
Wednesday 31 January 2018

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday 452

It's a gloomy shot, anyone would think I was up super early, but it's not. Well it is, but today is a doing day for me, so I have to get up at the time that most working people do!

The gloom is somewhat cheered by the colourful presents. I'm way ahead of myself here, but decided whilst my desk was clear enough, to spread out tissue paper and wrap the gifts I've got for the Coven - part of a challenge we connect to the first of our bi-annual scrapbooking weekends. Meanwhile, I've changed the stamp set that was on the iPad stand. Only because Kimbo asked what I was planning for it because it had been there for so long. So I dusted it and put it away. No plan yet, Kim, but you never know, now you've made me see it again....!
Show and tell then, your creativity must surely extend beyond a bit of gift wrapping! 


  1. it's very pretty gift wrapping though! I am still creating though inevitably the rate is slowing ....determined not to let it stop though!

  2. Morning Julia. What lovely bright gifts there on your desk. Really make the morning - so dull, wet and windy here - sing with joy.
    Have a great day.
    Take care. God bless.
    Margaret #1 apparently

  3. What a cheerful focal point on your desk, Julia!
    Happy WOYWW!
    no. 4

  4. Thanks for coloring my world, it's been quite dull and dreary here. Is it snow I see in your glimmer of light? Now it's time I get some much needed sleep. Hoping I wake up energized and cheerful. Enjoy a happy WOYWW kind of day.

  5. Those bright colours certainly woke me up. Happy WOYWW. Sarah. #?

  6. Good morning Julia - no your desk beats mine for creativity. I promise to do better next week. Ani#8

  7. Good morning. It is a gloomy one isn’t it? Roll on Spring. Love the bright tissue paper you’ve used for your gifts....that will cheer anyone’s day. Have a great week.
    Annie x

  8. It might be a bit of gift wrapping but it’s very cheery gift wrapping missus, so it’s a welcome sight. Which is more than what the snow will be if it puts in it’s threatened appearance later. I’ve got a full day planned of crafting st s froend’s house that includes lunch and I know there’ll be cake involved.
    LYNN xx 14

  9. Looks like desk in waiting today Julia. Nice bright wrappings though. I'm doing my best to get back into the crafty stuff after the holiday but it's been slow going. Have a lovely woyww, Angela xXx

  10. Hi Julia. Those gifts are so lovely looking, a bright and cheery sight on a very dull morning. Anne x #17

    PS I did leave a comment last week but thunk I forgot to click on publish, as when I scrolled through another day it wasn't there :-) I'm losing the plot! x

  11. Nothing wrong with a bit of gift wrapping, they look lovely. Good job your desk was clear enough to do it. I often have to extend to my cutting board (cardboard dressmaking cutting board) laid out on my bed as my desk is far too dinky. Yay I finally managed to remember to link up, Helen had reminded me to do my post last night on FB and I saw your link on FB this morning but still nearly forgot.... now what was I going to do next ummmm breakfast! BJ#19

  12. I think we all like a little gift wrapping. A gloomy desk seems the norm I am trying to stay up to see the red/blue moon but bed is calling. Have a lovely week.
    sandra de @20

  13. Hi Julia its really really late here and I've had a super-uber busy day so this will be my only comment.. till morrow.
    Mmm, can relate to leaving things out awaiting inspiration, a pile thereof!
    You are organised gift wrapping, nothing to be whinged about there.. nighty nights catch desks on the morrow all being well, Shaz.x
    PS would love to send some sunshine too..

  14. Pretty pretty!!! Those bright colours! One needs that on a gloomy in GB also in Holland....rainrainrain.
    Have a nice day anyway! Love your works, keeps us happy,
    groetjes, Francisca

  15. Hi Julia, Loving the bright tissue papers. Often Tesco have them on offer.

    Not taking part in WOYWW this week, but wanted to stop by and see what you had been doing.


  16. Hi Julia,nothing wrong in having stuff in plain sight! Sometimes I actually use stuff then. Love the Woodware stamps, so many to love, and such a fab price point. Really bright & fun wrapping, definitely makes for a cheery pic. Love & Hugs, Shaz XxX

  17. Sorry I have been a bit neglectful recently, I don't seem able to organise myself at all and feel so tired - Doctor says it's lack of exercise! go figure!
    Love the pressies photo - something exciting to look forward to .....
    have a good week and my apologies again.
    Christine #24

  18. Happy WOYWW. My crafty table is definitely very monochrome today. I am busy downloading digital design files from a new website that I have found, so that is bringing colour into my day. Ali x #26

  19. Hi Julia, the wrapped gifts are a bright and cheerful addition to your desk and brighten up what is a very dull and rainy day here. Have a good day, whatever it is that makes this a 'doing day'. Hugs, Elizabeth x #25

    PS: Apropos your previous post - I have two bins under my desk now, one for the recycle bin and the other everything else. Now I just have to remember which is which!

  20. haha I grinned to see you switched out the stamp set Julia. I have been heat embossing some of mine (new ones that never got played with and very old ones I just still love) and adding some watered inks over all the resist. and hauled the "Easter" tree with Christmas ornaments over to the desk yesterday afternoon so the snow could be shot. ~Stacy #28

  21. It's so true that we have stuff on our desks for so long that we don't even see it anymore... I noticed the journals in my windowsill (it's a swap-project) en realize now - reading your post - that I should start on new pages soon. The presents look bright and happy indeed! Have a great day Julia, Love from the Netherlands. Marit #22

  22. Oh gosh haven't done this for so long I think i may have linked to last week's post first (not entirely sure) and then I couldn't find how to leave a comment. Going to lie down for a moment now and the just maybe do a visit or two......Cindy xx (In case you've forgotten)

  23. It's been a long time since I visited here! I'm happy to be able to share my WOYWW and visit a bit with others! Have a great Wednesday!! ~Sandy

  24. Lovely splash of colour against that dark backdrop.
    Toni xx

  25. Hi Julia! Such a nice clean desk! I love the bright gifties - some sunshine into these gloomy days of winter! We are having a lovely blizzard at the moment, got home just in time to escape the worst of it! Hope you have a lovely week, Lindart #34

  26. Those are such cheerful packages! Depending on how ahead, I'd forget I had done them already! Have a great week.
    -K #35

  27. beautiful colors to brighten this dreary January day!

  28. I do like those bright colors of packages! They must have similar goodies inside as they all look about the same size! LOL! Had to laugh about needing to dust your stamp set to put it. Thanks for popping by, I'm still working my way around with all the computer work I've been having to do.
    Carol N #27

  29. What am I like. So often I forget to comment on your blog post until later. Doh! The original dizzy blonde is me!
    You have shown that a desk does not need to have lots of work on it, nor does it need to be untidy - just a few gifts wrapped up in beautiful coloured paper and you have a very eye-catching desk.
    Have a good week Julia
    Love, Neet xx 3

  30. Gorgeous bright papers, Julia! Just the thing for a gloomy day. Thanks for your visit - you echo my thoughts exactly - our lives do seem to be a merry go round at the moment but hopefully once I get over my operation, things should return to normal. At least I've got a bit of an oasis now and it's lovely to get my mojo back.

    Happy belated WOYWW,
    Shoshi #16

  31. Pink is my favorite color, so I'm liking what I see on your work desk. :)


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