
Wednesday 3 October 2018

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday 487

I'm doing stuff! Hurrah! See on the card that is supposed to be standing upright against the box of Sharpies that it has square icons on it? Well, I've cut five sheets of the patchwork style card up to achieve a lot more of the square icons. For this is one of the cards that I'm kitting for the Card Making Marython. All of a sudden, it's next month. Good grief. The rest of my desk is just pushed back junk and badly needs sorting out. But I'm in the mood to cut and kit, so I must make hay! 

Now then gentle Deskers, if you visit this page and hear gentle rumblings, do not be alarmed. It is simply the sound of others, more organised than I. There's an idea to have a WOYWW Crop at around the time of the tenth anniversary. Week 520 of course. Don't panic, it's not till next May. But think would be fab if we could give enough notice to make it a mega-meet! Fun stuff will occur online too, but foundations must be laid and seeds of ideas must be planted. Talk to me if you have an idea or yearning!

Meanwhile, as is normal on such Wednesdays, please link your lovely WOYWW blog posts here so that we may visit and be nosey  inspired.


  1. ooh you are early! both for posting and preparing for next year's crop!
    there is not much to inspire on my desk (floor) today and I am off back to work (sad face, have had a good week off) A mega- meet would be good; if it can be arranged - how exciting!

  2. Morning Julia. I really like that card for your Marython - and what a wonderful idea - to possibly have the crop around the birthday - it's not everyday that someone or something goes into double figures!!!
    Take care. God bless.
    Margaret #2

  3. Ooooh, I'd LOVE to get to a crop!! But being in the East of the country (Lincolnshire), it would have to be located much more centrally than Wales!!
    Happy WOYWW, dearest Julia :)
    Claire no. 1
    (I struck lucky this week!)

  4. I see brightness out your window. We have been lacking sun for days. But it's midnight here and I am off to dreamland...just finished the post and you were here ! Your cards will be cute with those little hearts. Have a Happy WOYWW kinda day.

  5. It's good to see some busyness on your desk! Hope the Marython is a huge success! Twiglet has booked for 1st June....exciting stuff!!
    Hugs LLJ 6 xx

  6. Morning Julia, I think the idea of a crop around the 10th anniversary would be fabulous. Half term is the last full week of May so I could even make mid week then! Good luck getting the kits togather for the Marython. Have a great week. Sarah #5

  7. I am sorting the booking today - for Saturday June !st so we can start planning!! xxx Jo

  8. Looks like I will be at the next crop 😂😂😂😂 it’s in the planning for sure....exciting times.
    Annie x

  9. Hi Julia, you're putting me in the mood to use up some printed papers that have long been forgotten since I started making the Masterboards. I may have a surprise soon as I am having something delivered this week to help get things in order. Look forward to seeing how the plans for the crop go too. Happy woyww, Angela x13x

  10. Hi Julia, Love to see you with room to craft;)

    The crop is a great idea, but sadly it's usually too far away for me to come.

    Happy WOYWW
    Sue #12

  11. Hi Julia, loving the card, it's a fab idea for using up small scraps, I shall try and remember it, but I'm not holding my breath. The mega-meet would be fantastic, what an anniversary 10 years is, I bet not many blog hops have gone on for so long. Just read that Twiglet has booked- we're in! Love and hugs , Shaz #8 XxXx

  12. Happy WOYWW. Definitely best to get on with crafting when you are in the right mood (or have a deadline looming). I am probably not going to do any Christmas crafting this year (except for some rocks). I might make a very few cards for close family, but may just buy charity cards again. I would have attended the Marython though, if we were closer. May for the 10th anniversary crop sounds good - we don't usually go to Spain then - but, of course, it depends on location and my health. Ali x #17

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Well, good news about the crop and a great idea. Good to know in advance roughly the date so that we can make sure nothing else gets in the way. Ooh, a birthday crop!
    Anything i can do to help to make the day good just shout. Will get my thinking cap on for some ideas.
    So excited.
    Hugs, Neet 7

  15. Hi Julia, good luck with your preparations for the Marython - I'm sure you'll be ready in plenty of time. I'll bet that pushed back junk will come in useful too - if not today, then some day soon. I'll be checking out the details of the anniversary crop with fingers crossed that we'll be able to make it. Have a great week. Hugs, Elizabeth x #17

  16. Love what you're doing with those little squares - I have a thing for squares, I bet you didn't know that! I can imagine that putting kits together can be very addictive! Happy #487! zsuzsa #19

  17. Well done on getting some crafting done!! It's hopeless round here as you can tell by my desk!!
    so much to do and so little time ..... sound like the rabbit ..... watch out for the hoooooles!

    Have a good week
    Christine #21

  18. I better get my rowing boat ready to make it by May
    Monica #23

  19. Hello my friend! I like the idea of a card making maryathon. I have been on a buying streak without results. I have been procrastinating with other crafts like my coloring books. No worries about your desk. Mine is a hot mess. I am actually balancing my keyboard on a planner to type because there is no clear surface to lay the keyboard! Have a blessed day!
    Belinda #24

  20. I so wish I could attend the crop. You ladies sure do have a great time. And by the way, your desk does look organized! Have a great week!

  21. I'm late to the party today... May might work for me if we can avoid half-term - it would be lovely to join you all for once. Your desk is looking neat and tidy. Have a great week. God bless, Caro x (#29)

  22. Hi Julia, good luck with the Marython preparations. The small squares is a great idea! Hopefully I will be able to make it to the Anniversary crop, depends on the date and location ... but I will try my best as I really enjoyed the last one. Have a lovely, crafty week, Heather #28

  23. Hope you get all your cards kitted in time! I've been in the shoes of procrastination too many times! The little squares are intriguing! Hope you have a productive rest of the week!
    Carol N #20

  24. Hi Julia, that is so nice of you to cut up all the quilt blocks for the kits I think :) ( I know some people have troubles with holding scissors too long to do that sort of thing) and I just love quilts so, I think that will be a big hit for the event. ~Stacy #30

  25. Mega meet/ ATC swap May 2019? I'd joyfully facilitate one in Western North Carolina if enough State side folks are interested.

  26. Cut and kit sounds like a lovely way to spend the day... it looks good Julia! Enjoy the nice Autumn-sun days (do you have them too?) for as long as it lasts. Love from Holland! Marit #10

  27. I've included a link to my workdesk, but to be fair, that's only when the work involves writing. I've written one novel so far, and I've entered the "Pitch Wars" writing contest... waiting on tenterhooks for October 12th, when I find out if I've been chosen by a mentor. If I have, they are going to help me hone and polish the novel, and help me find an agent and hopefully get the darn thing published! Wish me luck!!

    As for crafts and other projects, I usually work at my kitchen table. Lots more room for cats to lie down on stuff there - ha!

  28. HI Julia, I'm enjoying a late WOYWW catch-up. Love the patchwork look of that card. Cutting and kitting is really fun when you're in the mood isn't it? :o) Annie C #14


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