
Monday 17 October 2011

Wobbly Crash

It didn't start well.  Monday, that is.  As you can see, my favourite mug crashed out of my life and forced me to clean the kitchen floor.  In my nightie.  It was chilly this morning . And then I had to face another challenge-with-a-deadline. I say it like that because apart from the work on my Christmas preparation manifesto, everything appears to have an earlier deadline.  Who knew so much was going on between now and Christmas!  Miss Dunnit is off to another Manga Cosplay convention at Docklands in a couple of weeks.  And finally we've found fabric for the outfit.  It's hard to find bright yellow cotton in the autumn...we went to three shops in two cities.  As it needs over 5 metres, I'm delighted to say it was on sale.  Here are the adapted sleeves.

No, not a jester - its the sleeves of a kimono.  See, Manga is all about Japanese animation and characters from loads of stories.  Miss Dunnit and her group of five have settled on original Pokemon for this year's theme.  Yep.  And to 'humanise' the Pokemon and come up with costumes they can actually make (and wear), we've messed about with a kimono pattern.  Help me please...I can sew most things, but I need a pattern - these adaptations are a killer for my very little brain - I get stuck in and then my confidence wobbles and I think I'm doing it wrong and - oh, you get the picture!  Tomorrow- the actual kimono - it looks much more straightforward than adapting the sleeves. I had the idea of doing the hem in this pointy fashion as well.  But since I started on this at eleven this morning, and I've only managed to complete the sleeves, I'm keeping  quiet about that idea.  You'd probably want to know why I'm sewing the pointy bits and thinking about a pointy hem, in terms of a 'humanised Pokemon' character.  Well, I would tell you.  But I can't remember the name of the character.  I can't even remember if these pointy bits are actually part of the character's look, or representative.  Aren't I an interested Mummy?!
Ah well, in keeping with the way I choose papers, at least I'm attracted to the colour - acres of this yellow spread all over the table is a very cheerful sight.  Makes up for the wobbly crash type start to my day.


  1. Have fun with the sewing - I'll get my husband to keep an eye for 5 pokeman characters as eh'll be there too - not playing - he'll be in the dealers room trying to sell them lots of manga which he is busy ordering as we speak! Tell them to say to the boys from The Sheffield Space Centre ;-)

  2. Good Luck with the sewing ...I would say have fun but I dont think it would be appropriate lol.
    Sorry about the mug ...the same happened to DD's mug last night was the last straw as she is in agony with RSI of the wrist ...too much computer gaming while chilling during her couple of weeks off.

  3. sorry to see your broken mug, looked like a good one too!

  4. Oooh what convention is she going to? I'm an occasional con-goer, though I don't cosplay. I go for the celebs! :) I went to the EMS con at Earl's Court earlier this month and had my photo taken with David Tennant! :)

  5. Good luck with the costume - if we were a bit nearer I would say bring it round! Shout if we can help. x Jo

  6. Lol your posts always make me smile - and I mean that in a good way!! I can't think which Pokemon character this could be so look forward to seeing the finished outfit. You are good, I hate sewing!! It did amuse me that you had the foresight to get the camera before you cleared up the debris - shame about that mug!

  7. LOL... pointed bits !!! ..Please post photos of finished product and Dori and I LOVE manga.. more photo of the convention would be awesome too..x

  8. Oh Julia! Not a good start to the day and fancy having to clean that up in your nightie! Costume is looking fab, looking forward to seeing the finished article. Hopefully on Miss Dunnit? perhaps a fashion parade at the next crop????

  9. What I love the most is the fact that you paused to take a picture and blog about the incident before cleaning. Now that's commitment!!


  10. Oh dear :(

    As to the costumes am now racking my brain as to the characters after watching a limited amount of the cartoon with the girls.

  11. Today has not been a good start to the week - you broke your mug and I nearly broke my toe (painful but I don't think it's broken) as I managed to walk into a steel post whilst trying to check what was on the indicator board in the station doh!

    Good luck with the sewing.

    Toni xx

  12. Oops... shame about the mug - it looked a pretty spotty one too! So your camera was just hanging round your neck over the top of your nightie and you thought... well, I'll take a picture of that!! Only us scrappy types would understand so perhaps it's best you keep it just among us....
    I haven't a cookin' clue about Pokemon characters either but the cossie is coming together nicely!!

  13. Whoopsie!
    dont you just hate losing a fave mug :0(

    hope all goes well with the sewing

  14. Shame about your pretty spotty mug :(
    I'll be interested to see what a Pokemon outfit looks like :)
    xoxo Sioux

  15. Shame about the mug Julia but maybe you can find another one. Good work on the kimono, very clever and it's looking good.

  16. oh...this brings back so many memories of sewing dresses for my daughter late into the night or even early morning to get them done in time! not too many costumes, but I do remember a little Raggedy Anne outfit. I bet this is going to turn out sensational...hope you will post the end result! good luck, and now you can get a new favorite mug too!

  17. Now you see why I use an insulated mug with a lid. If it spills, at least it doesn't break. I've had way too many of those types of accidents, so I converted a few years ago.

    It's always good to find fabric on sale, especially in the off season. That's when I try to buy mine. Of course, I'm not looking for 5 meters of anything, either.

  18. Hope your week improves. Pokemon looks v impressive to me. I am such a bad Mummy I have yet to sew my son's Cubs badges on from July!

  19. the things we do for our offspring,

    commiserations regarding the mug loss... you could have got dressed first though, I have visions of naughty nighty (baby doll?) cleaning escapades....!?

    hmmmm maybe not

    see you on your desk tomorrow,


  20. I hope we get to see the entire group of five, in their outfits.
    And I'm sorry about your mug. I would send you a new one, if you weren't so far away. Really I would.

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