
Friday 16 December 2011

Motivation to do: gift wrapping

There comes a point in December when you start to visit, party and see the people you want to celebrate the season with, but who you won't actually spend 'the day' with. This often causes the wrapping of gifts in time to head out of the door...which leaves a deposit of rolled paper, scissors, tape and a pile of strung labels...they take up room man, and for a while you have to sort of move around them. And then there's nothing else you can do. Drag out the gifts and just get on with it. Get another large tick on the list, tidy away the papers and blah and enjoy the sight of your life savings wrapped like jewels and under the tree for as long as possible! That's what I've been doing. No blogging, housework chores, phone chats or lounging about. Thursday, after lunch, I wrapped. And today, from lunch time again, I wrapped. I wrapped until my hips ached. Oh yes, you read that correctly...I sat on the sofa and used the whole coffee table...and the leaning forward and down made my hips ache. I didn't know that of course, until I sprang up to answer the phone very nearly passed out from the effort!

I really had no idea that it would take so long; even though it catches me out every year - like writing the cards...why is that? The reward, apart from the obvious one, which I acknowledge of course, is the family reaction. Mr Dunnit came home; I bemoaned the lack of tidiness, getting other stuff done, etc etc, and he put it very simply: 'so what' he said, ' it looks amazingly Christmassy'. I'll take that.
Have a lovely, getting ready weekend!

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  1. Ditto here...I said I'd start doing mine last week...still playing leapfrog with all the bags at the mo...and boy you're right, it takes yonks. After four Cds and a million folded corners, it soon loses it's festive vibe. My hubby has even gone and bought a Scotch wrist tape dispenser after all the previous year. It's a sign of something when even a fella wants pre-cut tape! Your loot under the tree looks fabulous - enjoy indeed! Happy weekending

  2. LOL, I understand, the wrapping till it hurts thingy...I sat on the floor to wrap mine and I was seriously in pain when I stood up! Wrapping paper, scissors and tape are sitting on top of the exercise that say something?

  3. Mr. Dunnit is very looks amazingly Christmassy. Happy holidays

  4. There is nothing so Christmassy as a pile of beautifully wrapped gifts... Mr Dunnit is a very smart man by recognising this and ignoring the state of the house!! ;) I have to stand to wrap.. don't know why... just get the pile and stand there till its done... well, when I get round to doing it, that it!! LOL

  5. This did make me laugh in recognition of the 'frozen in place' phenomenon - but you did great and those parcels look very festive :) Di xx

  6. loving your pile of christmas yumminess although I also find it a big chore but hey great feeling when it's all done and dusted...hugs kath xxx

  7. Sounds like your list(s) are working - think mine are buried somewhere under all the heaps of 'to do' stuff LOL

    Hope the hips are easing and well done for getting stuck in.

    Toni xx

  8. I ended up at the doctors with a very bad back - he said what were you doing on the Sunday that would involve kneeling or crouching etc. I was very embarrassed to admit I was wrapping Christmas presents - oops.The tablets helped :0)
    Enjoy Christmas x

  9. I agree with your husband! So What! Merry Christmas!

  10. Yes, what a fabulous pile of parcels! I find it hard to wrap neatly - could you come and do mine for me?!! Well done you and don't worry about the housework.

  11. With me it's the back that goes. Always say I will sit down, but wrapping is like stamping, you can't do it sitting down - well I cant anyway.
    All my presents are up in the loft, no room downstairs. Mr B has been up and down the ladder like a fiddler's elbow, up to get the wrapping paper, up to get the tree and decs, up to put the presents out of the way and he has to go up again tomorrow to put the empty tree and decs boxes back before one last trip on Christmas Eve to get the presents down again - are we mad?

  12. It is the tradition in our family that we don't put presents under the tree until Christmas Eve. Actually, the tree doesn't go up until Christmas Eve too. So it came as a surprise to me when I married the EM to find that not only did the tree go up weeks in advance of the big day, but that the presents came out too - still not got accustomed to this. Anyway, I stand up to wrap the presents, but sit to write up the cards, sore back with the former, sore hands with the latter. I still love Christmas though :) Elizabeth x

  13. Bah housework!!! Your parcels look fab and very christmassy. My parcel wrapping is rubbish. It is getting better though! I hope your hips are ok now.xx

  14. Wow, your tree & present pile looks fab Julia, I'm wrapping on Tuesday (when DD is still at school)I'm fed up of wrapping on Christmas eve.
    C xx

  15. Well done. I did all mine today, except the kids' which will have to wait until I buy another roll or two of paper

  16. So true...spent today wrapping when I'd rather be crafting!

  17. Isn't it nice to have all the wrapping done! Yikes, I'd be hurting in quite a few different places if I wrapped sitting on my sofa. I have resorted to gift bags which I have fallen in love with. Just a few tissue papers and throw in the presents! Plus, they can be reused.

    Happy weekend!

  18. Great stuff... its ok when you have older ones who are not expecting that nocturnal visitor in red!!! I can't wrap any yet, as its easier to hide them in plain sight, OUT of crimble paper!!!
    Love and light

  19. I did my rushed wrapping on Friday.... the gifts that need to travel by mail... thank goodness we have flat rate priority boxes that get to their destination in 2 days.... just the thing for procrastinators like me....
    Lovely photo of your gathered gifts.... the effort does make for a nice photo! In answer to your question about what drink I had poised on my WOYWW desk this week: a simple iced tea that took on a red tint due to my inexpert photography. Hee hee. Oh and the game I referred to on my card is "Duck, duck, goose." Kids sit in a circle. One is selected to run around the circle touching heads and saying "Duck, duck, goose." Whoever they touch when they say "goose" must get up and give chase, hoping to catch the "toucher" before he sits back down in the circle. Or else the chaser is now "it." And now you know.... *smile*

  20. you're way ahead of me. Love Mr. Dunnit's response. "So what?" indeed!

  21. Could you not get a stamp in ur handwriting? This thought has just occurred to me and I think its genius cos I always make a mess inside cards and you could stamp the inside at the same time as making the outside then all u have to do is choose and address the envelopen...

  22. Yes, I know what you mean about the wrapping. I usually leave it till the last minute, and it seems to take so long. However, miracle of miracles, I actually did mine yesterday to the accompaniment of Christmas carols and songs CDs with me singing along at the top of my voice, and it was fun !


  23. mm so agre with you there Julia have just madly been wrapping some and more to go too - but it is fun and it does feel lovely to be giving i really enjoy that bit! Love Shaz in oz.x

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