
Wednesday 28 December 2022

What’s On Your Workdesk? Wednesday 708

Sorry to publish this so late today…I scheduled it and clearly have forgotten how to schedule!

Greetings of the Season Deskers! Hope your Christmas was good and warm and that this week before the New Year pops up is filled with the less frantic everyday stuff. We had a full house of eleven on Christmas Day and spent Boxing Day away, so yesterday was a recovery day at home!  I tidied downstairs, reduced the table and re-set. 
We’ve got friends and fam coming, so we’ve dressed the table to distract from the fact that largely, they’ll be eating leftovers! There isn’t any Turkey left, so I’ve at least done one correct calculation this year. I haven’t been near my real desk since last Friday when I mistakenly started a bit of a tidy up. It led to an idea. The tidying didn’t happen and showing you another wreck of a desk is boring, the best gift is to show you that I can be in control in other parts of my life! 
Show and tell then - did you get crafty pressies? Have you found time and motivation to make anything? Or are you revelling in a short break before facing the needs of next year?


  1. I knew if I hung around you'd appear . . . NO I am not stalking!!!
    Sounds like you had a good Christmas, one of the best . . . so pleased for you.
    Wishing you and yours all the best for 2023
    See you next year
    Christine #2 woo! hoo!

  2. Looks like you had a lovely Christmas. Happy New Year to you.
    Annie x

  3. Would you believe, I woke around 5am and thought, link up will be soon, so I pottered crafting at my desk till about 7.25am and then gave up and went back to bed! Just woke (10amish) and thought I'd be late for the party BUT still nothing until the page stopped reloading which is often a sign that it's being updated, and pooof get number one spot. Very quiet Christmastime here so loads of crafting, forgot to add scrapbooking pages to my post! Also made a cardboard globe this morning and did a couple more pages in my Bible. Happy WOYWW BJ#1

  4. Back to bed for me too, after commenting on your lovely table. Gorgeous. Covid has hit the 3 of us who have thusfar escaped it (Darling Daughter had it back in October) so we are muddling thru, hoping for the best.
    Happy post-Christmas, pre-New Year Covid Positive WOYWW!!
    Mary Anne (9)

  5. Enjoy your festive fun! All the best for 2023. x x xJo

  6. your re-sized table looks beautifully festive, enjoy the leftovers! I am going to cook my solo Christmas dinner either today or tomorrow (roast beef), there will be loads of leftovers (love the leftovers). The only crafty pressie I got was a Kew colouring book but not dug out the pencils yet. I am going to do something messy instead today! Wishing you all the best for the rest of the in between week and for New Year too. 2023... how did that happen! Helen xx

  7. Sounds like the festivities are still in full swing in your house, Julia. Catering for 11 must have required some skill - I even found cooking for us three a bit stressful with everything having to be ready at the same time! And I still always forget something LOL! Your current set-up looks more manageable and will be a walk in the park compared to your previous endeavour, especially if you're serving leftovers LOL! Have fun and wishing you all the best in 2023! xx zsuzsa #7

  8. Such a great desk share today. Happy New Year and Happy WOYWW. Sarah #4

  9. Enjoy your continuing festivities. I’m having a crafting break and doing a fiendish jigsaw! Happy 2023 to you and your family. X

  10. The table is looking pretty, enjoy your day. It’s Owen’s last day so we’re making the most of him before he goes tomorrow, it’s been a quiet but lovely Christmas.
    Hugs LLJ 6 xx

  11. Looks like you’re enjoying Xmas Julia. So glad your tidying intentions led to inspiration! Wishing you a happy and healthy new year.
    Lynnecrafts 14

  12. Hi Julia, I was getting worried about you but you're here now so all's well. We've just got back from walking Daisy. Pleased to hear you've had a good Christmas and hope your day is full of smiles too. Sending Christmas woyww hugs, Angela x15x

  13. A beautiful tree and table. ENJOY your time together. We have a warm up but snow will be drifting across roads/ice so travel will not be good later. May you and yours be blessed with a Wonderful New Year.

  14. Hello Julia. A very festive photo. Hope you have a lovely time. Happy New Year. Anne x 17

  15. We have escaped to the van and now I wish we had stayed at home. Talk about blowy! Every now and then it sounds as if the whole thing is going to be blown away, us included as a gust hits us.
    Not done a bit of crafting and not brought any with me, a new story on my Kindle awaits but to be honest I've spent most time snoozing between the gusts of wind and the torrential rain pelting down on the roof.
    Your table looks grand, especially with the tree besides it, a lovely setting for your guests.
    Have a lovely day, a lovely New Year and year ahead. Thanks for all you do for us.
    Hugs, Neet xx 13

  16. Ooh looks like a lovely Christmas. Hubby bought me a watercolour tutorial book i have had on loan from the library for almost a year!!!

  17. I too am putting the house to rights after a houseful of visitors - all my sister's family have now moved on to Tasmania for a camping trip. 6 of them will return for one night about 12th Night - then they are off to Perth. The house seems very quiet now they have gone!
    I too kept checking to see if the post was up and eventually became 2nd... hopefully I will comment today..
    All the best for a happy new year!

  18. I did laugh at your comment on my post, I wondered if I had thrown you totally off schedule! I have to keep checking what day it is too.


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