
Wednesday 15 February 2017

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday 402

Hello Deskers! I have a small surprise for you. There's space on my desk. Before you break out the trumpets and hang out the flags though, be looking at the picture.

Space. Not tidied so much; achieved by finishing stuff, moving stuff around and needing to make a card. I used the Hero Arts stamp you see on the desk. The dies in front of the easel are from another card I made at the weekend, and the Perspex box a left contains my collection of gems and shinies, used on yet another card. I may be on to something here....The little canvas on the easel is awaiting repair still. I had hoped to find another copy of the picture but I can't, so I'm walking around it again. My lovely useful office lamp looks perfectly placed and quite benign doesn't it. Well, it's not. Last night the bulb blew. And I mean blew...the glass balloon part blew off and left the filament and screwy in bit lodged in the screwy in bit bit, humming! I don't know why, but despite jumping about three feet into the air, I managed not to scream, or (impressively) swear, but I'm thinking about insuring my hands!
Please to join in and show and tell about your own desk/work station. It's fun, it's free and it's friendly. Can't do better than that!


  1. Impressively tidy desk Julia, but how scary the bulb exploding must have been... I'd have screamed and sworn, for sure!! I like the look of that Hero Arts stamp.

  2. Morning Julia, Been waiting for the link-up and hoped to get No.1 spot for my birthday and I did it!!! BJ does happy dance, it's the little things isn't it.

    Don't get too excited, I didn't get up especially early just for this, it's just that I can never sleep before my birthday (nor my son's for that matter) so it was a bonus having something to do before the family stir!

    Anyway my post today has my inspiration from your "LOVE" card, duly credited plus the odd scrapbook page or two or five! Yikes.

    Gosh your light must have been a bit of a scary experience, I'd have screamed VERY LOUD! Thanks BJ#1

  3. Hi Julia, good to hear you are getting projects finished. I wish :( so lucky that you didn't hurt yourself in any way when the bulb blew.
    sandra de @8

  4. Oh heck, that was a near miss you had with the light bulb. I am sure I have seen that happen but in the aftermath I think. Must have been quite scary. Did it make a lot of mess?
    Sounds as if you have been busy making cards - can't wait to get into the stamping or journalling again. Think my sister has given me a lovely gift - a cold - feeling a bit shaky and heady.
    Hope you are well
    Hugs, Neet 12 xxx

  5. That's what I call 'a light bulb moment'! Glad you're ok. I don't think I would have been as restrained as you. Hope this week is slightly less eventful.
    Annie x

  6. It often crosses my mind that I could do with a desk lamp but hearing your exploits Julia maybe I'll give it a miss.
    Another could do with is a radio in the office. I have to turn up the one in my work room very loud to hear it and then the welder man comes in and turns it down.
    Now I'm not lying when I tell you we have one in every room except the office so as I had some Tesco club card points that were about to run out I used them to purchase yet another. That'll make 7 in total plus the welders iPod and the ones in the van and car. It's a very musical house at the Hollands . La la la la
    Lynn //13 xx

  7. Eek! I'm not sure I would have been quite so composed at the exploding bulb. It's finding all those pesky little slivers of glass afterwards that's a bugger.
    Lovely background stamp. They were my first love and I'll always have a soft spot for Hero Arts.

  8. The bulb exploding must have been awful especially if you were deep in thought making something. Stamp looks nice, hope we get to see what you did with it. Happy woyww, Angela x 17

  9. Sheesh, that lamp sounds like a bit of a hazard! A little overzealous taking the blowing part too literally! That's not usually what we mean when the light blows. I would just chuck it out now - not worth taking the risk of it happening again - it could have got in your eyes! Good that you're keeping busy with your cardmaking!

  10. Scary evil lamp... eeeep! Just glad no one was hurt. I am amazed and shocked that there is a desk under the stuff.. I thought it all self supported lol.

    No number for me yet.. no photo from last night to write a post around.. will see if I can rectify that later maybe.
    Erika x

  11. Ooh that lightbulb explosion sounds dramatic. Wonder why it happened? Well done on not swearing 😁
    Kyla #19

  12. Ooh and forgot to mention.....White bread patted over the surface picks up the finest of glass

  13. Nasty light bulb explosion - lucky it didn't do you any damage. We don't need moments like that when we are trying to enjoy a bit of crafty fun! x Jo

  14. Glad you didn't quite manage to explode yourself, Julia! Great balls of fire... I'm still in hospital but hoping to be home by the end of the week.


  15. I scream if a pin drops... you will be finding bits of glass forever that you can make space without actually tidying up... but I find it a bit distressing to see bare wood...too naked for my liking... you know what a prude I can be... Dxxx#24

  16. Glad you weren't injured with all that flying glass. Hope you don't keep finding bits for weeks! Happy WOYWW Sarah #25

  17. Happy WOYWW. Scary moment when that bulb blew. I have a real fear of anything electrical - you should see me avoiding touching the electric fences on the farm, which always amuses hubby! Lots of crafty production happening on the desk. I admit that I have given up on making cards for now - buying them in shops, which I haven't done for years! Ali x #26

  18. Hi Julia, I do like the look of that rubber stamp. Whats happened to the canvas? Can you not scan the pic and print a new one? Light bulbs can be a bit of a shocker when they do that. Happens in our kitchen occasionally, I think due to old wiring! Love and Hugs to you both, Shaz #5 XxXx

  19. Oh my goodness, that light bulb explosion sounds terrifying. Are you OK? You might want to get the lamp checked be an electrician. I was looking at your workdesk and thinking that it doesn't matter how big it is, our work area seems to get smaller and smaller as we work. Blessings!

  20. Hi Julia, Good job you weren't injured by the glass. Sounds like a power surge, but might be worth getting the lamp tested.

    Apart from your very (for you;)) space, your desk looks ready for more projects.

    With regards the photo. You could try taking a photo of thephot. Sometimes it works, but not always.

    Happy WOYWW
    Sue #29

  21. Good morning! Early 5 A.M. but it's quiet, peaceful and a beautiful moon.
    I could not get your photo to enlarge, previous blogs would (loved the Dog card) I've had a light bulb explode and that is not fun. The finest pieces of glass. Scary, and now news media is warning of phones and laptops are doing the same with the lithium defective batteries, and causing fires. I unplug electronics when we leave the house. Interested in the dies you have on your cleaned up desk. Have a great day.

  22. space is in the eye of the beholder! I'm still finding bits of glass from my last bulb break!
    Robyn 36

  23. OO that lamp expolding sounds scarey - glad you are okay. Lovely tidy desk. that stamp looks interesting. Have a great week xx Soojay 21

  24. Sounds like you have been busy with your card making. Don't like the sound of your exploding bulb.
    Have a great week Julia.
    Toni xx

  25. Yikes that busting bulb must have been scary! Certainly would have made me jump. Glad to see a little space to work lol. That's usually how my desk looks no matter how hard I try to keep it tidy.

    Happy WOYWW
    Sharon K #38

  26. Lucky you didn't injure yourself, lots of projects going on, procrastination is something we have in common, happy WOYWW, Vicky

  27. Very impressive! So orderly! Glad you weren't hurt when the bulb blew - I would have jumped a mile! Lindart #40

  28. Hi Julia,

    Wow, I'm so glad you weren't hurt! My luck would have been I would have jumped so high that my head would hit the lamp and knock me out cold! tee hee

    That's great that you are getting projects done. I'm slowly getting into the crafty groove again. I'm taking another class Saturday just to continue the craftiness. It's a watercolor effect class using stamps. I'm pretty sure I know how it's done but the class is only $15 and all supplies are included. Can't beat that.

    Happy WOYWW!!!


  29. Goodness Julia! What a scare you must have had so well done on staying calm and refraining from uttering a few four-letter words! Impressive too to see your desk looking so clear with plenty of room to create on. The Hero Arts stamp is lovely. Hope you have a good week. Hugs, Elizabeth x #35

  30. Hi, Julia! Sorry, I am so sporadic in my postings to WOYWW. But I am here this week. Wow! That bulb exploding sounds dangerous! Sounds like something that would happen to me. :) #44

  31. I am impressed you did not swear and glad you are not hurt that must have been pretty scary when it happened.
    (and not too fun to clean up either)
    ~Stacy #45

  32. I am amazed at such an open area on your desk. As to those words you did not utter... good job! Not sure I'd have been quite as controlled. Bums you can't find a replacement picture but then again maybe you are suppose to 'work around' as you say. There is a reason behind it all. Creative Blessings! Kelly #46

  33. Oh my! I am so glad you are all right! That could have been a disaster! Is it a sign? Should I clean up my desk? I have 2 lamps shining on me every time I work. 😳

  34. Well, there definitely is some space on your workdesk! It sounds like you've finished several cards with those FUN supplies!

  35. That sounds like a scary experience with the bulb exploding. Well done on getting some cards finished off - I end up with a lot of half finished ones.
    Bernice #49

  36. How unusual for a bulb to explode! Glad you weren't hurt. Your desk looks pretty tidy and funny how we manage to not put stuff away from one project as we move to another. But then, maybe we think we need those items for the next project... LOL! Hope you have a great rest of the week!
    Carol N #34

  37. It looks so safe and cozy at your desk. Who knew it was booby trapped! Keep those hands to yourself. LOL. April

  38. Actually, I was quite impressed with your desk. It looked very tidy, and you know I'm a neat freak.

    I was mortified about the light blowing. I would have jumped, too.

    And although I can't really play until I get my new computer back, I had to stop by and say hi.

  39. I am very sorry about the incredibly late peek Turns out working on a Wednesday and joining in WOYWW don't go together - so I will just have to have Wednesdays off! I am glad you didn't get hurts by the broken glass, flying through the air. How much does it cost to insure one's pudds, anyway?! Congratulations on getting stuff finished:) EmbroidRage #6 x


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