
Thursday 11 November 2010

I win then!

Yesterday I asked WOYWWers to let me know if they visit this blog in between WOYWW, and if they do, do they tend to comment? Thanks for your feedback. It means I win. The bet you see, was with techie guy at work. Last week he saw me browsing the comments on WOYWW and I was obliged to tell him about my real life as a crafter. I think he might have visited the blog a couple times since, because he started a discussion on Monday that seemed relatively well informed. Well, more informed about my hobby than I am about his nerdy tech obsession - I cannot call it a hobby, after all, he makes money from it! Anyway, he suggested that I ought to 'move up' to a website and have it 'fully interactive'. He said I could get proper sponsorship and my readership would increase 'exponentially'.
Well you know by now, I'm easily led, and easily flattered into anything, he bet me that I'd be asking him to build me a site within the week. So for a day, it played around in my mind. And on Tuesday night while I was typing up the WOYWW post it occurred to me that 'my readership' was big enough - one or one million. Because I like it. I like that anyone takes the time to comment - you don't have to - I'm a blog reader too remember, I know how much effort and clicking it involves. I like to leave a comment, but often I don't and sometimes, I can't.
I don't know how many visitors per comment. I don't mind that (this drove him nuts) and hey -if you can leave a comment and once a week you can link to your place from here - isn't that interactive? As for sponsorship - well - if you wanna send me free stuff and have me talk about it - ask me. I like a mutual benefit. And what do I have to do for all of this? Type the words that otherwise crash around in my head and as often as possible, visit loads of blogs. So why change....I think this blog is classically just that - a blog.
Techie boy didn't get this particularly, he feels a blog is parochial and even a bit luddite. Well, maybe it is. But it's mine. And I like it.

The comment thing is a biggy huh - we all love 'em, but sometimes you can't. On this blog, that's not a biggie - please don't be apologetic..I'm just really grateful when I realise I'm not typing this to myself. Although I realise that it's all very much for my own good. I suit a big head, really I do.


  1. I must confess - I'm a techie as well so I understand from where your techie guy is coming. But I also understand that we all just put our posts out there to share, and if someone find the time to comment well, "that's just gravy!" - an extra bonus!

  2. Good post, I feel if it works well don't change it and worse still if you do and it becomes a pressure then the whole fun goes out of it. Glad you won! :-)

  3. LOL..I think we all love sweet comments :)

  4. Hi julia! THe main thing is like you said, having fun with it. When hobbies become jobs they're not hobbies anymore.
    I try to comment as much as I can (cos I appreciate it so much myself), but I'll admit, if I am especialy pressed for time and blogger keeps signing me out every two minutes and people have WV etc etc ; although I see something I like, as much as I want to comment, if I see that the person already has loads of followers I sometimes feel like they'll get enough commenters without little ol me.....faulty reasoning really, cos some of my blog buddies have three or four times the followers I have and yet no more comments than I typically recieve. So I guess too many people think like me when they're busy. Gotta change that!
    Love your site!

  5. If it ain't broke don't fix it! I love comments on my posts, and always feel guilty when I visit a blog and can't/don't comment :D

  6. Hi Julia, I'm sure your techie guy will put me right if I'm wrong but isn't a blog more interactive than a website? I say this because I was, until my recent retirement, a self-employed businesswoman and as such had a website and I would never describe it as interactive. Unless a client e-mailed me I didn't really communicate beyond the pages of the website. I did get a stats report every week but that was it - nothing, nil, zilch! With a blog you can chat away, voice your opinion, show off your projects, rant and vent, brag about going to New York or meeting Tim Holtz (yes, some do!!!), air you dirty workdesks every Wednesday (knowing that others will do the same), and some of us out there will leave a comment as we pass by - what is more interactive than that. Sorry, I've gone on a bit but you can tell I've thought about your question:) Elizabeth #63

  7. I mostly peek on your blog on Wednesdays, but from time to time on other days as well! I'll have to take a pic of my desk one day and join the fun :)
    And also I wanted to mention that I love today's card - this background is stunning! (I may have the same stamp... gotta find it and experiment, I feel encouraged :)

  8. I agree with Elizabeth and Dorcas! I won't say anymore 'cos they have said it so well already! LOL
    xoxo Sioux
    See.....if I feel the need I will comment other than on a Wednesday!! HOL

  9. Often pop by but don't often comment due to time constraints. Can't see the need for a website...we all know where you are!

  10. Hi, Julia. I visit your blog all the time - it's in my side bar so I read eveery post - laugh at most of them (in a nice way!) and try to comment when time allows (even, like know, when I am meant to be working) I agree too, it is nice to know how many people drop by (the new blogger stats thing is interesting but I am sure can't be accurate in my case, but who knows) and comments - usually!! - are lovely, and encouraging to know we don't all ramble on to ourselves! Keep enjoying your blog, we love it.

  11. He he, techie guys tend to have ideas, I'm married to one and oldest son sometimes sounds very much like one.

    Blogs are very interactive in a good way and you can add a lot of things that checks the statistics in a website way. But hey - easy peasy and fun is enough for many of us :)

    Love to visit your blog as it is!


  12. i pop by quite often in the week, i do like to e
    leave a comment but sometimes they tell me i put in the wrong password ( i know i am bit thick but i can remember my password) so after a few times i give up and mean to comment later, so as others have said if it aint broke dont fix it, you blog always make me laugh so keep up the good work

  13. Your blog does cheer me up sometimes I enter sometimes I comment mid week - depends on time...but don't it the way it is

  14. I didn't pop by yesterday, nothing happening on the old workdesk, but as you see I do stop by at other times, although I have to admit although I love reading your great posts I don't always leave a comment as there just isn't enough time in the day and your musings are always so interesting I don't feel I can just write the usual, "great, love it" type of comment. You inspire far more words than that!!!!
    Men don't get blogs, I find. It's us ladies who like to chat, be nosey and generally collect great cyber friends who become real ones if we are lucky enough.
    Keep the blogging community alive!!
    Thanks for your great blog.
    Hugs Lisax

  15. I do regularly pop by as you know & I always comment as your witty observations & stories make me smile. And if you got too big for this blog (if you see what I mean) I'd still hang around, & you know what they say...if it ain't broke, don't fix it :D

  16. I enjoy popping by, you often make me smile and sometimes make me laugh. I can't always leave comements, but do try. Its crafting with the everyday stuff thrown in that makes your blog a good read. Like it just the way it is, as somebody said if it aint broke... Lynne xx

  17. LOL well i hope Mt techie calls in hun and keeps on reading!!! luv your blog just the way it is, you always put a smile on my face, it a pleasure to visit you, sue,x

  18. I pop by when I can - not always on WOYWW. Love that card with the miniature stamp, cute.

  19. I enjoy your blog and I follow it so I don't miss anything. I will try to comment more regularly, though, as i love getting comments on mine - and you are always good for that

  20. I like your blog just as it is - funny and honest - a good place to visit. And todays card is so so beautiful!!!

  21. Hi Julia, thanks for popping into my blog on my first wholehearted WOYWW...Yes, I do mostly stand as I work and I find a harder stool more comfortable for my smaller backside than a cushy one. ;-D Believe it or not, there is ample room knee room as my knees hit below the drawers in the shelf space area.

    I agree mostly with you that bloggers live for comments...although I know alot of people pop in and out without saying a word. I'm getting used to it!

    I did peek at some of the other workdesks and they are scarey for me...your included. LOL...guess I'm more of an obsessive compulsive neat freak!

  22. Well I do check in on you regularly....although I am guilty of not always leaving a comment....Sometimes I feel that what I have to say won't be of any interest to anyone else.
    I agree with the comments above. If it ain't broke..don't fix it! We love you just he way you are, keep up the good work.

  23. I have been away gone abroad for my wedding, i have only been back for a short while. But before i went I certainly did visit your blog in between WOYWW. I did enjoy your critiques and your work is fab.

    Yes we do prefer comments, but not a lot people do. They nip in and out, however what I do not like about the non commenters - they stalk your blog, steal your ideas and work. but hey ho if they are genuine and do not have the time it is understandable

  24. I have a little counter (it's on the side at the bottom) now, if it sez 1 then that's probably you, but if it sez 2 that's probably me and you, but if it sez 16...(the most I've ever seen it at one time, (I need to get out more)) and going up and down like a yoyo all day, well, that could be the whole world and his, my point, I think ohooo, am I gonna get loads of emails commenting on whatever I've yacked on about, the answer is, can waver all day long, and not even half who visit comment, but why would they? specially if they haven't got anything to say, or of course, can't. (and if it's Russian or from China, it's usually rude. ( yep I use the Google translator!) Now, I must admit to sometimes not commenting because either blogger's so slow I can't get the comment box to open (Not here) and sometimes I do, but then it all disappears, somewhere because there was a code I didn't see. Comments are nice, and it does at least let every one else know you're not Mrs NoFriends!


  25. I don't visit as many blogs as I would like or as often as I would like... but I always enjoy a good read here... even if I don't comment of every post I read.
    Verification gets on my nerves especially when the letters are so close together that it's difficult to decipher them and I so often fall nto the trap of clicking off the page after leaving a comment only to see the word verification box pop up just as the page is disappearing! That really drives me daft.
    I like this card by the way!

  26. Yep you won LOL - see, it isn't wednesday but I'm here (and commenting hehe) - would have been here earlier but our stoopid PCs at work only let me view grrrrrrrrr.

    I love your blog just the way it is - a lovely place to drop by and while away a few happy moments.

    Toni :o)

  27. I haven't done WOYWW for a while but still pop onto your blog pretty regularly, although I don't comment as much as I feel I should... I love the feeling of community that a blog can bring and I've found so many other great blogs thanks to Wednesdays! x

  28. I only found your blog yesterday - through another blogger - to me websites are a bit like sitting on a hard chair functional and does a good job. Blogs are more like curling up on the sofa with a good book - much more comfortable and enjoyable - Hope that makes sense - glad you won x

  29. Love your lilac snowflake card....enjoyed reading your blurb about blogging toooooo

  30. Here I am commenting on your post! I comment when I can and when I have time.. woyww takes hours and am short of those right now! Website are great ( hey I should know I have one) but are hard work, and a blog can take a few mins or an hour to write, and if you only get one comment it means someone has read it.. websites are not,, flick on, flick off... buy if you stay long enough!
    I am off now to see if anyone has read my blog post..rofl.. I mean it gets addicting .. doesn't it???

  31. I'm with you, if you are happy, it's just right as it is. While free stuff to play with is highly tempting, it could become like proper work if you are seeking sponsorship and an "obligation" instead of a fun place to share. I like looking at stats, but not having to worry about them lol.

    Love your card btw :D, clear embossing powder with some stamping and something shimmery? Love the little stamp on it too!

  32. Julia im with you and like your blog. I read every post not just woyww but sorry i dont alwyas leave a comment.
    Kate x

  33. Yay! Yes indeed you won! And here are 32 more comments to prove it, lol!
    I love your blog and I don't see how a website is more interactive?
    I like what Nicky said about blogs being like curling up on the sofa with a good book!

  34. LOL My, what a flurry of activity!

    First up, fab card hun! Loving the lilac....

    Thinking about it, I actually read all your posts these days. I love anything that makes me smile, anecdotes of life and humans/animals etc - I can't be doing with overly thrusting rubbish down your throat kind of things, so blogs are brilliant as a way of showcasing an individual. Some folks use their blog more as a way of a forum for tutorials (Sid Haselden for example) whereas you are a general wit, Jennie stressed and Hels just.... well... Hels!

    We all love comments, and us mere plebs feel a certain kudos when a blog "celeb" such as Hels or Leandra or even now your humble self (and all praise to you for struggling round everyone each week!) leave a comment. A kind of YAY, they noticed me. Funny that. It's nice though just to be noticed full stop.

    Speaking on the website v blog debate, all I can do is suggest that you go to Yup, a website address. But when you get there it's a blog. If uber-successful Cathy feels all she really needs is a blog, then I say we are all truly right. Plus, a blog is free...... ;-D If you need to sell stuff, advertise stuff, put up links to downloadables, run comps etc, a blog is more than adequate, in fact it is better than a website - look at how many people run their digi-stamp/craft companies from this kind of base!

  35. Blogs are easy to do and within everybody ability to set one up and if you're a techie you able to fiddy a lot with the settings.
    It's open a whole new world for me.
    Love the card by the way, you must let me know when you have another card making day after seeing Anna's cards both my Sister and I would be interested.

  36. If it works for you why change. I like having a peek and leaving a comment when I have the time. It's all ok.

  37. Hi Julia.
    We all appreciate you hosting this event every week and I am not sure why...well, yes I do know. It has allowed me to 'meet' people whose work I admire and who inspire me, maybe I can inspire a few along the way too.
    It is the same for us all, I am sure.

    As to your initial question, I have commented on your work, but not every week and now I feel guilty!!!

    Blogs are much more personal than websites and easier to use......that is why this is so popular. We can add photos and start chatting with minimal computing skills and the best part is it is such fun.

    You must know that people are up, ready to post and poised to go....they press the 'publish' button as soon as you put up the link.

    This must be the MOST POPULAR link-up ever. We all look forward to it.

    We all need to spend more time with you and your creations and let you know that we NEED you, Julia. Keep are doing us the best of favours.

    We all should show our appreciation more.
    Thank you Julia.
    Sue xx

  38. Blog = popping into a friends for a frothy coffee and a chat and giggle.
    Website = popping into fancy coffee shop, paying a fortune for tall late and having to stir it with it a stick!
    I had my own website before blogging took off... its a lonely place to be and I only new people had popped in if they took the time to email me! Now, if people don't have the time to comment on your blog they sure as heck won't have the time to send you an email!!

  39. I must admit I merely visit you on Wednesdays and I tend to look at your other posts while I'm at it. I hadn't really grasped your question, but now I understand.
    I didn't realise this before I started, but blogging is really about "community", a website just isn't. Tim Holtz also has many readers, but he keeps a blog, for that's what people can follow in their reader and that's where they can comment, so a blog's just FINE!

  40. I'm glad you're sticking with the blog! Visiting web-sites is much harder to "sneak-in " when I'm at work, and I'm on dial-up at home; while some blogs won't load, all websites take forever!

    And I love your card! Was this a resist? Or white embossing? Fabulous!

  41. Ye you definitely win :-)
    I still pop by even though I haven't joined in WOYWW for a while - this is 'cos I really do feel I spend too much time on the PC and have virtually no self restraint so the best way for me to actully 'do' things is by not switching the PC on in the first place.
    Anne xx

  42. Hon its readng posts like this that bring me back to your desk. Hugs Pam x

  43. Great card Julia and I'm glad that your are sticking with us in Blogland! Jo x

  44. Hi Julia
    You asked if I was part of the Wight Crop Circle...
    Ive never heard of it LOL

    Gonna investigate me thinks!

    mandi x

  45. Hmm...I like your blog the way it is too, but I haven't seen the way it might be so show us some options LOL! Just kidding.

    I probably post on your blog more than others I look at since I'm already vested in you cuz of WOYWW.

    I'll love it either way.

  46. i visit every other day, just to see whats new, i love your blog, i am the blog stalker that does not have a blog!!! i read lots of them for many reasons, yours is warm and funny and like having a gossip with a friend and through woyww i have visited lots more intresting people! comments i must admit to rarely leaving them...why? i hear you ask! well.....i keep forgetting the bloomin password to my goggle acc and its such a faff to find the paper with it on! hmmmm that sounds lazy even to me lol!!!

  47. thanks for sticking with us. a blog is so much more personal.

  48. I probably would never visit if I had to go to a web site. Well, I would, but I would never comment, since there is no place convenient. With blogger, I don't have to type in my information over and over, with web sites, I often must if I want to leave some form of a comment. Thanks for staying here and keeping it "small."

  49. I LOVE your blog and check it all the time. I rarely comment but I'm here reading your posts! You've given me so many good laughs and great craft ideas. Either way, blog or website, please keep it up!
    Carrie C

  50. I try to always comment but with poopy PC being the way it is at the moment sometimes it is quicker for me to read and run that to sit, holding my breath that the stoopid thing doesn't crash just posting a comment. How would a website be more interactive though?

  51. Blogging is so much more fun and personal than websites I think Julia and since when did men know better than us woman!!!! Glad your staying put. Carolxx

  52. I'm with you completely! Have found I simply can't blog-hop or leave comments all over the place, so now I have a few (linked on my own blog) that I enjoy and follow (and that changes around a bit) and always try to comment on. Anything more is just too much and makes me poorly again. So I don't do it. I LOVE feedback via comments and really appreciate it, but don't need zillions of visitors or comments to get what I need back, and hope to do the same by others. It's a mutual exchange of support and appreciation innit - which is fine by me. Power to yer elbow!! (and mine) ...

  53. I'm much more likely to visit, read and leave comments etc on a blog than on a standard website. I like your blog.

  54. I love your blog, and I try to comment when possible .... but I mostly like to lie abed and read, so it isn't often enough.

    Tis Tuesday and I am just popping by to see what you've been up to.

    Does he have spots and a pale complextion and live in an anorak?



  55. I love your blog the way it is so please dont change it .When i come here you always make me smile or laugh that makes my day!So keep up the good work and tell techy man to go make himself a blog !
    hugs judex

  56. I pop by from time to time but missed this one - but then I had a visitor and three workshop days last week so it stopped me hopping around as usual. Love reading your blog - you are quite amusing and I like blogs that "tell a tale".
    Love your card by the way.

  57. Awesome I love this!


Your contribution is a valuable thing - thanks for taking the time!