
Monday 24 January 2011

This is the ribbon...

..that caused outrageous meltdown - was it only last week? It wasn't actually in the jar that I emptied onto the floor - apparently in a fit of tidy-itis, I put actual reels of ribbon elsewhere for ease of use. Oh emgee. Don't you wish you were organised like me!!
I think it was worth finding though, it's amongst my very favourite ribbons, this wide organize style...and I'm liking the bright citrussy colours again this year; I may never move on! I thought you might like to know what the outcome of the temper tantrum was. Well........the ribbons lay undisturbed on the floor for two whole days. Apart from the glares of contempt I directed at them. My family went on about their business without apparently, noticing. Which is a whole other skill don't you think - of being blind to that which needs to be tidied? Recognise that?! Anyway, I don't know if you know, but my workdesk is on wheels. Because it is against a door to the garden. Through which from time to time, unreasonable people want access. On the evening of the second day, Mr Dunnit felt the need to stack some timber in the shed. And even my sensibilities were disturbed at the thought of him traipsing through the lounge room to get into the garden form the conservatory. (Sounds frightfully large and posh my house, huh!) So I caved in and said he could move my table. Which meant....yep - forced to finally confront the ribbon problem....if only to stop them being crushed by the boots of the man who can't sit still. So I did confront the problem. I scooped them up and squashed them back into the jar. And despite the un-use-ability, they go on looking very pretty thank you! And the reels are back in there - after all, however terrible the storage, types should all be in the same place!


  1. Golly - I don't think I'd realised what a huge jar of ribbons it really was.... Hope it's a while before you want the one at the bottom. Have a good day.

  2. Thats my girl :-) I love the effect of mixed up ribbons in a jar. I have mine in 5 huge see through sweety jars and often have to 'waste' half an hour looking for the one I want [cos you know me...I will know exactly what's in there....somewhere :-) ]
    A x

  3. Yes well, that is a big jar of ribbons. I keep mine hidden away in one thin drawer and a really useful box in two sections - maybe that is why I don't often use them. Have to find a prettier way as that huge jar , despite its obvious disadvantages, does look quite good on display.
    x Tricia

  4. It does look pretty - mine are in a clear glass vase as well. about 2 smaller jars? I don'r have anywhere near as many ribbons as you do

  5. Being stuffed in a jar should teach the ribbons a lesson.
    Sandra xox

  6. ah we crafters are our own worst enemies but quite relieved to find someone who is not perfect in ribbon organisation as some bloggers seem to be after all they do look pretty and you can see it fairly well what is in there..and what a wonderfully understanding family to turn a blind eye to it love it Julia!
    Shaz in Oz.xx

  7. Im with you, all reels together in one place and likewise all loose ribbons also!

    Such a beautiful refreshing ribbon and it tops off your card in more than one way Julia, beautiful!

    Keryn x

  8. That really is a big jar of ribbon, I keep mine in a drawer amongst my tubes of glitter, have only just started using ribbons and lace a bit more on my stuff! Your jar is a fab idea,might have to do that and turn into a feature to go in my living room,am sure my family would love that.....not lol

  9. Lovely ribbon - I can see why you like it! Storage, not so attractive. Don't they get creased and wrinkly in there? And fray?

  10. I loved reading this post. It really made me chuckle - a good thing on a damp Monday morning. I too had a ribbon problem, which I partly solved by giving the oddment to my grandaughter who is deeply into crafting at the age of 9. I was cowardly, just keeping the ribbons stored tidly on reels and in proper boxes.

  11. What a fabulous jar (vase) of ribbons!! So pretty! I really like the card you've made, clean and simple. I love the colours!

  12. The card is lovely and that is the perfect ribbon.

    Don't we all have good intentions from time to time...and then real life kicks in and we dump stuff back where it started LOL

    Toni :o)

  13. One very pretty card Julia. Yep have toooo many ribbons, think your right, should keep them alltogether as haven't a clue what I have! Carolxx

  14. love it, how long will it be before you need that lovely piece at the bottom. I can vouch that your family isnt the only one that wouldn't have noticed them on the floor, actually reading this reminded me that I had placed a large pile of ironing on the stair case up to the kids bedroom and so I asked H if she had put them away - her answer was what ironing, she would have had to climb over them to go to her room to get the laptop she is sat oposite me using!!! Hugs Pam x

  15. Gotta admit. Although the ribbons are NOT functional in that state, they are truly lovely all draped over the edges of the jar.

  16. Hi Julia, as usual you made me laugh. I oh so empathise regarding the husband who cannot sit still and mine is a DIYer too - he wants to move my computer desk AGAIN, admittedly with the best of intentions but I'd rather not :( Anyway, love your card - the colours are gorgeous and that ribbon, well, I'm drooling, but your ribbon storage leaves a great deal to be desired :) I've offered before and I'm extending it again - just send it all up to me and I'll sort it out for you! Elizabeth xx

  17. Kinda how they were on the floor but in a jar huh? How very trend settery you are! And so glad that beautiful ribbon on that beautiful card doesn't know about the 5 second rule because it looks like it just rolled off the showroom floor.

  18. Oh, my gosh...that's one huge pile of ribbons!!

  19. Love the card, love the ribbon, love the story!

  20. The next time I'm in the UK (or should I say the first time I'm in the UK?), can I sort your ribbons for you? I'm total chaos in my own room but I like sorting other peoples stuff. I think it has something to do with ownership. Lol.
    Lovely card & ribbon, by the way.

  21. Oh thank you so much for the fabulous story. I'm so glad I'm not the only one to have a meltdown looking for something the I KNOW is in one place and turns out it was in the "New and better place".
    I love your ribbon jar, mine is the size of a small cookie jar and its only used for scraps. the real ribbon mess is in two drawers. I may have to swing by Pier One Imports tonight and see if I can find a nice big jar. :)


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