
Monday, 17 February 2025

I met a gal called Kelly...

I've just come home after a holiday, going through the photos wondering which,if any, of the stories I could tell. And then I remembered a proper craft related story from my holiday last year which I always intended to blog about and of course, didn't. 
We had a late week in Portugal, The Algarve. I don't speak the language and believe me, the Spanish I do speak is absolutely nowhere near the Portuguese language at all. I'm taking a liberty then, by saying that 'The Algarve'  translates roughly as 'the beaches are under the steep cliffs and if you want to access them, you have to walk down the steep cliffs and then back up the steep cliffs because your resort is at the top of the steep cliff so you can enjoy the magnificent view'. I think that adequately describes everything about our stay.
One evening, we ventured into a restaurant called Elliotts where Kelly served us. She is English, brought up in Portugal and working in her father's restaurant. She handed us menus and bustled away to sort out some drinks for us. 
What a great menu! Love the blue and white anyway, reflecting so much of the patterns and tiles everywhere, but just look at those tabbed pages, neatly organised and labelled for ease of use. I loved it.When Kelly returned with my 'Elliott's G&T', I asked her "so you've got a Cinch then?". She sat down in her excitement and we chatted paper crafts, laminating, Cinch versus Bind It All, good glues for hot weather - supply chains...all sorts. We had a lovely meal and when we left, I picked up her business card and introduced myself to Kevin,a character that she's created for her stationery biz.
You can tell she's at least a generation younger than me...she has a Cinch, and she uses a QR code on her business cards! Isn't it fab to find your people wherever you are! 


  1. what a great tale from your holiday! even if it IS from last year... but stays vivid in your memory, so obviously a lasting impression. I am sure she remembers you too.

  2. Yes! how fun, and good on you to get the conversation started.

  3. Great ! Do you have a Cinch or Bind It All? I do love the menu. How many Dodd she make?


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