
Monday 6 June 2011

Please Miss, I've got a truckload of excuses...

So I didn't post on Friday because I'm conscious that three posts in a row about WOYWW would be staggeringly boring for those that don't take part.
And I didn't post on Saturday because me and the Scrap Lady Ally and the Lunch Lady Jan were 'busy' overseeing the Card Marathon. (Jan was busy, Ally was busy, and thanks to Laura...I wasn't) I think it was a great day...if you were there and have an opinion, do let us know.
I won't write too much about the day - again, if you weren't there - yawn. And Jody who drove about a million miles to take part suggested that I can't shut up, even in type. She's right of course. My teeny defence is that do I edit these should see them pre- edit!! Maybe someone else should edit them. But then I wouldn't have control and that would be grim. I'd get the shakes. And be petulant. And loud. Yep, worse than normal.
And I didn't post yesterday because the scratchy sore throat and temperature that I've been trying to ignore for three days finally felled me. I got up and spent 90% of the day in an armchair, drinking squash and doing nothing. What a waste of time. I hate that.

So anyway, next to normal service has resumed. Yep, I'll be posting. And I'll be posting about WOYWW - I need to show you some of the most marvellous art work. But meanwhile, I'm 3 days behind my desk visits and missing it like mad!


  1. I hope the sore throat improves very soon....cos I can't cope with silence!! :-)
    A x

  2. Aww you poor thing . . . hope you feel better soon.

    Love the card you posted.

    Hugs, Sandra

  3. Hope your back on top form soon. Sorry to have missed the last WOYWW but unforseen commitments with ederley parents just made it impossible to partake. Hugs Mrs A.

  4. Hope you are feeling better soon. I am just recovering from a similar ailment and just when you think you are OK, it gives you another little nudge. :( Very mean...
    Anyway I love your cards and if you want to fill your blog up with tons of chattiness, it's your blog so go at it! :D I tend to get up on a soap box once in a while and I find I feel much better for having an outlet. At least in print, if folks don't want to bother, they can go on to the next blog! Hahaha!
    Thanks for sharing! :)

  5. sending big hugs...hope you feel better soon and hey can't wait for you to get back to chatty chatty....kath xxx

  6. Don't edit your blogs too much. I, for one, love your chatty style, it really cheers me up. Hope you soon feel right back to normal - drink lots of hot lemon and honey, and anything else you fancy.

  7. Squash? Never heard of that for sore throat and a fever! Hope you feel better soon! Patsy from

  8. I need to read about your weekend, I had a bad one and desparately need cheering up. Pretty please?! I will read your post no matter what you burble on about. Love the cards.

  9. Right there with you on the felling and the squash drinking. Grotty cold, this one! Mind you, reading Patsy's comment, I wonder if she's thinking squash as in butternut and pumpkin and the like, rather than a drink not too disimilar to Kool Aid? LOL

  10. hope you feel better soon, gorgeous work. Sorry I have not been around your blog for a while as you may know from my blog my mother has been poorly in hospital, and blogging has been playing up.

  11. These cards are really cute! Hope you get to feeling better soon!

  12. LOL... haven't heard it called squash for decades!! We always drank it when we were kids... the stuff you had to dilute with tap water and it made fabby lollies in the summer! Hope you are feeling better, summer colds are the worst as you really would prefer to doing something else... anything else! Oh and here in Calgary they still use the word pop for a fizzy drink... that was a blast from the past when I first arrived and I had to think what they asking me!!

  13. if I ask Niall for juice I will get juice, and then I complain it is not what I asked for,

    so...Now if I ask for juice he always says 'do you mean Juice or Squash', of course I always mean squash and he is right - the Irish so Love to correct the English any way they can...but especially when it come to the lingo...

    hope you feel well again soon


  14. Hope you are feeling better.

    I love your chatty posts too - please don't change.

    Toni xx

  15. Oh my gosh. I've seen woyww posts all over the intraweb for ages now, but have never tracked them to their source or played along . . .

    You totally crack me up! I wanna come play at your house (maybe after you're feeling better).

    Or at least post woyww along with you all.


  16. So sorry you have been rough ...glad to read you are on the mend....cant wait to see everyones art next week....what a fantastic week, 104 was.
    Love the cards btw

  17. Sending wishes for recovery and health...feel better soon!

  18. Hope you feel better soon...and please No Editing...I always look forward to your humor girl!

  19. Hi, thanks for visiting my blog for woyww last week sorry I am so late in visiting back but I was on holiday until late Sunday and out all day yesterday also apologies for being in the list three times! I had a friend link me up and she didnt realise the importance of the star! anyway I finally made it on there all correct and everything and pif has been sent! I notice you arent on the list - have you had a pif?? let me have your address and I will send you a little something for organising all of this for us - hope you had a great week and are feeling a bit better now - see you again tomorrow. Sunshine Girl.

  20. I'm sure I didnt say that, I was on my bestest, politest behaviour don't u know! (tried to comment on this yday n it wudnt let me) - Jodpea

  21. Re: Morti - Is THAT what Kool Aid is?! Like squash?!! Boy, the things u learn!

  22. Hope you are on the mend and I would happily read your unedited blog any day. You always make me laugh and brighten my day. A clue please, what is squash? lemon or lime cordial??

  23. Love these cards! Both of them! Get well soon!

  24. Gorgeous cards... you must have done a whole lots of gabbing lady! Get well sooooon,
    Love JoZarty x

  25. Thought it was just Cape Town that had the lurgies going round...I know that "waste of time" feeling cos I have been sick for a week and did nothing other than what I absolutely had to. Feels criminal to be home and not creating, but death warmed up was how I felt and not a great space to be crafty in! Hope you are back to full speed soon.

  26. Great cards!! Hope you are feeling better and we can't have you grim lol. I love reading your posts :D.

  27. p.s. where in the world is that marvelous tree to be found?????

  28. Thank you so much for the comment you left... I do play with ink too, it is just away in the drawer unit.I am not allowed to take it into another room.. I did stand on a chair to take the pic...rofl, the only way I could get it all in. The black and white pic is there ready to be added to a card for my mum, it is behind a pic of my late dad....
    Thanks again and I will be back next week
    Claire xx

  29. Get well soon. Fab artwork.

    Carol C


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