
Wednesday 22 June 2016

WOYWW 368...Feeling humble


 *taps screen*, gawd, you could write your name in the dust. Ahem. 

I'm going to do occasional posts, you've been so kind and understanding over my absence that I figure you won't mind me easing myself back this way. I have a limited 'screen time' because one of my eyes is poorly. For now, WOYWW will stay at LLJs because I'm not sure if I'm ready for any sort of commitment!

I need to say an inadequate and humble thank you, and I can't wait any longer. You're all wonderful examples of support and friendship and I really am appreciative. At four in the morning as I struggled to sit upright so I could suck water through a bloody straw to swallow painkillers, and still spill most of the water down my front, it really was helpful to know that if we were chatting, you'd wish me well. Sometimes I tried to work out who would be awake in the deep of my night.

It was really important to me. Thank you.

So my desk this week is actually a view of the Get Well cards that have been so generous and thoughtfully given and believe me, humbly and often tearfully received. Back soon!


  1. Fantastic to see you share your desk - well kind of! What gorgeous cards. Take care and all love for a speedy recovery xx. Helen #1

  2. It's so lovely to see you 😄 Please don't feel any pressure to do something that hurts/damages your health. We are all patiently waiting...and missing you lots. We want you to do everything the Dr orders to aid your recovery. Keep smiling and fighting to get well. Sending you huge hugs.
    Annie xxxx

  3. Oh Yes Julia, you have to look after yourself.We will wait as long as it takes.There's tons of goodwill out in Blogland for you.We're all wishing you well and Tons of Hugs! Take care of that sore eye. I am staggered by that type of surgery. How quickly you are coming along.Good to see you back for this quick post.
    Take Care
    Judy xx

  4. You just don't know how good it is to see you back! I wasn't sure if you wanted me to link up for you so I've gone ahead and done it anyway (mad, impetuous fool that I am.....) you're 15.
    Love ya,
    Jan xx

  5. Hello Julia. So pleased you are doing so well. Take care of yourself though, little steps as they say. Anne x

  6. Hello Julia. So pleased you are doing so well. Take care of yourself though, little steps as they say. Anne x

  7. You are truly loved, dear friend. And whatever time you want to be up, I'll probably be there, too. I keep such strange hours you could call on me any time, day or night. If I lived closer, I'd be there for you. If there is anything I can possibly do, even across this big old pond, please don't hesitate to ask. But for now, please get better and let that eye heal.

  8. Gr8 to see you, hope your recuperation is going according to plan (which is ALWAYS way too slowly!), keep taking the tablets and (during those nights when you can't sleep) DON'T buy the exercise equipment that's all over night time telly!

    Happy WOYWW


  9. It's fantastic to see you back - take it nice and easy and look after your poorly eye. Sending love and BIG hugs!
    Diana xxx

  10. Despite it being Wednesday and having my first Facebook Party tonight on that very day, I had forgotten it was Wednesday until I came on Google+ and saw your post! What lovely cards and I am glad you are back on the keyboard/IPad. Hope your recovery is speedy and smooth. Ali x

  11. Hi Julia, nice to see you. Gorgeous card collection. Take care, Angela xXx

  12. So lovely to have you back Julia - if you need to think of me in the middle of the night just imagine me trimming my muff multitude - that should help get you back to sleep! Still thinking of you and sending huge get well hugs. x Jo

  13. Must be lovely to see how much you are loved by your friends in Blogland by looking at all the wonderful cards. I will think of you when I am awake in the middle of the night trying to get some more sleep (I put the radio on low). My prayers are with you x Jackie 22

  14. Lovely to see you linking in today despite the spilled water and all the other things you are contending with at present. You really are a star. BJ

  15. I'm so happy to see a post from you, Julia! Concentrate on getting better for now. Thank you for sharing all these wonderful cards with us! Wishing you the best on your way to recovery! xx

  16. Hi Julia
    I'm not around myself at the moment but I do want to wish you a speedy recovery and send lots of love
    Lynn xxx

  17. Well look at you blogging away dearest Julia ... you just continue to be sensible and pace yourself ... none of this "just a few more minutes" business please!!!! 'Twas fandabidoziee to see your post this morning I have to say ... you are an absolute *S*T*A*R* !!! Much love to you from Debbie xXx (and don't even think of blog hopping ok!!!!) xXx

  18. Lovely to 'see' you! Smashing lot of cards, something to treasure.
    So pleased to hear you are getting back to good health .... don't rush it ....
    Big (((HUGS)))
    Bishopsmate #26

  19. Julia, I'm so happy to hear that you're recovering and doing well !
    A great big hug to you ♥

  20. Hi Julia, how lovely to see you back, and what a lot of beautiful cards!Take it easy and don't overdo it - we'll all be waiting for your return when you're ready, but in the meantime Jan is doing a fabulous job of babysitting! Sending you love and hugs and best wishes for a speedy recovery <3 :o) xxx Annie C #28

  21. Julia it is so good to see a post here this morning. I live far away but I've had you on my mind and on my prayer list for the time you have been away. Please take care of yourself and I pray for your continued recovery. Thinking of you. Glenda in Tennessee, USA #32

  22. Welcome back and so lovely to hear that you are slowly getting back to a little blog time. You are sorely missed but your health comes first and wish you all the best.
    sandra de @18

  23. Hi Julia, and welcome back in person, you've been with us in spirit all the time. Big Hugs. Totally with you, it's the little things that you struggle with that make you swear a lot! lol. Things that you used to do without a thought, now have to be planned like a military operation.You know we are all rooting for you, as you've rooted for many of us in the past. Huge virtual hugs and lots of love from both of us here.xxxxx

  24. Hi Julia, welcome back! It's great to see you (so to speak). We have a fantastic group of bloggers, so supportive. We've all been rooting for you, thinking of you, and praying for you. (and still do of course).
    Ease yourself in gently, pop in when you can and fell like it and know that we are all thinking of you.

    Happy WOYWW and have a good week,
    Greetings from sunny Spain,

  25. So good to see you here - and of course Tony and I are wishing you well! Take it gently - the healing road will be quite long but we're here to hold your hand! Love Chrisx - not linking yet as I'm a bit bogged down and not sure I will be visiting much!

  26. So glad to see you post. I hope your strength continues. Miss you and think of you often. Thoughts and prayers are with you! Sending you hugs!

  27. So wonderful to see your post and all those beautiful cards, but as many have already said, take it easy and just little steps to start with.
    Sending you love & BIG (((hugs)))
    Toni xx

  28. Good morning Julia. Happy woyww and it is so great to see you post. Those are such loving cards sent your way and my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Hugs Always ~Anne L#3

  29. Oh, Julia, so glad to see a post from you! That has got to be good! :) You have a pretty collection of cards. Thank you for letting us know you are still there. We love you! :)

  30. I'm so glad to see you posting again! I've been thinking about you, visiting your blog (read almost stalking) trying to see if you'd post and let us know how you're doing.

    Keep on smiling!
    Sharon K #37

  31. Great to see you blog just remember slow and steady wins the day no matter how frustrating! X

  32. Hope you are taking it easy XXX get well soon XX

  33. Hi Julia Welcome back! We don't care what time you're up, we'll be right there with you! Beautiful cards. The power of friendship is truly amazing and helps so much in the recovery process doesn't it.
    Hugs to you you're doing brilliantly.
    Lynda B 10

  34. Sending you big hugs and get well soon. Beautiful cards for a lovely lady


  35. It's great to see you back with us, Julia. Take it easy and here's to a speedy recovery.
    They certainly are beautiful cards.
    Lisax #12

  36. I am trying to take wild guess if I would be awake at your four in the morning... and I just may be? As long as it takes Julia, you know your chicks will still be here for you :) I am really hoping your recovery goes quickly. (( HUGS )) ~Stacy #41

  37. Well done julia happy to see you are on the road to recovery. Just remember it is not Silverstone and you may hit a few bumps, GO SLOW signs and stop lights. You will reach destination Good Health even on a slow road. you are in my thoughts.
    lots of hugs

    No post today as yesterday spent emptying freezer so MR Fix it can fix ice maker,(hope he can), today is hubby's birthday so yesterday i made cards from me, the cats and the bird he feeds!

  38. Well, I missed that bit of news on LLJ's blog that you might be posting. Now I find you and it feels so good. Sorry your eye is poorly, hope it soon get better. Hope you are feeling much happier now that the operation is behind you too.
    What a lot of love you have on display - and so well deserved too. We have a lot to thank you for, we are a little family of crafters, different crafts, all brought together by one wonderful lady - You!
    Thanks Julia
    Hugs, Neet xxx

  39. Hi Julia, It's so nice to see you posting. You take it easy and only do what you feel you can.

    Thinking of you and sending heaps of positive healing thoughts and of course hugs (((Julia))).


  40. It's nice to hear that you are recovering, and that your spirits are up! You have quite a great display of Get Well cards! Each one of them carries love and good wishes with it, so you are well looked after! Keep moving ahead! Lindart #45

  41. If the dust is deep enough to write in, then write yourself a cheery message in them. So good to hear from you! What an awesome selection of cards. We all miss you something fierce!
    PJ #49

  42. Julia!!! I'm so happy just to see any kind of post from you!!! If it makes you feel any better, one of my eyes is pretty much poorly forever, but that's okay. Yours is going to get better. Wish I could bring you my famous potato leek soup and some cookies. Hugs to you. Sandy Leigh #56

  43. How wonderful to "see" you up and about on here! Been praying for you. Great cards help dispel the "dust" of anything! Hugs!
    Carol N #35

  44. It's wonderful to see you post, Julia! Look at all the love both here in your comments and in your cards! That must be so uplifting to you in your hours of dejection and disgust. Recovery can be a cruel mistress, but I know you've got the stuffing necessary to mind her until you come out the other side. Now don't overdo chatting with us cuz you need every ounce of ergeny to get well. BTW, I'm awake when you are up at 4 AM, so feel free to give me a jingle any time!! Love and hugs, Darnell

  45. What beautiful cards & thus beautiful friendships. Nice to see you were well enough to join us today.Your missed, have a blessed recovery. xoxox Donna #4

  46. It's good to hear from you, and glad you are giving yourself a more than well deserved break from hosting WOYWW. I pray that you continue to heal and soon are back to normal. Blessings!

  47. It's good to hear from you again! Take care and get well soon!

    Greetings, Sofie #39

  48. Sending lots of healing love. Cara x

  49. Julia
    Glad to hear your on the road to recovery and that your able to pop in and say hello. Don't worry at hosting till your feeling like yourself again health always trumps blogging
    Such a lovely bunch of cards too
    Hugs Nikki 2

  50. Dear Julia, it's lovely to "hear" your voice. Sending big, big hugs. Your only commitment should be taking care of yourself for the foreseeable future. Hope your healing and recovery proceed smoothly and well. I've been taking a bit of a WOYWW hiatus here at the end of the school year, getting ready for a vacation, and binge-watching season 12 of Grey's Anatomy, but I shall return in July. :-)

  51. Just so happy to hear from you. Still praying things will return to normal quickly, as one gets disgruntle with not being 100%, that is why I dislike getting this old. LIFE is a SLOW down....I'm late but this Life just keeps me hopping in the summer. Seems home long enough to do laundry and repack. He mows, feeds the animals and off we go... Enjoy, wishing I could drop off some wine and cheese and a big bouquet of flowers. Best Wishes

  52. Hi there Julia,
    I am a week and bit late cos wasn't up to posting last week and wowywwing this week a day late so thought I'd check your blog too.
    Nice to see your space again.

    You are daily in my prayers and thoughts and trust you will start to feel little more like yourself again soon.
    Such a big surgery and recovery always takes way longer than we even like to think.

    Wonderful creations you have there too to brighten your space! Such desky loveliness too,

    Happy belated WOYWW! Shaz in Oz.x #52

    {Shaz in Oz – Calligraphy Cards}


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