isn't wonky the new straight? ;)
    What a giggle!

  25. you may be the winner, but I was right.

    I liked it a lot but I love it now. And I thought I did well to do three. Doh!

    Mary Anne

  26. Loved this post! I have a dirge all ready for that distant(hopefully) day.

  27. well, great post, but no way are you going to "die tragically, dramatically and noisily, quite yet....!!! I need you around darlinka...xxxxx dramatics, darling, dramatics...xxxx

  28. Loving you LO's. What a great shot for the graffiti!

  29. you crack me up, yup, definatly a winner:)


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