
Monday 20 July 2009


This LO uses the new Bloom & Grow papers from MME. They're nice, but not as fab as I thought they'd be. I bought the 12 x 12 pack and some fabric brads and the stick on vine stuff you can see on the LO, so you should really surmise that I like the stuff very much, huh? Well, I suckered myself into it actually. It was new. It was there, all co-ordinated and lovely looking. I flicked through the 6 x 6 papers in the hanging book and decided they were lovely. But of course, I didn't allow for the proportion of the pattern on the 12" papers and I don't like it as much in the larger, sort of diluted form. Trimcraft do that with all their licensed collections, the Laura Ashley range that I loved was the same and I felt, in some cases, the pattern didn't work well when enlarged. Now, I shall use this Bloom & Grow paper because I like it. But I don't love it as much as I thought I would. Unless it's a tightly snapped 6" square pattern, and that's no good to me at all! I quite often use scrapbook papers on cards for workshops, so I must be able to buy enough to go around - having to buy 2 or 3 small pads to supply 6 sheets of the same paper isn't really an option! But then the enlarged pattern on the 12" doesn't work on a card, and grr. Hey ho. A classic example of me never actually learning the lesson. Although actually (sorry to call you actually) I think it's more a case of me not remembering! My memory is so awful these days. That's what the journalling on the page is about - I remember the occasion at which I took the photo, I remember the weather, the reason we were there, the food, the hostess panic over muddy shoes, all sorts. I don't however, remember how old Miss Dunnit was. I had to track back to find out. Honestly, it's not like I have a handful of children to remember names and details for! Can you look at a child's picture that's more than 10 years old and tell me the age of the subject? I'm not sure I want to know really, it makes me feel more mortal than I want to! So, despite the fact that clearly this page is a retrospective one for the album, it has another huge argument for journalling - at whatever stage of being added to a layout for the album. There's so much to forget!


  1. I know the feeling. My DD wore glasses since she was 2 years old - that's what helps me decide her age as she had new ones every 2nd year and the fashion of glasses changed. Cute LO.

  2. My memory is awful, just terrible. I'm lucky if I can remember what happened yesterday.

  3. I know what you mean about dating photos.I have to think really hard about the occaision and try to remember what year it might have happened. My worst problem is baby photos ...firstly with how many months old they were but worst of all which was which. They didn't even look the same,there were only two of them and one was a boy and the other a girl. How I wish I'd dressed them in pink and blue. The ONLY way I know for sure is on a profile shot as they had totally different noses ...sideways on.I must be a terrible mother lol

    DCWV do that with papers too but I tend to fall for the 12 x 12 and then get the other size on a whim, for cards and matting. I did this on my last LO's. One had the 12x12 , the other I used an 8x8 as a sort of matting.

  4. I like the papers, they do lend a 'clean' look to your LO, and let the journalling take centre stage. You may know that i'm a journalling addict, so anything to help with recording memories has my vote.. i look at the clothes, and whether they have baby teeth, gaps or adult teeth to help me date a shot. If i'm not sure, the large C for circa in front of the date lets me off the hook.

  5. I know what you mean about pattern size on papers as well. I would much prefer the pattern stayed the same and you just got bigger sheets of paper. why O why do they (the designers) think they have to enlarge the pattern??? I tend to nab my sister for things like dates and names. she is great at looking at an old photo and knowing everyone in the piccy and how old they all are. heaven knows how she does it???

  6. This LO is really cute! I felt the same as you when I saw thoose MME papers: they looked nice on the screen but not as yummy in the "flesh"...

  7. I am terrible at choosing papers, regardless of the size. I buy stuff I like, then can't bring myself to use it and then just when I think I should, I get it out, fiddle about, and put it back again! As for "Aging" the older photos of the children (Freudian slip???) I'm ok when the photo is the 2 of them, but on their own, I don't stand a chance....

    I love that you hand write your journalling and I know you have discussed this before. You have fab handwriting too!

  8. Lovely LO, the papaers are fine! If you get them used then you've got an excuse to buy more! x

  9. I like the papers, but I've only seen them in 12x12 so maybe that's why. Beautiful LO though.

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