
Monday 26 October 2009

Autumn: Overlooked

Back in the day when I was a Rep and a demonstrator, every product and workshop used after September was geared toward the Christmas season. Now, I've read a million or so blogs that indicate that lots of us (a million or so) steadfastly refuse to do anything about Christmas before December, but believe me, someone is creating a demand; shopkeepers wouldn't respond this early if they didn't have to - after all, they don't really want to think and dream about Christmas for three months of the year either!
I've spent a weekend in London - Docklands and Greenwich to be more exact, and Autumn is golden and bright in those parts. The weather has been, and is, forecast to be unseasonably nice and it's half term. No better reason then, to stop overlooking autumn. I'm going to make an effort - for this week at least - to talk less about Christmas cards and preparations in terms of workshops. It will be hard, because my focus really is that far forward. Work-wise that is. If you can call it work. Personally I couldn't be less prepared. But for now, for me, that's OK. The other thing I promise to try hard to avoid this week is whingeing. I know it's my blog and I want you to hear about how busy I am working on preparations for A Magnetic Year in a Day, but I also know how boring it can be and how incredibly self-obsessed I will sound. (I know I am really, but this attempt at modesty is quite becoming, huh?). I read a blog which has turned into a frequent entry of my-how-wholesome-and-good-i-am-to-be-this-busy-and-cheerfully-put-up-with-so-much-at-the-same-time and it's becoming offensive to my judgemental and incredibly busy self. So, remind me if I get carried away won't you?
Now, I'm putting away the Domestic Goddess' guide to Christmas and reeling in my panic over presents. They can wait. I have a large pile of crunchy red leaves in my garden, and I'm going to jump in them. And then of course, I'm going to get Miss Dunnit to sweep 'em up. Or she won't get onto the Christmas present list.


  1. I've been teaching Ruby about leaf jumping - she's still a bit hesitant and looks at me like I'm bonkers :D

  2. I've never felt inclined to do any Christmas related stuff till after my birthday - that's in September and to me, that's still summer!
    Dometimes though DY stuff is Christmas themed as early as that and I have to force myself to deal with it!
    This year I'm trying really hard to make my cards fairly early - every other year I've still been making them when the last posting date has past and that gets me stressed - so this year I'm going to be calm, collected, and prepared. Yeah right that would be in my dreams then

  3. Juat wish I could be as organised as you. I have 'found' my embellisher and as I make my bags they are selling and I have more ordered already so when will I find time for my Christmas cards this year? :-) A x

  4. I really do not get into Xmas mode until December but that was fine when I worked ... and was a lot younger. Maybe that is why I can never get started with my cards and I too prefer what I create closer to the time.

    Love your photo ... that's Greenwich is it not?

    Oh please ... feel free to whinge as much as you like ....I love it .... xx

  5. The crunchy leaves sound lovely. Wish I could have a jump, but too wheezy at the moment, and need to get well for the special day on Saturday.
    Re christmas presents, will have to get Bendy Bob organised!!
    Was coming over to collect stuff at the weekend and then remembered you were doing the Manga stuff!!

  6. Leaf jumping is one of my all time favourite past times ...

  7. I usually do lots of cricut/cuttlebug type cards at christmas, this year,however, I couldn't be bothered so I have just done stamping and although I love it, it all looks a bit samey! I do however love leaf jumping and have some rose covered wellie boots to don for said past time!!!

  8. Hi Julia!

    I found your site while blog hopping, so glad I did, You have some fantastic layouts here, I love your blog.

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    I would love to see you participate in a challenge :)

  9. I know exactly what you mean Julia. I too LOVE Autumn (it's my fave season) and with camera attached to my hip, I take every opportunity to take photos of this glorious time of the year. I can't even think about Christmas until Halloween is over and then, when that is past, I shall post some of my Autumn photos on my blog! Watch THAT space! :-) TFS.

  10. Hi Julia,
    Only just read this - well that's probably obvious! Though I could have read it before and not commented ;) It made me laugh - about that blog! I don't think the shoppers create the demands all the time but once things are offered people take advantage of them - i say take advantage 'cos there are those who like to have all their prezzy shopping done and dusted months in advance. I'm always a last minute person myself, I usually make a start early but do the bulk of buying in December. It's much easier these days as I only really buy for the grandkids and some of what I buy is led by their parents, DD usually has money so that only leaves her OH, Ds and his wife. I then make a little something for my sisters and 2 nieces; the plan this year being to make them a selection of birthday cards to give out and make a little folder for the cards.
    Anne x


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