
Friday 11 June 2010

Word, Bird

Exactly how much self control should I have? I pulled the green bin back into the garage (I know, my stories of domestic bliss are, ummmm, riveting.) and there's a blue wrapped parcel that Gordon my postman has incredibly thoughtfully put in the garage instead of making me drive 12 miles to collect. (More domestic bliss - see, if you were my neighbour, you could share Gordon with me, he's the best postman.) I examined the parcel for a full -oh I don't know - 20 seconds? Time enough to ensure it was meant for me. And then I ripped it open. And look what I cleverly revealed!

Isn't she gorgeous? From Anne - you know her as Liverpool Lou. And not just from Anne, but made by Anne with all sorts of attention to detail - just look at those beaded feet and her beautiful crown. Hang on, I'll turn her around..
and how's that for beautiful booty!

Huge thanks Anne, she is a pleasure to look at and has already made a guest smile, perched as she is in the front hall of the East Wing. I dunno why you decided to give her to me, but I'm really happy that you did. Thank you. Shall I stop sticking pins in the butt of the little blue tack dolly that looks like you now?

I'm sorry, I can't improve the gaps in this post, my editing skills are clearly lacking today.....and I was just thinking it wasn't as long a post as usual. I also wanted to say - we keep our green bin at the back because that's where the grass is, so tactically easier to haul the bin through here than through the lounge and front door....and, I will be returning to the burning issue of yesterday....!


  1. OH she is lovely, so kind of Anne to send you this fabulous creation

  2. You really should have warned me Julia. The excitement was all too much for Ernest. He is now pasionately in love with her and has asked me if there is any possibility of him coming to you for one of his weeks gap year experience. Please please please.
    A x

  3. Oh noes.....

    ...oh double noes.....

    I'd only just got that song out of my head after son-of-mine and I watched Family Guy again weeks ago.....

    ...and now it's back! lol....

    That bird is fantastic though- I want one! xxxxx

  4. ooh that bird is fab, i want one too!!!

  5. Great little bird and what a nice postman!

  6. Wow what a stunning creation she has handcrafted .Im sure will look fab whereever you put it.

  7. How amazing! Quite beautiful.

  8. Hi Julia
    aww what a gorgeous surprise that was for you, she is lovely, very clever Anne, sue,x

  9. The word bird is beautiful!

  10. A beautiful bird ... the word bird wot Anne made I mean ... not you ... though I am sure you are ... a beautiful bird ... but not having met you I do not feel qualified to say :0)

  11. Oh Fab prezzie for you J, what a clever lady Anne is! I too have wonderful; postmen that deliver to my greenhouse!
    onto yesterday's post..yep didnt have the time got 'his' dies...and feeling ok!!! i remember our conversations!!!
    so you ARE getting converted!!!

  12. I do wish your postie was my postie having had to go collect a parcel just the other day - it doesn't stop me ordering more crafting stach tho!! What a lovely present, talking of which I have made a little mention of you here - x

  13. Cor this is totally lush, isn't Anne clever... and lucky you.. you have a Gordon AND a cute birdy too :O))

  14. Oh lucky you Julia, she's gorgeous xx

  15. oooo that is one stunning bird!!! Love her tail!!! You are so lucky Julia X

  16. Hi Julia, yes please stop it with the pins, I haven't been able to sit down without having an inner tube on the chair for weeks! BTW don't let her go off with any old Tom, Dick or Ernest that throws a bit of flattery her way!
    Hope she brightens the East Wing for many years ;-)
    Anne xx

  17. Same as Gail - that blimming song! Aaargh!

    How fab is she though? But I have to argue with you over your postman. Mick the postie who we have is just the best. He's been known to chase me down the road in his van with a parcel *g* AND bonus point to clinch him as the winner - he looks just like Postman Pat :D

  18. I'm glad there are gaps, it slows down reading so it becomes very calm and stressless. It's really therapeutic so you're doing a good deed here ;)

  19. WOW! What astunning gift, you lucky thing! xx

  20. absolutely gorgeous bird.. you I mean , of course:) What a fab gift :)

  21. She's gorgeous - I want one - LUCKY you!

  22. That is a gorgeous pressy ...that bird is wonderful

  23. PS....I'm STILL working through the WOYWW desks!!!!!

  24. Aren't you lucky - it is so fab. Anne didn't do it full justice on her blog - the rear is brill.

  25. wowser - what a gorgeous bird... i LOVE the colour... at first when you post popped up in my updates bar - I thought you had done a post about a green budgie - but on closer inspection - it is sooo much prettier than a budgie and won't sh1t all over the east wing LOL


    Paula x x x

  26. Oh, you Lucky Ducky - what a lovely surprise! I saw this on Anne's desk and it made me smile, and now I've seen it here and it's made me smile again. Obviously a Bringer of Smiles

  27. aww how cute is that, lucky you.x

  28. Wow she is amazing what a lovely suprise for you.

  29. What a wonderful surprise present - I absolutely love the colours and the beaded feet and bunch of roses are inspired!

  30. Love that bird. Saw it on Anne's blog earlier. I've given you a bit of payback, errrrr, award that you don't seem to have. Please check out my blog post today.

  31. This is lovely Julia. Hugs Pam x

  32. Wow what an amazing bird, fab colour, wonderful embellishments, just love her.
    Pat xx

  33. A thoughtful postman AND a parcel how lucky can you get in ONE day. Sure is one smart and cute bird - thanks for sharing - made me smile too. But then again most of the stuff you write here makes me smile. =0)

  34. The tweetest little birdie ever, what a lovely gift from Anne, and one you don't have to feed or take for a walk

  35. I love that bird what a wonderful surprise for you xx

  36. WOW this is amazing I love it, Lucky you getting it from Anne. Its fab to have a nice Postie. It makes all the difference. I went to school with mine so lots of reminiscing goes on!!!

  37. Beautiful bird, what a sweetie Anne is! I'm sure he must cheer you every time you look at him.
    There's an award for you on my blog!

  38. Amazing bird!!! isn't Anne a clever lady!!!!!

  39. This little guy is SO FREAKIN' CUTE! I just love hime (and so does my sister :))
    Mary Anne


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