
Tuesday 28 September 2010

Long Autumnal shadows and crisp air and a Michaelmas Fair in the best tradition - doing what we English are pretty good at really. This was a great photo op and I took some terrible ones...especially as Miss Dunnit and her Godbrother weren't happy about being photographed on the rides. Sometimes your kids just can't get over being grown up can they!

I've found the colours on these lovely gaudy horses a great kick off point actually, and am feeling happily autumnal. Isn't funny how you do and don't notice things, and how some things influence you. I pointed a an Acer or Maple (I dunno) to a friend of mine yesterday that is already a stunning red gold. It's young, but been on 'our route' for a few years. She'd never noticed it, but is revelling in her discovery. She pointed out to me that since Autumn arrived, I've been wearing more red. I hadn't noticed. But I like the idea that even subliminally, I'm copying a greater force. Gold and yellow don't suit me, otherwise I'd probably be looking even more like the hedge that I usually drag myself through! I have to examine my winter wardrobe - this work thing means that jeans and sweatshirts won't really cut it - eight years of comfort clothes people - aaagh to that change! One thing for sure though, I'm going to try and build in some other colours - they cheer me and hey - if the horses can look gaudy for autumn....!


  1. Love those fairground horses! Sometimes I wish I worked somewhere I could wear jeans to work, but on the rare occasions we're allowed to, I don't feel "right"!

  2. We are very casual where I work and it took me a long time to get used to it and now dressing up to go anywhere is a huge problem for me as I feel like I don't know how to do it anymore. I used to wear suits and heels and traipse up and down flights of stairs easily. Now I struggle to walk 10 steps in heels! Thanks for your comments on my the 'time', one look at my house would answer your questions. Cleaning and Maintenance has been replacing by Papercrafting!
    I love the Merry-go-round, makes me Merry just looking at it. Autumn is my fave season too :-)

  3. I guess I could suit myself what I wear as I work from home but I do like to dress fairly smart if still comfortable. I'm really glad I don't have to be suited and booted every day :-) Really love those fairground horses.
    A x

  4. I have a little something for you on my blog.


  5. Love the Merry-go-Round photos. Of course you probably knew I would.

    I've been on both sides of factory doors, and can dress like the factory worker or the corporate executive. However, I much prefer dressing like an artist in loose fitting outfits or gowns that are spattered with paint and ink or filled with burn holes from my chiminea.

    One promise I DO make. No matter what job I do, or what side of the factory door I'm on, I will NEVER wear panty hose again, EVER.

    From the sound of things, you need a good shopping spree that you can write off on your taxes :>)

  6. Lovely merry go round and pretty horses. I hear you on the comfort clothes - I have only been at home for 4 months and nearly DIED when I had to put on heals and a skirt the other day to go to a job interview. =0) Thanks again for you offer - you're right no deadline as I send parcels once a month - only if it is xmas cards as they need to leave Denmark no later that late October. SORRY I forgot to translate my late entry yesterday - wonder how you managed to understand what it was all about.

  7. Like the photo of the carousel...I have just been watching the film 'Carousel' on Tv and I'm humming those fantastic songs by Rogers and Hammerstein.
    Have fun!
    Sue xx

  8. Hi ya hun
    Oh i haven't been on a merry go round since my kids were small, use to luv em,
    i got my self some lovely bright jumpers from asda for the winter all colours of the rainbow, i tend to wear mostly black skirts so brightens them up, i dread gettin the winter clothes out they always seem to shrink over the summer!!! see you 2moro, sue,x

  9. Gaudy they may be but I love them :-) Oh yes Julia, more colour please, I do so hate seeing so many black clothes in the shops grrr! Not that I don't wear black at all, but in the past I've been put off buying something I really liked 'cos it only came in black :-/
    Anne xx

  10. There's nothing quite like a carousel. I still remember stumbling across one in a little village on the French coast - no fair or fete or festivities, just a fully laden carousel. I always wondered how it came to be there.

    Autumn is definitely shaping my taste in clothes too; I'm in a black top with abstract splashes of taupe, red, brown and rust. Plus leggings and boots, as I am with Bleubeard and Elizabeth in consigning tights forever to Room 101.

  11. I left a One Beautiful Blog Award for you on my blog. I know it's already Wednesday in the UK, so if you go to my blog by the time I've posted my WOYWW, hopefully it's the post below that lol. Wednesday has turned wicked busy on my blog, so it might be two posts lol. Thanks for all the inspiration :D

  12. Oh I love this time of year. The colours are amazing - Ok I have walked through about a zillion cobwebs already and done the frantic brushing off/is there a spider on me dance more times than I care to remember with a guffawing toddler loving it but gotta love their little homes all covered in dew - the reds and golds and browns all merging together. It's gorgeous!


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