
Wednesday 22 July 2009

Wednesday already - WOYWW then?

Here's my real desktop. Much much more untidy than my virtual desktop, but on the real one, I can find stuff in a jiffy! Let's see, what is there to say about it this morning? It will change, not long after this post is written for sure; I have a ton of stuff to do and because of that, this picture shows that I've been faffing about with something completely unrelated! I'm trying to come up with a card for this week's Daring Cardmakers challenge - it's fairies - but of course, I'm slightly one handed in that I have no fairy images..still, necessity is the mother of invention and I am at least using up some scraps in the process! I should be working on a bunch of cards for a paper piecing workshop and preparing card stock and stuff for tomorrow's workshops and working on my calendar for the big event, catching up with Shimelle's Everyone Has A Story Class and thinking about a LO for the crop. So you see, fiddling with a fairy card that actually features no fairy is rather silly!
Can you just see the snout of the piggy? He's flocked and eminently tactile. He was a gift from the Enthusiastic Educator. I think if I leave him in here, he will probably end up being a receptacle for all the little bits of change that I find when dusting the downstairs (yes I do!) - will be interesting to add up how much the family leave around thinking it's not worth pocketing. And in other present news, also on the desk at my right hand is a gift from Willowy Blonde. You have to understand that blogging is just another way of wearing my heart on my sleeve really, so it'll only be a surprise to me that I'm apparently so transparent:
I'm truly grateful to have such lovely gifts, but even more grateful that this coaster isn't a car sticker - oh the guilt of not wanting to use it would probably kill me!
So what's on your Workdesk this Wednesday? Tell us, better still - show us. There's a button on the right you can upload to your site if you wanna join in. The button isn't compulsory. Nor is the day, actually! It's meant to be fun, so don't worry about a commitment. Oh - and don't tidy up 'specially!


  1. Love that coaster! Also looks as if you have a lovely light desk, lucky you! x

  2. I spy piggy!!!!

    Your desk looks ready for some crafty action ....

  3. LOL! I wouldn't show my knickers - they're all falling to bits and full of holes. I spend my money on stash not waste them on new knickers! *g* I love piggy even if he is pink. He looks very strokable. My Mum used to put any money she found throughout the year in a green piggy - that included change she found on the street. I remember one year it totalled over £50!!

  4. What a lot you have to get done ... Good luck ... but I'm not sure you need it lol
    When my husband was alive and my son lived at home, I was always finding change down the back of chairs and the sofa ...quite a lot of £1 coins ...never let on ...felt it was my perk for cleaning up after them and their fault for losing it.
    I have posted my picture of WOYWW and one of a cheeky cat.xx

  5. My nice tidy desk is on my blog! lol!

  6. My desk is also on by blog, but a disappointment today I am afraid :(

    Love the piggy :)

    ADORE the coaster, someone knows you too well lol.

  7. Given what I was going to put on a sticker for my car window, I think you could get away with the coaster as a sticker!!

  8. That coaster is hilarious!

  9. *Gasp* Actually made it, and on a Wednesday to post, despite the crafting evening with friend, aided and abetted by an entire bottle of red wine between us (and hence not a photo of the FULL desk!!!) here -

    Will catch up on the full post tomoz cos my bed and early morning are not only calling, but actually YELLING at me!

  10. the coaster...and whats going on at your place? I can see the desk!!!!!! ;0)

  11. WOW!!! thats a very clean desk!!!! what's going on??? I'll join in on the knicker flashing as long as it's fruit and nut ;)


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