
Wednesday 3 January 2018

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday 448

Happy New Year! If you only visit here for WOYWW, this wish for you won't be as late as it looks! For Deskers anywhere and everywhere there is much to look forward to - not least another Crop (and remember, anyone can arrange one, anywhere!) and there's to be a retreat at Donna's place in's restricted numbers and most likely to be end of September, and then there's unfettered access to all the desks and ideas, and enabling...
Start as I mean to go on then:
It doesn't look like an empty desk, but it's as good as! There's the cutting mats and quick start manuals etc that came with the ScanNCut. I've registered it, downloaded the software and...that's it. Too many visitors or visiting last week. I need a few hours to myself and some quiet to absorb all of the instructions and try the thing out! There's a greeting card that Jan gave me with a haul of pressies. I'm not sure how clear it is - it says 'nothing beats the satisfaction of crossing things off a list'. This is an unsubtle poke at my propensity for list making. She's had a fairly unsubtle gift from me too, so we're all good!
There's also a new stamp and die from Sheena's collection - it's a dream catcher. I don't know what I'm planning for it, but I loved it, so I had to have it. Simple isn't it really. So much easier than making up excuses! Heat gun, buried in the ribbon overflow box...not even plugged back into it's home socket after helping with the freezer, so you can really tell how little I've done over the holiday!
Show and tell then, are you all tidied and sparkly clean for the new year, or like me, just picking up where you left off? Anyone making next years Christmas cards I wonder?! Please join us, put WOYWW in your post title and link it here. Fab. I like routine and continuity.


  1. Happy New Year, Julia. No, I'm not all clean and sparkly tidy here on the North Wales coast. Still got all the decs up, still got most of the presents on the floor around the tree, still got lots of turkey around (although it is in the freezer!), still enjoying Christmas jigsaws. Enjoy your new present - your scan n cut. Who's a lucky girl then!!! Hope you find your few quiet hours for the instruction manual soon...
    Take care. God bless.
    Margaret #1 how on earth did I manage that?

  2. i've had a flurry of birthday cards to make since Christmas... certainly not doing this year's Christmas cards anytime soon! You know the answer to am I all tidied and sparkly clean!! that will be NO then!

    I hope you get time to learn and play with your ScanNCut soon... look forward to your review.

  3. Took the cards down yesterday as I decided the various surfaces needed a clean and then I just couldn't face putting them up again for a couple of days worth of looking. Now suitably in a pile for my friend to recycle. Or I may do them myself?
    Uh oh, so you use your heat gun for the freezer's defrost do you? I too. Thought I was the only one playing that game. Are we mad?
    Not sure I wished you and yours a Happy New Year earlier so
    Happy New Year and thanks for making me look forward to many more Wednesdays in 2018, Neet 2 xx

  4. No my decs are still up will be until after 6th as the Spanish celebrate Three Kings. Cards are gone though. Like all crafters pick up where we left off. Happy crafting for 2018. Anickoana #7
    PS looking forward to hearing about your scan 'n cut

  5. Life will get back to a routine after this weekend, so hope you manage to get some me time then! I'd forgotten about that card, it made me lol! We are slowly getting better here but my chest is still tight...sound like a 100 a day girl!
    Hugs LLJ xxx

  6. Happy WOYWW. Heatgun in the freezer. Thankfully I have one of those freezers that don't need defrosting, as I used to hate that job. Took the tree, cards and decorations down yesterday - which took over 2 hours and exhausted me. We have finished both turkeys (with a strange pasta dish last night that used up a lot of left-overs!). Only a small piece of Christmas cake left, and one box of mince pies. A fair few chocolates still covering most surfaces in the living room. A large pile of unwanted pressies to go to a charity tombola. I want to just sit down and craft, but boring business and property stuff to sort out. Ali xx #9

  7. Never really got around to making cards for 2017 so I won't make any for 2018. the crop in France sounds brilliant, such a shame all the fun people live so far away. Have a wonderful 2018 and I look forward to peering at your desk for another year. :)
    sandra de @10

  8. Hi Jan. Definitely not sparkly and clean here. The tree, decorations and cards are all down, as I went back to work yesterday ... and I always want them down before that happens. Not started on Christmas cards for 2018 yet, but I did buy a big snowflake die in the Hobby craft sale! "I loved it, so I had to have it" sounds so much like me lol. Hopefully I'll be able to meet up with some of you at some point this year, fingers crossed! Have a lovely week, Heather #11

  9. Hope you get some me time to play soon. At least I’ve managed to remember what day it is this week so that’s a start. I’ve certainly not started making Christmas cards yet but have decided to start rather earlier this year (but I do that every year!) .....we will see 😀😀😀
    Here’s to another wonderful year of fun and friendship.
    Annie x

  10. Hi Julia, I have thought about next year's Christmas cards but that's as far as it's gone Lol! Hope your new year is a good one and you get time to play with the new machine too. Have a great woyww, Angela x15x

  11. Yes your facebook post is a great reminder for me despite it being on my list just need to remember to read my list - LOL BJ#16

  12. Just dropped by to say HI and take in your clean desk. Hope you get your new die cutter going soon. I want to see how well you like it, and if it will be more functional than your Sizzex. I hope to play again when time permits.

  13. Hi and a Happy New Year. I have cleared the dining room table of it's Christmas 'look' but that is all. I don't take decorations down until 5th/6th January. Have thought I should make Christmas cards much earlier as I didn't make all mine and had to buy some! Happy WOYWW Anne x 17

  14. I love dream-catchers too! I've been looking at that particular die but then I ordered something smaller and cheaper from China. We'll see how it goes. I certainly like my new-found ability to buy metal dies! I think I've been missing out - which is a feeling I'm sure you will discover when you start buying digital designs for your scan & cut! Happy New Year, Julia!

  15. Happy new year Julia!
    It seems you had a very busy holiday season - lots of visitors!Is that Scan n cut a new thing for you? I would think you would have that ages ago! It is too expensive a toy for me so I will probably never have it! You should enjoy it though! It does a lot of good stuff! Nooo I am not making Christmas cards for next year yet and probably won't start till October!
    Have a lovely week !
    Love and hugs,

  16. Happy New Year to you and here I am, two weeks in a row. It is still Christmas here and the decs wont come down until the weekend. I still believe in the 12th night and all that. 2018 Christmas cards, well a group of us get together every month to make these and the next get together is 12th January. You cant believe how much this takes the pressure off. You will love your scan n cut when you get to grips with it. Had a day of it yesterday, learning new stuff. Thanks for the peek at your desk, all ready to use. Tracey R

  17. Hi Julia, Happy New Year.

    Hope you soon get time to be crafty.

    Happy WOYWW
    Sue #18

  18. Hi Julia, no, I'm afraid I'm very untidy & messy here. With the intention of becoming clean & tidy. Love the die,but I will resist. For now. i shall indeed be starting Christmas Cards again this week,mainly because the Christmas Card Club I got invited to make one a fortnight all year, but I really fell behind last year, I always seemed to be ill. Have a lovely week Julia, Love & hugs, Shaz #5 XxX

  19. Oh..forgot it was Wednesday. Will have to do a post after I get a photo. My mom always loved dream catchers and things with feathers. Will be fun to see what you create with this. I'm on a mission to start the hearts, but got sidetracked. I see no snow from your window view. We had 1 event of 6 inches and it pretty much blew away and remains in the MINUS digits. Brrrrr..

  20. ha ha i LOVE that you used your heat gun for the freezer! I did mine just before Christmas - its amazing how much more i can get in it!!
    I adore my scan n cut and have had it for over a year now. Happy New year xx

  21. Happy New Year Julia! I have a Silhouette Portrait, not the same as a scan n cut, but I use it in a similar fashion, you are going to love it. My advice always with a new tool is go to YouTube, videos make a lot more sense to me than the bulky manuals. Wait until you see my hot mess of a desk. ClaireG #26

  22. Hi Julia, Happy New Years!
    I think that something like that (scancut) would take me a long time to absorb also. It seems like quite a few people received them this year as gifts and one thing that caught my attention on someone else's post was she mentioned that if you had a special wifi thing for it, you do not have to plug it into a computer to use it and I thought oh, that is great. :)
    and yep, I have been making next year's Christmas and gift tags already.
    ( I am more productive if I do it when the mood hits rather than when a deadline looms)
    ~Stacy #27

  23. I am excited for you to have that hour of quiet time to figure out your new toy! Can't wait to see what you can make with it! Your desk looks nice and neat today - don't let it stay that way! LOL! Have a wonderful 2018, Lindart #28

  24. You've made a start then! the instructions have made it out the box.
    That's more than my coffee machine, it only made it out of the wrapping paper!!
    Such exciting times to look forward to .... when we have time to sit down and think! lol
    Take care
    Christine #29

  25. Happy New years Julia,
    I hope you have a wonderful, creative, healthy 2018.
    And I hope you'll enjoy your scan n cut as much as I do my silhouette. A dreamcatcher is something I can use right now, the past week my son is afraid to go to sleep in fear of nightmares. hugs, vicky #31

  26. I've done very little too, Julia. For much the same reasons, visits and visitors. I'm thinking that most WOYWWers desks will look much the same as ours this week. Jan has you pretty well taped but as 'nothing does beat the satisfaction of crossing things off a list' her card is perfect - however unsubtle. Look forward to seeing what you eventually do with the new stamp. Have a great week. hugs, Elizabeth x #30

  27. Happy New Year!! I think most of need some time to ourselves after the holiday,, I have taken down our tree and life is back to normal.
    You have some new tools and i look foreword to see what comes from them!! Laurie, #32

  28. Ummm; sort of clean and sparkly? Well, really only ready for the New Year; the clean is only an illusion. And we won't get into the sparkly.
    I hope you get your time to ponder soon; having a new toy and not playing with it would kill me! I did get my new desk chair assembled, and the old one to the dump; record time for both!

    Have a great week!
    -K #32

  29. Helloo there and Happy 2018!! Very much MIA this last year, I seem to be getting so little achieved these days - obviously not making lists!! I won't promise things will change as that seems like an invitation to fail but I would like to be about more. No Mojo to speak of at the mo, still in post flu recovery and really not inclined to push myself - still grumbling about completely missing Christmas after all that effort and having everything done in good time. Had started tidying my craft room before being laid low but nothing has changed here since Christmas Eve eve. Not linking, definitely not up to that yet and there's nothing to see anyway. Off out to see American in Paris this eve, will be pretty much my first outing in over 2 weeks!xx

  30. Happy New year Julia! We have taken the decorations down, I just need to pack the bare tree town now. Xxx Ellie #24

  31. Happy New Year Julia - lets hope its packed full of crafty fun and friendship. xx Jo

  32. Have fun with your new Scan N Cut - they look great but I have no room for any more gadgets here! - I have a really old Craft Robo and Cricut machine closed up in a cupboard, feeling very negleacted!! It's far from tidy here unfortunately - will need to clear a space on the desk soon!
    Bernice #35

  33. A very happy New Year to you, Julia! I hope you have fun playing with your new Scan 'n cut machine. It's high time I got my Cougar machine going again... I uploaded my WOYWW blog post in the small hours this a.m. and then completely forgot to sign in until just before supper!

    Happy WOYWW,
    Shoshi #36

  34. Did you find a spot for your Scan & Cut? And I like the thought of unsubtle gifts! Cracks me up! And my desk is yet to see tidied and sparkly clean but my floor got cleaned recently! Hope your new year is getting off just ducky!
    Carol N #22

  35. Thank you for your visit, Julia - you are right about priorities at the moment. So much to see to, but it is gradually coming together and I'm sure it will be OK in the end, and eventually I might get some real time to play in the studio and get my life back on track again.


  36. I need to finish this year's Christmas cards before I start next year's cards. :-) Happy New Year to your and yours.

  37. Happy New Year! No way am I even thinking about next C until October lol. Will be trying to visit a few desks over the next few days having had an exciting day out yesterday. Just got to get through two days at work next! Happy WOYWW Sarah #6

  38. Definitely not all clean and sparkly, Julia... dont think I ever will be!
    Never ceases to amaze me how one can procrastinate... or I can!
    love you desk... mine is quite literally a tip!
    Happy 2018, though... in spite of that mess, chez moi.

    I lost yesterday... so am a day late, thought on Tuesday yes will post tomorrow, then at the end of day yest I thought yes must do WOYWW tomorrow, then it hit me Wed was over!

    Mm, I will hopefully be in Brittany in middle of Sept, but not end thereof.. ah well, time will tell, would be good to join in a crop..visiting a friend in Ereac, Lord willing.
    Better move along and check some other desks ... hope you like your scan and cut!
    Hugs Shaz in Oz.x #37

  39. Found the new phone case yet?
    I've only just got around to doing my WOYWW replies and you thought you were late!


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