
Friday 2 December 2011

A bit ragged already

I've been going around the WOYWW posts for this week (and I'm still doing that).  It cannot go without a comment -  especially as it is now December.  I've sensed a lot of mild panic about this month.  And a good dose of organisation, shopping, planning.  I'd say that in equal measure, we're really getting on with it!  I also surmise from my very non-scientific reading material that working or not, it is the household's women who plan, shop and deliver Christmas.  
It's all about choices and allocating your time.  If you wanna do JYC or December Daily, ring-fence the time you need..after all, you've done a lot for everyone else all day.  If you wanna do Tim's tags, do 'em.  Or......leave them - maybe until the Christmas break starts.....the twelve days of Christmas actually start on Christmas Day you know.
Whatever you do, be gentle with yourselves this month...collapsing in an exhausted stressed heap on Christmas Eve isn't part of the plan!  As usual, I've only decorated the blog so far. (Thank you LeeLou, for making it possible).  It'll be at least another week before I get the house decorated...and the tree - a bit longer I suspect. 
And because blogging is very much a part of the time I ring fence, you can 'look forward' to  more posts here, after all if I advocate being relaxed and allocating yourself time to do stuff you like, I have to set the example, huh! So far, the only thing that's ragged is the ribbon on this little card! 
Check back....I haven't prepared for Sunday's crop yet.


  1. I'm not panicking... I don't decorate the flat (can't get to the corners, lol! and where would a tree go...) at least I won't be there at Christmas... and I will make some more cards this weekend!
    I love the look to your blog, I noticed it yesterday when I came back to "attack" some more WOYWWs...

  2. Jolly sensible. I refuse to panic about Christmas. Present shopping isn't that much of a stress, cooking, well it is one or two meals and why fuss, it is family not the Queen who will be eating it. Cards, well what I make I make and the rest will be bought and decorating and craft is a treat and so will be fun.

  3. I refuse to panic. I do what I can and what I can't do doesn't get done :-) It should be a time of family and love and there will be plenty of that by the bucket loads this Christmas. Stay chilled out and enjoy the ride I say :-)
    A x

  4. I can't do much as I suffer from M.E. so panic is not really an option! I am only making as many Christmas cards as I can manage and have bought pressies online. My husband is brilliant and does most things for me. I love Christmas so just go with it and enjoy!

  5. I love your Christmassy blog!! And thanks for the words of encouragement about doing things you love! Thanks for visiting my blog too:)

  6. I had to put everything Christmas on hold here. Came down with nasty bug and still trying to get over it! May or May not do a tree this year...I'm just not up for all the decorating yet!

  7. Ohh check out the Christmassy blog decoration!!

    I am not taking part in anything this year I will only stress myself out.

    I will grab the milk for Sunday - text me anthing else tomorrow as Tesco's won't be open when we leave Sunday morning sdo am going up tomorrow evening x x

  8. Beautiful card! I admit I'm getting mildly alarmed, but trying very hard to ring-fence it :D. This year I've made a list to keep me on track in I do have this made, etc. Blogging hasn't made it under the fence yet, but reading blogs did. Thanks for the words of wisdom and inspiration!

  9. I noticed your newly decorated blog when I refreshed on Thursday and lost all the names I'd been to. Bummer! Of course, I've been ragged because I am trying to get things taken care of outside, while trying to make a bit of art, and also trying to visit all the WOYWWers. That's such a time buster, but must be done, as you pointed out. Love the card, too.

  10. This is SUCH a pretty card! I love the pins!

  11. Thank you for those kind words of wisdom. They came, along with your lovely comment on my blog, at just the right time.

    P.S. I love the card.

  12. fabulous!! Love the embossing! Hugs Juls

  13. I have to confess that my OH seems to have taken control of Christmas this year and has basically arranged all the buying and organising of parties! mind you I still have to organise it all and wrap it yet! Anyway I never thought about a Christmas blog but what a great idea! have had to have one now! thanks for the inspiration!

  14. I love your blog although I have no idea on some of your terminology like "ring-fence it"...but I am stress free, but then I have no husband, no kids, errrr.... no life!

  15. Insightful observations and wise advice, Julia, I'll try to heed it too. Decoration wouldn't happen in our house until Christmas Eve if it was up to me, but the EM can't wait that long so I expect that once he's recovered fully he'll be up the ladders once again, doing his Lampoon's Christmas thing :)) I'm ordering online this year, can't get excited about struggling through the crowds to search out stuff that can be had from Amazon with ease. Oh, and I've got the Christmas DVDs looked out already ... I'm ready to watch The Holiday, Groundhog Day and Planes, Trains and Automobiles ... yes, I know how to have a good time :)))) Elizabeth x

  16. Lovely!! (The card) just popped in, to let you know that Nemo isn't a pencil sharpener...(the thought that he could have been is quite painful!) He actually makes a noise...or he did, sort of sang a tune and giggled...MacDonald's Happy Meal toy I think...

  17. Oooh al prettied up for the festive season... won't be doing that to my blog because I live in fear of it all disappearing (which happened the one time I did try to make changes)!! It's just Chris and I this year... a quiet Christmas all on our own... which will seem weird!!

  18. pretty card, very elegant! And I love the new blog background, very festive. Not thought of changing it before....

  19. oh I love your Christmas decorations! The blog looks very festive indeed! And thank you for your very wise words of wisdom. I am attempting to live by them myself.

  20. I really like what you guys are usually up too. Such clever work and exposure!
    Keeep up the very good works guys I've incorporated you guys to my personal


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