
Wednesday 21 September 2016

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday WOYWW381

And since I totally forgot last week (until LLJ reminded me), I must start by saying that the WOYWW Crop has moved to November 26th. Please feel free to join us if you can, it will be fun. Details are HERE. This links to a permanent page shown at the top of the blog. Fun!
And talking of fun. No wait. I think I mean stress....

All of this was for one card. We went to a wedding. I really wanted to make the card - after all, I've got all the kit! It took me about three hours. I finished it on the morning of the wedding. I forgot to take a picture of it, of course.  You can just about make out the word 'lovely' die cut from the tag right in the middle of the working space. I copied Darnell's idea and cut the word out about 6 times and layered them together to make a chunky word. Oh and I cut off the 'ly', so the word was just 'love'. Anyway, apart from the impossible length of time it took, I felt quite pleased to have used my desk for card making. Haven't quite got back to it this week though, although taken this morning, this is just as I left it at the weekend! Bet you've been a bit more prolific though huh! Show and tell will you?
Put WOYWW in your post title ad link here. That would be fabulous.


  1. morning missus! glad it's not just me that makes cards and then posts or delivers them without photographing them..... good to see the desk getting some action of this paper type rather than last week's sadder sort!
    I have swapped a hair appointment for the week after 26th so I can make the revised date, phew!

  2. Nice to see you have a creative desk Julia. Good to cut words out several times and layer them, really adds interest. I thought about cutting one layer in a contrasting colour and then it might just show a little on the edge - not tried - idea still in head as usual.
    Have a great week and I have noted the Crop date. Whoo Hoo!
    Hugs, Neet 2 xx

  3. Yay, the crafty chaos is a sight for sore eyes! Good to see you back at your desk 😊😊
    Hugs, LLJ 3 xxx

  4. Great looking desk…glad to hear you got to use it for some crafting this week! I have been stacking stuff for a while and if you offset the word a bit on the very first one it gives the stack a little depth. I got my Cricut dug out the other day and plan on using it a bit more too. Hope you have a great week. Vickie #4 maybe…

  5. So annoying when you forget to photograph. I made a frame for my Great Nephew's christening gift. Chuffed with it and so were they, but still waiting for the promised pic!

  6. I'm totally the same, knowing for months you need a card and then making it last minute. But glad to hear you are getting into crafting a bit again, yu'll see in no time you'll be on a roll and unstopable. Have a nice day, Vicky

  7. Good mrining Julia, if i tried cutting as precisely as that I'd end up with no fingers. I was the Stanley knife yesterday and ending up seeing blood. Bit my tongue I was concentrating that hard.
    Have a good week lovely lady and it's so nice to know you are on the mend
    Lynn xx

  8. Lovely to see a crafty 'mess' on your desk.
    You're not the only one to forget to photograph your makes. I've lost count of the times that I've finished something in a rush and shoved it in an envelope to post or give.
    Have a great week Julia.
    Toni xx

  9. Morning, super and interesting looking desk this morning

    Just tried to visit Donna (#8) but got the dreaded "PAGE NOT FOUND"

    Happy WOYWW


  10. All that effort and no pic? Think we've all been there so no worries. I'm just really thrilled to see lots of creative mess on your desk. :-)
    Have a great week.
    Annie x

  11. Julia, What a shame you didn't take a photo of the wedding card. It sounds lovely.

    Hope you have a nice day. Sue

  12. Ooh the card sounds lovely and a great idea to layer up the word. However seeing your word cut out of a tag gives me an idea to use that as a main focal point.
    That's the great thing about WOYWW so many great inspirational desks to visit.

  13. Shame, would have loved to see the finished card but not surprised about the length of time to make it just seems that way with wedding cards or it is when I make them! Pleased to see you getting crafty though. Have a lovely week and happy woyww, Angela x 16

  14. Glad to see the mess which means you are getting back in the flow. Have a busy creative week Hugs x Jackie 15

  15. Well done you! Now just stop comparing times .... it doesn't matter how long it takes it's the doing that matters!!!
    Have a good week, lots of laughs
    Bishopsmate #17

  16. Hi Julia, good to see you back making a mess, sorry, card! lol. You should have seen mine before I decided to give it a clean. I actually could not see any desk. At all. Covered in card making detritus. Love the sound of the card though, and we all do the ' damn, I forgot to photograph it' thing, just after we seal the envelope. Love and lots of hugs, Shaz xxxx #18

  17. Some projects that you think will take a long time are finished in a minute, some projects (cards) that you want to create in an hour take ages... I know all about that! Happy woyww and a hug from Holland! Marit #20

  18. Hope you had a good time at the wedding, glad you got the card done in the nick of time. I'm off to the dentist but just managed my post before I went. BJ#21

  19. After the long break from crafting I just took I know how you feel.
    Even forgot to come and add my link LOL

  20. Oh good to see a crafty desk! I did the same last Saturday, was going to an 80th and left the card till the morning of the day of the party! Took the whole day (and completely forgot to factor in glitter drying time!!). Still, one does feel kind of obliged when you have a room full of craft stuff!! Sadly doubt I will be able to make the revised date for the crop. Love n hugs, Cindy xx

  21. I'm sure your card was absolutely lovely. It's good to see some crafting remnants on your desk. Hope you had a good time at the wedding! Happy Wednesday, LisaDV #25

  22. Your desk is looking quite crafty! I don't think it matters if it took hours or minutes to craft the happy couple a card. To me what matters is that you took time to make something special for them.
    Have a great WOYWW week!
    Chris #27

  23. It's good to hear that I'm not the only one that can take several hours to complete a special card. I like the idea of layering several die cuts of the same shape to achieve dimension. Blessings!

  24. I know what you mean about having a desk with a dual use. If I didn't take a picture of mine on a Tuesday night, all you would see is a pile of marking and/or a laptop ready for preparing PowerPoints and worksheets. Sarah #31

  25. Oh the times I make a card (usually in a hurry) and forget to take a photo! Great idea for the die cutting! I'm sure it feels good to use your desk for it's REAL purpose! Planning on coming to the crop (in fact T has already booked somewhere to stay!) Big Hugs, Chrisxx 32

  26. Happy WOYWW. Definitely not more proficient here! My piccie shows the only crafting I have done all week. 3 hours for a card is pretty good - especially a wedding one. Ali x #33

  27. Lovely to see your desk so busy, Julia! I can't believe you forgot to take a photo of your card, LOL! You must have been rushing around. I've just done a last minute birthday card too. I'm not so good with time constraints myself! Hope you have a good week! zsuzsa #24

  28. Busy desk! Glad you got the card done though sad that you forgot the picture.

    Happy WOYWW
    Sharon K #35

  29. Hi Julia,
    I've linked via phone. I think it's worked.
    You've reminded me I also need to do a wedding card for next week. Eeeek!!! I'd better get a move on. You wouldn't think so much stress could be involved in making a card, would you? Oh wait, yes you probably would :)
    RosA 37

  30. Happy to see you creating... and such a detailed project. I'm sure the couple loved the card. Now, what's next on your project list? Can't wait to see. Creative Blessings! Kelly #39

  31. LOVE your busy desk! I hope you are doing well, and it sounds like you are. Thank you for sharing how long it actually takes to make a special card like that. I'm sure the general public has no idea of the time and craftsmanship that goes into a beautiful card! I'm trying to make some little cards to sell, not too complicated, and I'm doing an assembly line with them, and it still takes a while! Have a great week. Hugs. Sandy Leigh #30

  32. Hey there! I am not playing along, work is slamming me of late and I don't like to not be able to respond to comments. Great to see you back at your desk. I love an excessively long to make card. I just made x2 Christmas cards that took about an hour to make, that is no way to make christmas cards. Cx

  33. What a neat idea to stack the die cuts! I'm sure the card was beautiful and well-received. My desk stalls out too sometimes. And, once it gets overly messy, I often just don't like to deal with it. Here's hoping you can get back to it soon! :)

  34. What a great idea to stack the words! Even though I mostly make cards, it does seem to take some time to get back in the swing after you've stopped. Even my birthday card this week took over an hour...and it sure wasn't because of the coloring! LOL!
    Have a great week.
    -K #43

  35. Yeah, that looks like about the right amount of stash to make one card. :-)

  36. YAY for being able to make that card and altering the word too :) ~Stacy #42

  37. Hi Julia, I can't claim to have been all that more productive than you this week. But it's nice to see your desk looking busy, and not with paperwork, but papercrafting. By the way, three hours is nothing - I can take a whole lot longer - so don't beat yourself up about it. Baby steps. I like the tip on how to create a chunky word - one to remember. Have a lovely week. Hugs, Elizabeth x #45

  38. I bet your card was just gorgeous and well appreciated! Love the busy desk and layering the die cuts is a pretty cool idea! And many of my cards take forever to make as many times I'm not pleased with the way it comes together. Hope you have a wonderful rest of the week!
    Carol N #36

  39. Hi Julia, I am just getting around to my rounds.I bet the card was perfect! hate when it takes that long to get one card down. cheers, donna #8 .

  40. Well done, all the effort to make the card, and getting it done in the nick of time, Julia! I am sure they loved it. Thank you for your lovely comment - glad you like the Zentangle tracing. I did some more today but no time to take any photos. I am excited about the new Bible study group - I know numbers will increase in time. People are still away, or have unbreakable commitments made before we started, etc. More people are now receiving the uploaded material so nobody's missing out! I've had some great feedback so far so I'm feeling encouraged.

    Happy belated WOYWW,
    Shoshi #46

  41. You always inspire even if it's only one card!

  42. But, Julia, doll, where is the card? I want to see that lovely dimensional six-layered LOVE and its surrounding card, please! I'll bet it was gorgeous, made with love, for love. I scrolled down the lane a bit and enjoyed seeing the side/back of the Famous Steph cooking up bulgar and vegies! I'll bet you miss her. Not trying to be gay or anything, but she has the calves of a bicyclist! BTW, we didn't get on with Montana so that's that. Oregon's looking good which we said we'd retire to about 40 years ago. We should have listened to ourselves and saved a trip, haha, but it was still fun to get away justice for a change!! Enjoy the weekend! Big hugs, Darnell

  43. PS I was just out the door when I caught sight of Helen's comment. Then I went back are reread your paragraph. I mean it was one short paragraph. How do I miss a whole sentence in one short paragraph?! Gah! So now I know you forgot to take a snap. You'll just have to make another one so I can see it. Geez, no need to slap me!!! djk

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