
Friday 23 October 2009

Well this is a tiny portion of a Christmas card - but I made it for the Card Marathon, so I cannot show it all...and of course, in teeny portions, my photography seems so much better! Of course, I blame blogger for the sideways-ness of it, but oh well!
I have spent the last two days in a quiet frenzy of cutting counting and packing; kitting stuff and trying to pre-empt all the nasty, heart-lurching moments that go with running an event and finding some vital piece missing...been there, as they say! I'm not finished - 8 months to go. Which sounds like a lot of work, but I really mean kit for 8 months' calendar probably a couple more days for sure. Follow that? Not sure I did! However, I have two days off, now I'm right in the flow and could actually, cheerfully go on until I've finished.
We have plans this weekend that involve fulfilling the ambitions of a Cosplaying, Manga loving teenager. We're doing that drive-to-a-venue-drop-off-the-teenager-and-walk-around-for-hours thing so that Miss Dunnit and two chums can attend an expo, called MCM. Sound even vaguely familiar? Not to me either. But it's a biggie and no doubt that the 'niche' world of Japanese animation that my daughter enjoys so much is less of a niche than I thought. More a yawning chasm. Thousands of all ages are expected and some top names from the tv and film world (of the genre, you understand) will be there. There are large comparisons to be drawn between her 'thing' and mine. Large venue, crowds of the 'like minded' and of course, stand after stand of retailers selling bunches of stuff that relate to your deepest hobbying needs. Now it sounds familiar, huh! Differences are huge though. I've never been to stamp or craft exhibition in fancy dress. Although I would if it were a pre-requisite! Nor have I had to have parental permission to attend any of my shows. But then, I wasn't just 16 when I discovered my real, lifetime hobby. And I suspect that however devoted my parents (and they are), there wouldn't have been the opportunity for them to drive me there and schlep around 'waiting' for me. Make it sound awful huh? Well, I'm sure it won't be. The Expo is after all, in our nation's capital city and apart from a large and unusual amount of fresh (?) air, I will have Mr Dunnit to myself. We won't be craft shopping though. I think that would be pushing his goodwill a bit too far - I think he's ever so slightly disturbed by my cheerful explanation of all the costume making and planning for Miss Dunnit, and all the cutting and counting for A Magnetic Year in a Day. Not sure he is truly able to dismiss all this feverishness in a one liner: 'every hobby has its nerds'. For sure!
Have a great weekend.


  1. Oooh, A Manga expo....if only I wasn't sensibly married with kids, I'd be there like a shot! Hope your daughter has a fabulous time, she'll be amongst the coolest nerds going (in my humble opinion). Enjoy your stroll with the hubby, too!x :)

  2. I'm sure in a couple of years time I could be doing exactly the same thing with my son!! Hope you have a great time you never know you may accidentally pass a craft shop on your stroll!!!

    Love Pam x

  3. Love that tiny portion of your card .... looks VERY interesting.
    DS rambles on about Manga characters and after 2 mins I just nod hoping I do it at the right time as he totally looses me .... same applies to his musings over the Marvel charecters !!!!!!
    I dont drive so I never had to drive him around when he was young but once I ended up going to American wrestling ...British Bulldog etc ... when he was desperate to go as I wouldnt let him go alone to Wembly aged 14.

  4. HAve a great day wandering about in London, I'm sure having the Mr to yourself all day a pub lunch (?) and a stroll about will be lovely :) just remember to take a brollie as it looks a little grey out there today :(

  5. Hi Julia! I've just found your blog whilst blog hopping, and now I've found it I'm definitely not willing to lose it again, so I've just added you to my favourites!
    Your postings have really made my day (month, year even!)and I've had wonderful laughs and lots of 'oh I know that feeling' moments.
    Just noticed you're in Wiltshire, I'm in Hampshire so maybe this madness is a geographical thing lol!

  6. So am I ultra nerdy then, being a nerd of 2 hobbies? Hope you all had a fab time.


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