
Thursday 8 September 2011

The clear stamp thing...

So this is how the clear stamps look now.  I was out with Jan and we bought oilcloth to make me a handbag.  Actually, she bought the oilcloth and made the bag. I will show you soon.  I bought a metre of clear PVC.  Thinking I could sew pockets onto pages and do clever stuff with it.  And after it had been sitting around a while, I realised that it would solve my clear stamp storage crisis.  See, my metal dies are on magnetic strips stuck to A4 sheets of mount board, and assembled in  a file holder, so I can flip through them.  And now, thanks to some patient wrapping of A4 mount board with PVC, I can do the same with my clear stamps.  A lot of people will be all, can you tell what they are without their index sheets?  Well, I'll ink them all eventually and then they'll be stained and it will be easy. And no I'm not, under any circumstances, going to stamp the images on the mount board prior to wrapping it in PVC.  All this causes is stress if a stamp is put back in the 'wrong' place. They are loosely themed...whole sets have stayed together and for example, the alphas are all on one sheet.  Both sides. And, Slipper Lady, they may not all be in alphabetical order.  But it's OK, because I can see them very clearly.  The EZ mounted stamps particularly like the PVC, some of the most used clear ones had to be 'encouraged' to actually washing them in hot soapy water.  I know it's what they tell you to do, but well, you know, if they stay clingy.....
So all's well that ends well.  I have stamp storage that I can access easily and will probably now use the clears and UMs much more.  I have sorted a collection that was out of control and now have at least a dozen sets to enter into the Flea Market at Kraft Crazy in a couple of weeks.  Which means I may have some cash to buy more stamps.  Win win.  Again!  My word, it's been a week.  Although my desk is still horrendous.  I think that it will have to be faced tomorrow as a job, rather than a quick tidy round before I sit down to work!!  Still,  creative genius has a price, n'est pas?


  1. Very cool idea, Julia! I have some heavy PVC vinyl left over from another project...may have to give this one a go.

  2. Great idea - now I understand. I do love your comment "they'll be inked eventually" yeh, right.... So, now for your next challenge of your desk...

  3. Good idea!!!! Think I will be a copycat this time ;-)

    Greetz, marjolein

  4. brilliant,

    never be clean


    Dirty Girl


  5. Fab job indeed. Great thinking, discipline and are on a roll. You're so right about the clear tribe - I have some lovely ones but they get so overlooked...You need to choose a stamp but flip through the clear ones as they all look like jellyfish. I went to a printers and had them laminate sheets of heavy card for me which was so cheap and now they're in files. Need to ink them all up - great tip (I'm a keep them new forever prissy). Don't do order either...that's only something to do if you're laid up in bed expecting quads or something.

  6. I knew you'd figure a clever way to solve your storage issues! Bravo! It's brilliant. :-)

  7. All that order might crush the creativity - or at least that is my excuse!

  8. I had to read the post three times, then look at the photo to try to figure out what you did. I'm pretty sure I now understand what you did, but you had me totally confused with phrases like "A4 mount board" and "all this causes is stress." For some reason, I couldn't understand how you wrapped a mount board and was the stress emotional or physical from the act of stamping. Just goes to show how a NON-stamper reacts to storage problems.

    I only have two sets of clear stamps. I am surprised I have those. I won one set from Kay (Toodles and Binks) and got one set as a Christmas gift one year. My friend Sally gave me some Alphas, but even after very careful cleaning with mild soap and water, they still won't cling to anything, I believe because there is no backer sheet to stick them to. Glad you got yours sorted and finally was able to explain it (after I read it enough times).

  9. Didn't know about the hot soapy suds so thanks for the tip. Hugs Mrs A.

  10. Hi Julia, like the other Elizabeth, I had to read your post over a couple or three times and magnify the photo to get it. As I understand it, you've got your stamps clinging to pvc covered mountboard - have you then put them in to baggies or are you hoping they will just cling and not fall off/get knocked off, etc. And how do you know what make/which set they came from without the packaging? I've read that some folks put their stamps into categories, you know, flowers, cats, sewing, etc., but, again how do they remember all the deets about them. Anyway, it did occur to me that the stamps might cling to librafilm, the stuff that is used to cover library books. It ocmes in 3m rolls and I just happened to have one stashed away from my office days - I never throw out anything! And, it works - now I just have to persuade myself that your storage method would work for me. Thanks for sharing. Elizabeth x

  11. ah what a truly brilliant idea Julia though not sure we can buy PVC here (or is it just heavy duty clear plastic? mmm, maybe that is what it is - we have always called it crystal clear and do have some of that - light bulb moment!?). My number of clear stamps have not reached such dizzy heights YET..will file idea in memory bank for hopeful future use - you never know I may actually remember! and yes totally love the win win idea too!
    well done! Shaz in oz.x
    PS have duly admired your splendid bag on Lunch Lady Jan's blog me-thinks.

  12. Now I see what that pile of plastic has turned into...I just could not imagine it in a million years...Great job jobbed!

  13. im loving the stamp set up, there just never seems to be a way for other than dumped in a box at the moment :) x cant wait to start stamping again x

  14. Similar to my storage which I will have to show at some time. Good to be organised with the stamps - makes life easier in the long run. Thanks for sharing - Hugs, Neet

  15. Brilliant storage! I think I'd have to stamp it first though lol. I'm going to blame it on getting older and having older eyes and it makes it easier to see what the stamps actually are rather than having some sort of organizational disorder (love those oxymorons). TFS :D

  16. Great idea - i use stamp n store panels but I bet your version is much cheaper!

  17. I could have sworn I posted a comment, but either I got distracted or Mr. Blogger decided to eat my words or it's donned an invisibility cloak lol.

    But it's a brilliant idea, except I would have to stamp underneath it because my eyesight is not what it used to be, and it's easier for me to see the stamped image, not that I have an organizational disorder (love the oxymoroness of that!).

  18. That's similar to how I do my clear stamps too - I slip the plastic backings into page projectors. But you are right being able to flip is just the best way to find them - alphabetical order is a dream.

  19. great storage idea Julia, welldone

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