
Thursday 7 January 2010

..and then I'll blog

Well it's been a day. Started well with some upstairs chores (I know, and to be honest, I can't guarantee it'll get anymore interesting). I had a long chat with the Enthusiastic Educator about the necessity of our planned journey to a local hostelry this evening. We've put it off. Then I was going to type up a blog post, but was distracted by a card that I'd started last night. It needed the benefit of daylight to make me see that if I produce it at a workshop, my friends will assume I'm colour blind. So I've erm, adjusted that. By then I was in the swing of things and made another card - entirely from my scrap box! Then it was coffee time, so I thought I'd put together a post for the blog. Instead, I decided to release the car from its snowy shroud and see if it would start. It did - it is the best small car in the world, for sure. I expended far too much energy sweeping the inches/centimetres of snow off it and then clearing a path. Which of course, is now an ice rink! So then I had another cup of coffee and settled at my desk. Just as I was warm and dry and considering a post for the blog, Miss Dunnit announced that this would be a good time to wander through the village and get some supplies. So we did. It was quite beautiful. Full, zero degree blue sky sunshine and lots of still white, non dripping snow. Literally breathtaking. Sparkly even. Not for the first time (the third, actually, in as many years), I gave thanks for my foresight in spending an obscene amount of money on a pair of Croc wellies. Like tractor wheels on my feet. They're short see, (the boots, although my feet are too I suppose!) like tall ankle boots - saves me angst and agony over fat calf syndrome. If you've got it, you know. So when we came back, I dried off.....we had to change some outerwear which prompted the sorting of a load of washing and the re-jigging of the indoor drying arrangements. And then I thought I'd finish my blog post. Back at my desk, I picked up a round tin that's awaiting my attention and I started mapping/sketching plans and browsing for papers. Something reminded me that I hadn't sorted out the ingredients for supper. So I changed hats and did kitchen duties, including some cupcakes for the Crop on Saturday. Yum. By now I feel it's too late to post to my blog; Mr Dunnit has made it home safely, the door is locked and a cup of tea is on the way. I really hope he doesn't ask me what I've done today; because the answer seems to be 'not much, really'. How odd then, that I was too busy to post to my blog before now. Time Management - a skill I would probably pay to acquire. If I had time.
Remember when I had my sewing machine on my desk? The notebook cover is the result - part of a Secret Sister gift to Peggy, an unknown craft friend in Texas. The brief was to shop in charity stores with a small budget and re-use or re-purpose where possible....I did OK with the fabric purchasing at least. Anyway, Peggy has finally received her pressie, so safe to show you that I'm not a gifted seamstress!
Oh and Paula - thanks for your comment, enjoyed your thoughts on my thoughts very much ..I managed to get over excited by the comment left by my daughter (I know..does this mean I'm cool?!!) and am sorry to say that I hit the wrong button and deleted your words...promise it wasn't ingratitude!


  1. Julia, sounds like my days all rolled into one! put a cup down here .. see a book, pick it up read it, telephone goes, answwer it, forgot coffee, forget book, do something
    Keep warm

  2. hilarious - i'm sat at the pc with a stupid grin on my face - you should write a book!!! no probs about the delete - just glad you read it... please keep entertaining!!! Paula x

  3. Blimey Julia ... I am knackered now ... reading all that ... best I go lay down and you my dear ... well you should rest X

  4. oh felt all that digging of the car out and then it was ice! Croc wellies, now I was looking at those on the web last night as I also have thick calf syndrome and my wellies yesterday after the journey on the train have left a lovely red ring around my calf! But, they are all sold out in my size - damn!

  5. Wow take a breath girl have had a busy day ...Now relax put your feet up and have another coffee
    keep warm and safe
    Hugs Susie xx
    PS love the note book

  6. *giggles* fat calf syndrome, omg tell me about it, I hate buying boots but I finally found some snug sketchers boots and I love them, infact i love them that much I could sleep with them lol :) xxx

  7. I really think you should write a book ... the diary of a blogger or some such. I never cease to be entertained by your musings!
    Thanks Julia


  8. Your day sounds busy, busy, busy to me! My boots have come into their own this year - Craig bought them for me a few Christmases ago, also calf length but steel toe capped, metallic purple and covered in spiderwebs. While everyone has been skating down the pathways my monster boots are keeping me nice and steady :D Only thing is I don't wear them as often as I would like as I can't feel the car pedals in them. But as I can't (wont) drive in this snow I finally get to wear them :P

    I loves your notebook cover I do!

  9. You do make me chuckle Julia. It reminded me of a song..."I'm busy doing nothing working the whole day through"....showing my age now :-)
    A x

  10. I think I need a lie down. Great project. :)

  11. tractor wheels eh...over here they're skidding allover the place and even the 'gritters' are overturning!! honest!!
    Days like that, when you feel you've done nothing; even though you've not stopped; only when you go back to do something and found you've already done it, do you realise that you have in fact been VERY busy!!

    I think the frost and snow's fuddled the brain!!

  12. Great posts....I enjoyed reading it! :o)

  13. THANK GOODNESS ... it's not just me who has days like that then! My menopausal brain flits from one thing to another, forgetting I've just started something else, and I leave a trail of half finished activities, eg cups of tea, artworks in progress etc etc.

  14. Mmmmm, i think over half the female adult (ie over 30!) population suffer from fat calf syndrome... i'm another sufferer, and as one who has a passion for shoes, and boots too, it causes me great pain mentally!
    Fab and funny post as ever!

  15. Must agree with the crocs wellies, but haven't ventured out this week as toooooo scared I'll break something to add to other things. Just sent out bendy Bob, with letters to post and shopping to fetch!!!!

  16. LOL - and, I'm with Rosie - I can do menopausal brains.

    I really love the colours of the material, some of my fav colours and the flower is yummy. Lucky recipient!

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