
Thursday 20 October 2011

I'm really doing it!

You know how I often talk about pushing a deadline? I admit it, I do.  But I don't do it to the point of absurdity; I can't live on the edge of my seat, it's too much for me! Here's a peek at one of the cards I've made for the Card Marathon next month.  It makes me feel important, posting a peek.  All DT-ish and secretive! I wouldn't usually - I just wait till after the event..after all, there's not a lot of point in a portion.  Well there is, in loads of other parts of our lives, I realise.  Like food.  A portion of food indicates that you have a control over yourself and that you recognise your needs and are a grown up about certain foods.  Note the use of the subject there: you.  Not I. Digression, sorry.  
Anyway, in my case,  a sneak peek/portion of a card serves only to remind me that I still have erm, a few cards to come up with -  and also may reassure Scrap Lady ally that my half of the job is more a work in progress than just being talked about.  Sure it is.  I'm typing, not talking. 


  1. I look forward to seeing the whole this as the portion you are showing looks fab.

    Toni xx

  2. I think this sneak peek is lovely - bet the whole card looks just stunning. Must start my Christmas cards soon... lol.

  3. Lovely sneaky peek, can't wait to see the finished product

  4. I like sneak peaks.. makes you think and wonder about the rest of the card/project.
    Really want to see the rest of it now

  5. You can't kid a kidder!! LOL! but so far.... excellent!
    JoZarty x

  6. Favourite colour of mine there Julia - looking good.

  7. Looks good so far. I have just had a real giggle, reading about what you did to your computer geek in August, Absolutely brilliant. Just shows we crafters are not just clever at crafting but we could beat the computer geeks at some things. I had a problem with my BluRay viewing software on the computer and spent over a month in discussion with the "experts" who told me to do this, that and the other, including turning off my virus checker (no, no, no). Nothing worked until I decided to uninstall the lot and started again from scratch. It worked. I rest my case. Us mere women crafters can do computers too.

  8. I'm very much liking that peek Julia.

  9. My ex always accused me of talking about it more than I did it. Craft that is.

    Funny thing, he was right.

    Here's to typing about it more often!

    Nice card, by the way. Even if it is a v important "sneak peek"...

  10. Goodies turned up safe and soud. tnaks so much. Over the moon with the cardboard drum!!! It has endless possabilities. Hugs Mrs A.
    p.s. Your card is looking srummy. Just doing my calendar page in turquiose and was really stuck for ideas such a hard colour for June.

  11. Hi Julia
    I can't wait to see the finished project. Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment! I love Wed WOYW I so enjoy looking at everyone's desks it takes me two days to get through them but it's worth every minute.
    thanks again!!!

  12. loving the look of the sneak peek. my favourite colors for for food portions..forget and enjoy i say.xx

  13. I always love sneak peeks and you gave more away than you realize, or at least I think you did because of all the pop dots I see in the background. My favorite color, too.

  14. I don't normally ask people to visit my blog, but I thought this post was SO important, after one you left a few weeks (or months) ago. I hope you will at least check it out, since it was your blog post that instigated my inquiry and investigation.

  15. It is looking very good so far! Kim

  16. Just adore the sneek peek Julia - love the colours etc. Shaz in Oz.x

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