
Wednesday 6 January 2010

FWOTY! What's on Your Workdesk Wednesday

First Wednesday of The Year! These acronyms are getting boring now, sorry. Despite a morning shot, the light is pretty good today. On account of the 4 inches /10 centimetres of snow in the garden...good at reflecting what little light there is, I must say. See how I used metric and imperial there? I've noticed that on the TV..the newscasters report the bad weather in imperial, but the weather people are metric. Gotta love being British.
Anyway - my desk! Argh! You can't even see my lovely and well organised scrap paper box now - too far left! Oh well. Take a second to suss out my next desk innovation, an idea copied shamelessly and without permission from several of you - I have a mini bin! I know, I know, but after your breath has steadied and your eyes have changed from green back to their natural colour, ask yourselves this:
How long will it last?
What is she putting off by making all these improvements?
Naturally, the answers to these are probably not very long and certainly something. The LO is for the Cropsters - and in fact will crop up in a workshop later this month too, and yes, it's me in the terrible photo. I have no idea why, but all photos of me are terrible - they never show the me I see in the mirror! My acrylic box of gems is at left and there's a 6x6 album standing up against the patterned paper scrap's a work in progress, currently awaiting a photo delivery. If you wanna know about anything else, please ask! NormaJean wanted to know: the big pegs are from Creative Imaginations, sold in pairs and are 4 11/16/12cm tall.
Come on then, New Year, new trivia! Show us your desk, lap tray, floor, kitchen counter - wherever you're working. It's not about tidy or untidy (OK, it is, a little bit!) mostly we want to see what you're working on and what you've got. It's fun! Leave a comment here so we can swing by and admire. We've all met a lot of great bloggers this way. Why wouldn't you wanna be part of that?


  1. I am in shock ... had it in me head that you looked like Camilla Parker Bowles ... no idea why ... think it is the name Julia ... it's quite posh in these here parts :0)
    I am with you on the photo thing ... the camera is oh so cruel to me ... I look like Julia Roberts ... really I do ... the actress not the QVC presenter ... but the camera insists on portraying me as some washed out tired looking old sort!!!
    I have WOYWW'd here

  2. I remembered this early today - probably because I'm still putting off any proper crafting - don't know why really, cos I usually do loads - hope I'll get going later. Anyway, love your WIP - the LO is looking good, including the photo (I think we all feel like that about photos of ourselves, although I'm beginning to realise that I really am an old wrinkly!) Ooops, I nearly forgot - my photos for today are here x

  3. Yours looks very businesslike Julia.
    I am interested to know how people organise their scraps, I saw what you were doing and it looked very professional; I simply haven't any more space to stack boxes, I could do with some sky hooks or a very large hammock suspended from the ceiling that I could toss things into. The image on my desk is a digi that I'm working on at this moment for 2 Sketches 4 you. It's from In Style stamps.
    My desk is here

  4. Hi Julia, I am all behind today but will be back with my desk in a bit (its sort of "snow stopped play round here with the kids off school) but here is a little look at my WIYGW!!? for now
    Hugs Susie xx

  5. It's more of a case of who is on my workdesk today here!

  6. Hmmm not sure how I thought you looked but that wasn't it :-) Funny how you have a picture in your mind from the character you have learned about. I really hate how the camera makes me look. In my own mind I am still 21 and the camera tells a different tale :-)
    A x

  7. He he I'm glad its not just me that gets pictures of what people look like in their heads & they're totally wrong!!

    Great page. I have done something similar but without me on it!!
    Here's my WOYSW tee hee!

  8. OOps I forgot to include my desk link... Please feel free to drop in on me :-)
    A x

  9. I have just realised my link is n't clickable ... so here I am!

  10. Well I have done it - just click Twiglet and see what I have on my desk today!

  11. Hi Julia, I think you look great!! But feel the same way, I hate EVERY Picture of me
    Thank you for the info on the clothes pin.
    I havent done any crafting lately lost the mojo but heres my desk anyway.. Happy New Year too!!

  12. Great workspace for the beginning of the year Julia, very busy :) I have a little ikea pop up bin under the desk (gets too full too quickly lol)
    My space is on my blog :)

  13. Julia, thank you for showing me what you look like :) amazing what secrets are on our desks! btw I alwsy thought I was very unphogenic and for many years the only photos got of me was the back of my head! hence there is nothing of me from the age 16 to 40! lol Now I am 21 again, it is ok to take a photo but it must be airbrushed and re jigged to make me look presentable! lol
    Here is my mess for the day!

  14. It's the mirror that lies to me. In my head I'm still a teenager... and skinny. Then I pass a mirror and nearly fall down with shock. It's not fair.

    Your photo is lovely however and it's nice to see you on here :D

    I have WOYWWed!! I have! I didn't forget! Whooo!

  15. Hi Julia,
    I think you're similar to how I thought but I imagined you with fair hair. As for getting organised craftily I have a box on my desk that's supposedly for offcuts that I want to use but most of the offcuts are sitting on top of said box and have been for about 4 months! I'm with Carmen here despite my great age (63) LOL, some days I think I don't look so bad agewise but then when I'm out and about and catch sight of myself it's such a shock! You can see WOMWW on my blog and also the snowy view outside my window ;)
    Anne xx

  16. Hi Julie,
    Loving the ‘new’ mini bin!
    I sometimes resort to an empty ice cream tub but more usually it’s the floor Lol!

    My Desk.
    Is here in all its glory and I’ll be stopping by shortly to see what the rest of you have been up to.

  17. The LO is lovely, hope the snow melts and we get to play Saturday.

  18. Am liking the minibin however......... might it be slightly too mini for you????? you might want something more icecream tub sized??? I have a couple of new items in my life this week and have blogged about them here

  19. I know lots will be checking in here so for those that enjoy the aw factor feel free to check my latest blog out here
    A x

  20. Hi thank you for popping my blog Julia (my sister is called Julia!)
    Answer to your questions...I fall asleep on the sofa most days!!!
    The notice board is old but new to my crafting area. Its going to be inspirational things. Its got my gorgeous calendar on it from Susie at the moment.
    Helen x

  21. Cool! I'm up for this :) Watch this space...x

  22. Desk is looking rather oganised today Julia. I was just about to say here is mine but I can't remember how to add the clickable link and the instructions are on my old computer arghhh. Ok click on my name at the top guys and have a look from there! I'm off to have a nosey and find the insructions!! Hugs Pam

  23. How lovely to see a photo of you; I have a camera like yours only mine seems to have a fish eye lens that makes me rather round!! Your desk is very neat, but it is a new year so I'll forgive you.

    My work-ish space is here

  24. Hey hun, Happy New Year to you and yours! Wish I could do one of those linky things...instead here is my very very very messy desk today

    TFL...have a good one xx

  25. Happy New Year to all!
    The camera hates me - or is that I hate the camera?? Anyhow I really dont like having my photo taken and would rather be the taker!
    Love your LO, and your photo is great!
    Heres my desk today - not much crafting going on I'm afraid!
    Until next week ;-)

  26. I'm not sure whether you will take this as a compliment but I thought that it was a picture of India Knight on your desk
    who incidently has a great blog not crafty but interesting finds.
    here's my desk

  27. Hi Julia, still can't believe I've joined in! I know I'll regret it in the morning! lol!

    here's my workspace


  28. Hi Julia and all, I'm back with my desk Here Like I said I would be up to my nick name of !! And showing off some of my late Christmas pressies and challenge wins.
    Julia your peg is lovely I must try one of them they make great gifts.
    And the mini bin is a fab idea I don't know who first though it up but it was a genius !!! I must make one (mine will have to be the size of a skip to clear my desk of trash!! Lol )
    Keep warm and safe
    Hugs Susie xx

  29. hmmm I haven't woyww'd for a while - need to get back in to the habit!! At the moment though, lets just say that I am having a bit of a sort out!!! (so no desk to show off!!)

  30. I found you via Linda - and resisted the temptation to tidy up first! Although I work messy I do tidy up afterwards (usually) ...
    my desk is at

  31. Had such fun catching up on all your posts that I missed ...liked the photo but I imagined you with lighter hair ...maybe alittle shorter ... the hair not you lol but I do know what you mean about a cruel camera. However ... at my age the mirror is as cruel as I know I look a lot younger and slimmer my head anyway ...I really find it hard to accept that I am the fat old lady that stares back at me. lol.

    Centimetres v inches ...I can sort of think in both but I can visualize better in inches.Litres and pints are ok as I can swap between them as I do with grams and ounces but I visualize ounces better and often just use table spoons ...the old fashioned one not the smaller modern one but cups defeat me. I could not stop thinking about the stupidity of Mr Dunnits metres of 2x4 ... I must admit I still converted new pence to old for years lol ...omg I bet loads of you were not even born then.

    Where did you get that stand ...did my addled brain miss that bit ...great on a breakfast table too

  32. I like your photo, I think you look lovely on it and your desk is very very tidy and organised today! Mine is not. You can see it hereif you are brave enough!

  33. Hi Julia & Friends,

    I am NEW to the challenge but stepping up the plate - albeit in baby steps - for the new year! I found the challenge over the holidays and LOVE the concept (as I can never quite get my desk to look as pristine as I would like!) Anyway, come see WHO is on my desk today - give me some encouragement - and I'll post more pics next week!

    Ramona :-)

    WOYWW at

  34. Mine is here
    Bit of a long shot this one as it's my first photo. Will get closer in in the future and when there's better light :)

  35. Hey sissy, still wednesday here ! GREAT photo:) My work desk today was at a great coffee/book store in walnut creek with a latte in my hand and a very cool surface/textile designer friend to chat with:) can it get any better on a cold winter day:)

  36. Ah Julia-don't let the expat aussie get started on the great british mile....
    Are you going to have a shot at the book prize on the creative type blog? You know you should....

  37. Hey thar. I would have taken a Picture of my Workdesk, but it's my bedside table and that's not very interesting. (Not to Mention covered in Stuff!)


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