
Monday 19 September 2011

One or possibly two uses......

Mine's a single malt, please.
No no, I haven't the skills to go all cookery on you.  The lack of photographic skill alone means that there is no chance of me writing a blog about cookery - you'd be put off before the end of the first sentence.  It's weird isn't it - how on some cookery blogs, a stew or casserole can look so inviting and worth trying and on another, it can look as though it might have already been eaten.  Oh sorry, not spoiling your tea, am I?
Well, now you're off food for a minute, here's the scoop on the artfully photographed bottle of vinegar.  We needed some, and when I saw this had a spray top, I had to buy's been a teeny joke in this house that Mr Dunnit needs an industrial amount of vinegar on chips and fish fingers; and I thought that this would facilitate the delivery.  And save Miss Dunnit and I having to wait five minutes with our chips going cold just so his food was adequately drenched.  
Well crafters, get thee a bottle of this!  It's the best ever spray top I've come across.  Really.  No idea why, but it is.  It sprays a perfect blast of a fine vinegar mist about 10 inches I'd say, in a really good triangle from the squirt nozzle thing.  Mr Dunnit says it doesn't enhance the vinegar delivery particularly, so it will be decanted, he can go back to drops...  I shall probably only use it for ink spraying - am thinking that the fine nozzle might be easily bocked by mica am going to rummage out my DI refill.  (Note, I only have one!).  I will report further.  Just as soon as the smell of vinegar can be removed from the bottle - and therefore any card I spray!  I guess there's a really good domestic solution of baking powder or such that does that.  But I'm not Martha Stewart - just an over excitable woman who now has to have chips for tea every night for a bottles' worth of time.  Talk about suffering for your art!


  1. just as long as you re-label the bottle, have visions of your hubby with a plate full of walnut stain coloured inked chips!

  2. What will they think of next! I did laugh at Bella's comment - then it got me thinking - it's a VERY sensible idea, lol! Happy chip eating....

  3. baking soda will definitely do the trick =)

    And if you use the tricks from the below link you will eventually end up with loads and loads of empty bottles to use for crafting ;)

  4. I bought a little spray bottle of extra virign oil. What a waste of time and money. Still sat in the cupboard as the spray is useless. Swapsie! Hugs Mrs A.

  5. just wanted to pop by and say thank you xx

  6. well if it can beat Timmie's Mini Misters...then I might be eating chips every night for a while too...hugs kath xxx

  7. I want one ...I hate the drips and glugs ...some chips always escape while others are drowned.

  8. I'm so slow on the uptake, I was wondering why you would want a spray of vinegar on your chips? Then realised you want it for other purposes LOL! Not into xmas per se just the making of the cards!

  9. I'm with Mr D as I too drench my chips in vinegar until they start paddling. I also resort to stealing vinegar sachets from restaurants so I always have it in my bag incase I go to a vinegar free zone. Even take them on the continent to try to convert them.
    When I was little we got draught vinegar, decanted into our own bottle, from the chandlers and I used to hope they'd overfill the bottle so I could drink some before I got home!
    Love Jo x drooling now for chips with vinegar!

  10. Glad to have a possible use for this otherwise useless purchase. It doesn't delievry any near enough vinegar for my taste!

  11. Vinegar spray - whatever next!! Told the DH and he thinks it's a great idea so will be looking out for it on his next visit to the supermarket - I might just be the next proud owner of one of these sprays :) Thanks for your visit earlier to my blog. Elizabeth x

  12. spraying vinegar has the world gone crazy, it has to be shaken on, having said that I might buy one just for the crafting purposes . . x

  13. oh wow that is fantastic! endless hours of fun spraying your chips then endless hours of fun reusing it later on all your crafty creations! hOpe they import these over here!
    Have a great day, happy crafting, Debxx

  14. Ooh....normally buy large bottles as I make chutney, think I may need to pop down to Asda! Top tip, thanks luv.

  15. Lol Julia - this really made me laugh! I am the same as you. I'll buy something just because of the container, and can't wait for it to all get used up so I can pinch the bottle or whatever! (My hubby would just pour it down the drain, but I'm too mean for that!!) I'm runnning out of those nice little cardboard boxes I keep everything in in my ARTHaven, and am seriously considering ordering some more face creams just for the boxes they send them in! Sad, or what? Still, should end up with nice wrinkle-free skin!!! Must look out for that vinegar bottle if the spray's as good as you say it is!

  16. Who cares about the vinegar if the sprayer works --- just tip it down the sink, it's horrible anyway! It is probably cheaper than mini misters. I might have to get one tomorrow just to find out, I will tell my other half to watch out for the walnut stain lol

  17. Being, as Jo would say, from the Continent (one of them, anyway), I am not a fan of vinegar. But I realize you Brits love your chips drowning in it. Of course, who cares if it sprays vinegar, if it is capable of spraying a color mist. Boy I have a love/hate relationship (mostly hate) with the Adirondack misters. So I hope this does the trick for you.

    BTW, if you try my technique from today's post, you must use a microwave if you want the bubbly textural look. It's the moisture and vibrating heat that make the final look. Drying the sheets will make theme lovely, but they won't have the bubble effect you get when you put two pieces together and heat them.

  18. Blimey Julia you need digits of steel to press that spray nozzle! No way could I manage it when I got one! I ended up decanting it too! Didn't think it was as vinegary as the bottled version!

  19. All I can say is I sooooooooooo NEED to getone of these, and when you have discovered how to remove the smell please let me know

  20. Loved this post! Who would think a bottle of vinegar would make such a fun post! You always surprise me Julia!!

  21. Honestly Julia - what will you come up with next?! So funny, and some of the responses have made me think there could be a run on spray vinegar at the supermarkets - now, where's me car keys - I'm off out!!! Di xx

  22. I'm on the drench your chips in salt & vinegar side - regardless of how bad it is for me :D So I don't think I'd get away with asking hubs to get a bottle from the supermarket (I can't cook therefore how can I possibly do the food shopping :D).

  23. I'm LMAO here! Love malt vinegar!!!! We go through it like water in this house. My husband won't use anything else. When we go to the USA he suffers greatly because it's hard to get vinegar let alone Malt vinegar. Must say though....I love that spray bottle and my hubby would too. It's funny how creative minds can always think of "other uses" for things". Bahahahaha!

  24. I am looking for a spray bottle to put water and acrylic paint in. A pity that brand is not available in the Philippines!!!

  25. yay, I always save the vinegar bottle(I say viganar ?? )I always get the n and the g muddled as in domino~~ donimo) and put the cheaper stuff in it.. and as for food...well, that's why hubby cooks in our house and does the food shopping, but that's only because 'they don't let me out' that often!


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