
Wednesday 27 March 2024

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday 773

The last week has been quite overwhelming, not for any bad or sad reasons, just tiring and ridiculously busy. Amongst other things, it's been lovely but emotional to move my sweet Mother In Law into her new home. Partial other thing...the process for advising change of address is absolutely a nightmare in some cases and swift, easy and almost a pleasure in others. I've spent over three hours on the phone to a single utility company this week. Arrrrgh. So what you find on my desk...even more images to go on change of address cards. Another 10 needed and a lovely way to ignore the neglected housework and do some cutting and colouring! The desk is almost at the point of being unusable it's so untidy, but that won't last, some very real deadlines for an ATC and a scrapbook page for a Chinese Whispers round means that I need to focus. See that lovely ATC just above the birdhouse images? that's the swap I've received for this you get the motivation, it is somehow embarrassing to get the swap before I've made the swap if you see what I mean! 
I neglected visits last week and I'm very sorry and feel that I missed out, this week will not be so; if you have already forgiven me, can I have my share of last week's biscuits as well as today's? I plan to make some Easter biscuits before Miss Dunnit and the Current Squeeze come home, but so far my plan is already a bit, well, falling apart! I hope you all enjoy a spring warm and comfortable Easter weekend.

Wednesday 20 March 2024

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday 772

This 'ere is a scheduled post...I'm going to be up and at it in the morning, hopefully to give me some afternoon at home! So, on Tuesday evening, the mess looks like this...
Last week I stamped a few sleeping ducks (I really did, no euphemism here!). They sat untouched until the weekend, and on Sunday I turned them into cards. Cute - it's an old image but I do like it. The card you can see is one of four the same, the other two are new baby cards. 
I don't know if you can see well enough but the card has little cups stamped all over as a background, and that, in a roundabout way explains the presence of the two SU! Stamp set cases. They often have little and very useful stamps in them, and I use them a lot. Probably more often than the main image that originally sold me the set! The beautiful hard back journal with the teapot pouring me a cup of love was a gift from my Kathy #1. I'm not journaling, but recording my 2024 projects, card making, scrapbooking, gift making and embroidery. I've never done it before, but my Coven friend Lolly did it last year and I really enjoyed looking through hers and seeing all her achievements. It'll be interesting to compare year on year too. If I get that far! 
The best part of my rubbish photography is that at 5.30pm, it's still light outside. We're getting there, Deskers. I hope that longer, brighter days will add some happy to your days. 

Wednesday 13 March 2024

What's on Your Workdesk? Wednesday 771

It's been a week already. Good gracious. 
My nephew and his wife have announced the arrival of their second daughter, Penny. All safe and well. Really emotional, Penny was my late sweet Mama's name. Wow. Doesn't matter, it's just love poking through.
I decided to make a welcome to the world card for Penny, and guess what - I've only got about three stamps that are anywhere near qualifying as 'baby'! 
Whilst I was having post lunch coffee, I bashed out a few of these little sleepy duck images, painted them with the glittery paint pen things (can't remember what they're actually called) and left them to dry while I went out to paint. I hope that each is slightly different, the bottom left image is really quite paint heavy so have pretty much already ruled that out for use.  So this is yesterday's desk, but totally untouched this morning, and will be till much later!  You can see the Paper pad in all its glory....I've rifled through it at least twice now. One day I might use something from it!
Join in then if you will, and if you're just here to read that's fine! You're welcome here, to contribute or not. Sometimes we just don't have the puff!

Wednesday 6 March 2024

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday 770

I've managed some time at my desk, and I have to say that I really enjoyed a bit of messing about!
There's detritus from various things, including at far right a gift from my Mother in Law which was a lovely gesture. It's a book of die cuts, labels and papers all on a theme, should make for some easy quick cards which will be a welcome thing to make in times of erm, being short of time!
I've stopped ignoring them and had a bit of sticky fun with the cookie cutter hangy decorations. Not enough to make a mobile but each will hang sweetly from door or cabinet handles. This is how I left them late yesterday afternoon, drying time if not time to rummage and find some other bits to stick in or on. Turns out that I have no mini Easter embellishments at all, and I don't have it in me to make any, so I'm just casting about for nice little things!
I'm sincerely hoping to get my desk/life balance a little more equal in the coming week, we shall see. Meanwhile, if I didn't make it to you last week, apologies. I'm hoping it means double biscuits with the coffee this week!

Saturday 2 March 2024

Spring; come on!

I know that Spring is around the corner, but I really would like to see more of it, NOW. Impatient, much? It's been a long and wet winter and I'm very over it. So, I got myself on a mission. A bit of colour please, and maybe use a stamp or two that I don't naturally turn to. Can't fail with flowers, huh. These two cards are made with a Basic Grey stamp set and the vertical text stamp is a wood mount from Magenta. Both I've had for years and never used. I'm not a huge fan of vertical messages because they aren't, to my eyes, immediately readable. Nonsense probably, but I can't get over it now, I'm too old. In order to layer all these images, I used Distress Oxides. They do not like being used to ink stamps, especially the clear stamps. To stop the ink beading on the stamp I used an emery board to rough up the stamp surface a bit, particularly as they were 'new'.  (Cough, I've only had them about ten years). I stamped birds in three colours and in the end chose to use the purple ones, feeling that they needed to be a strong-ish colour to sit apart from the flowers. You can just see the large text stamp in the right bottom corner of the pic- that's an old Hero Arts stamps. Simply says 'enjoy' in about 1" high letters. I stamped it inside both cards. Keep it simple, to kind of reflect the style of the front. The thing I like about a single word greeting in the Oxide ink particularly is that I can let my big sprawls writing go over it if I get carried away, it'll still be visible. So that's two for the finished drawer, an old set of stamps finally used - and enjoyed and a quick test of my collection of Distress Oxides which thankfully don't need re-inking or discarding. Not a bad session!