
Friday 7 January 2011

Temper, temper

No New Year resolutions were made. Because I can't stick to them and I can't handle any more guilt when they crash and burn. Last night though, all my procrastinated plans for ribbon sorting came back and bit me on the beeeehind. Oh yeah. All I wanted was a length of lime green spotty ribbon. and in order to get it - I had to throw all of my ribbons onto the floor and get angry and hot. How grown up and big girl crafter is that!! Miss Dunnit was a bit alarmed and did not offer help. Mr Dunnit was much much more understanding. He says it was a reaction to some stresses we've been having over work. Well, I expect he realised it would be good to rationalise this mad situation! It was certainly a frustration. Actually, it still is - because in order to get to my stool and computer to whine at you about it, I had to step over it! Yep - it's still there. Almost as an ugly, writhing, snakey, knotty punishment. Well definitely, because let's face it, no-one else is going to sort it out, clear it up or even vaguely understand. Luckily, I'm over it already, and will finally do something tonight. I can't do it now because I'm actually working *cough* at home this morning. And I can't do it this afternoon because I have actually got to go into work. I hope I'll be in the mood for sorting and ironing by the time I'm free. Don't, do not, put money on seeing my sorted out ribbon collection in the next post. You know me well enough to know that would only happen if I have triumph and smugness to report!


  1. You can do it Julia, I look forward to seeing your sorted ribbons on your desk on Wednesday as I am confident you will resolve the situation.
    Notice I didn't say which Wednesday lol
    Hope you do get the time to sort it, I have all mine hanging on the wall so I can see them and put them back easily

  2. Oh dear, have to put on your big girl knickers and sort it, you have sympathy but I recently dropped my all bead trays, so not too much LOL:0) xxx

  3. Stick it all in a bag and post it to me Julia....I will sort it all for you :-) I actually do love mine all mixed up together in an old sweety jar because I find the colours very inspiring but if you want your sorting my OCD would soon get the job done :-)
    A x

  4. My ribbon box is getting in a jumble again too, but it can stay like it! At least it is in a box with the lid on. There are some really lovely ribbons there that you have though, so I hope you get to use them on something gorgeous soon. Did you find the one you wanted after your tantrum?

  5. Oh my, believe it or not Julia, I just love sorting out ribbon. I sorted out a box of the stuff just last week and discovered some I'd forgotten I had. For a ribbonaholic like me sorting/touching/stroking ribbon is tantamount to a chocoholics chocolate surge!! (No, there's no cure.)Send it down to me and I'll sort it for you in no time. Elizabeth #76

  6. That would be frustrating Julia! Funny thing is, it's probably already on your desk somewhere ;)
    I hang my ribbon strands on a plaque with a big hook if that far so good...enjoy your Friday.

  7. A good tantrum is good for the soul occasionally,all you need now is to bribe miss Dunnit to unravel for you- i find "do it or your xbox gets it" works quite x

  8. That's some collection! Hoping the unravelling is soothing ...

  9. Another one that finds sorting ribbons a kind of therapy.... so pop it all in a bag and post it over here... I promise to return all but the lovely ones!!

  10. Losing it now and again is good for you; perhaps not so good for those around us, my kids would testify to that!!!
    Sorry unlike Wipso I am not offering to sort if for you I can't even sort my own!!

    Hugs Pamx

  11. I have to do the same thing this weekend but when I put on a hilarious movie I have watched before so if I look down I don't really miss much or some beautiful soothing music that releases my tension, the job is actually not as bad as it looks. Hope it goes well for you!
    Thanks for sharing! :o)

  12. hahaha! good for you chucking it all on the floor!!!! The sad part is having to pick it all up again :D xxx

  13. Maybe I need to roll up my sleeves and threaten you. If you don't sort it - I will come over and sort it for you! In exchange for a cup of coffee.... How's that for a bargaining chip? ROFL

  14. I hide mine away, then I only think of the ribbon chaos when I go to get a piece.I have some in clear cases all punched with holes, along came my granddaughter and she had great fun pulling them all out. Good luck with the sorting. Will they still be there next Wednesday! Carolxx

  15. Am I glad I sorted out all my ribbons in see-throug boxes. It's sooooo easy to be able to pick any ribbon at my linking in 5 seconds. But once in a while you need to be that little kid again that gets angry for no reason, that's why my papers are thrown on the floor somewhere. Maybe you'll find it relaxing sorting out those ribbons? Good luck with it! Looking forward to your way of ribbon-stashing
    ** Evi **

  16. thanks for visiting my blog Julia... you are such a busy person I appreciate your time. Its great visiting other bloggers around the world and see whats going on, I feel such a connection with them. Congrats on a great idea. Have a great creative 2011 and keep us inspired.
    Hugs Olive xxxx

  17. I'd be happy to sort them for you - I love doing things like that!! Gimme a call.

    LL Jan xx

  18. I sorted all mine out last week. I know I'm a bit strange, but I actually love sorting things out - the more the muddle the better ... takes all sorts as they say!

    Good luck with yours!

  19. Believe it or not once I started wrapping all my pieces of ribbon around wooden pegs, I actually quite enjoyed it and found it strangely therapeutic. Maybe I'm just odd. Although I don't usually enjoy doing anything like that.

    I did wonder if I was starting to get rsi by the time I was on peg number 87 though ;)

  20. That is a lovely tangle and I'll sort it out for you if I can pick out my faves to keep, heh heh!
    JoZarty x

  21. LOL (it started as a chuckle and grew).

    I'm sure it will all be dealt with when you are good and ready...just don't trip over the pile in the meantime.

    Toni :o)

  22. Yeah! way to go Julia.. show your ribbons who's the boss!! Good luck sorting it all out!! I'd just scoop it all up & stuff it back into the jar. :D

  23. Uh oh, cruelty to ribbon just won't be tolerated you know! Show them some love!


  24. Oh dear. I know just how you feel, Julia. The problem is when you throw things and the family just shake their heads and walk away and say will you calm down in my DH's case, there is no one to tidy it all and being a bit OCD I can't just leave it and then feel even more cross that I'm taking up valuable crafting time tidying up something I've done in a fit of peak!!!!!
    Maybe if you're really lucky someone will take pity and they'll all be sorted when you get back to them.
    Have a good weekend, even if it is ribbon sorting.
    Hugs Lisax

  25. Re the little slippers by the bed....Close but they aren't slippers, they are shoes and you'll have to wait for the full picture, ner ner!
    JoZarty x

  26. Ah babe,

    those damned emotions sneak up jump us from behind and leave us feeling a bit odd, darned things, eh?

    so glad it was the ribbons that got short shrift.

    when the moment comes you will, i think, find it relaxing to wind them (rather than you) up again (ha ha)

    See all we really need is for someone to do for us what we do for them - without anyone asking, we make life easy for others,

    but at the very second of an instant of a moment Once in a Harvest Festival type Full Post Christmas bluish (with a hint of cosmic shimmer) Moon we need a break or we Howl at said moon....

  27. 'tis the only way to find tings!!!!

  28. Gosh it feels good to throw things sometimes - especially soft yet writhy looking things. Good job m'lady.

  29. Feeling a bit premenstrual, are we? I'm with Gez. I'd just throw the whole thing back in the jar, put it back behind the sliding door and show your smugness by conquering that ribbon.

  30. Pierce the end of each ribbon and hang them on the ring. That should teach them.

  31. I sorted mine out at christmas and put into 4 plastic boxes. Gosh I didn't realise I had so much stashed away in carrier bags.

  32. LOL, Julia, you are funny even when you are mad! i know, no sympathy, sorry ;-)

  33. I wouldn't mind a rummage through that lot... it probably wouldn't get sorted, but the play would be fun!

  34. If only I could sneak in and sort it for you (I love to sort....other people's stuff). Pour yourself a glass of wine, put on some soothing music and sit on the floor with your nest of ribbons and pretend its moving meditation. *smile* Good luck!

  35. Hope it was a cathartic moment. Sometimes it can be very satisfying just to break a few rules and throw something around.

    I reckon those ribbons need stuffing in a (carefully labelled, so it doesn't get thrown away) carrier bag, and then sorting when it will feel more like relaxation than punishment.

    Hoping things get less stressy soon,

  36. Kick the whole lot into a corner me dear, and don't let it bug you! So long as you can find the colour you want, who cares how you store it, right??

  37. Well, I'm impressed you even knew you had some lime green spotty ribbon in there somewhere! What you need is a Dolly OCD whose sole (soul? LOL) mission in life is to organise and then smile at the results, heh, heh.

    Oganised as I am, I am working my way through my own craft room and ... wait for it ... re-organising it!

    I prescribe Medicinal G & T - you'll be fine!

  38. Ummm...your ribbon pile scares me. I would put a box over it and consider it put away. Then grab a drink. Good luck with the sortin.

  39. Hmmm, I think they look quite lovely all tangled up together there. Well, maybe throw them back in the jar and don't leave them on the floor :)
    xoxo Karen

  40. I have faith in you babe :)
    *hugs* Heather x

  41. it's ok,I've checked, there's no lime green spotty ribbon's in the other jar.. Meanwhile, I would send the tidy elves over to help tidy, but they're trapped in my craft room, and I won't let them out until everything is put away...

  42. absolutely and totally get the fit of ribbon rage...had it myself a while back...finally got all of that ribbon organized though...took 4 nights and lots of little temper tantrums...but I am so glad I did it...turns out I had over 400 spools of the stuff, not to mention the bits and pieces...maybe this will help with the clean up for inspiration: it is soo easy to find what I am looking for...good luck to you!


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