
Monday 4 January 2016

Hi Ho, Hi Ho...

We're back at work, of course. This holiday has been fab for me. In between Christmas and being poorly, he's worked though.  He cant help himself. And he was a bit scared about falling behind. I wasn't. He's so unselfish. I found this terrific tee shirt on-line and bought one for Mr Dunnit.  I do love it.

There are so many occasions when he's asked to fix stuff for family and friends, sometimes even if it's not Joinery. Those of you with any practical skills will know exactly what I mean. Being married to a plumber or Electrician must be bit of a curse, I reckon! I may have to get my own printed. I think 'Apprentice : posh word for gopher' would be a good way to describe my job! 


  1. Love the t-shirt and you can add mechanic to your list of husbands!

  2. Love the t-shirt. Some people over here (UK) call a Gopher a Womble. Wombles are little critters who live on Wimbledon Common. They go around clearing up trash and making use of it. Of course you'll never see them, as they are a childrens programme:) LOL

    Hope you have a good start to the week. Sue

  3. I reckon an apprentice t-shirt is just what you need. Back at work today too. Had got used to being off.

  4. Fabulous t-shirt Julia - you most certainly need one for yourself.
    It can be most frustrating when a 'handy' member of the family is always being called upon to help/fix/install stuff. Strangely, there never seems to be anyone who can return the favour.
    Toni xx

  5. Love the t-shirt ... says it all! I'm sure my very handy husband would agree with you completely. I also find that being able to sew, and therefore do alterations, take up hems, etc., can also be a bit too handy :) Look forward to seeing that gopher t-shirt :) Hugs,, Elizabeth xx

  6. That's a wonderful Tee and a very, very thoughtful gift. I agree with you about being the wife, etc. of a hand man, but as someone who built her own bathroom in the basement of my current home from the ground up (including adding the walls and floor), you have no idea how many people have asked me to do what I consider a simple electrical rewire or plumbing job. Handywomen may not know how or when to say no, but, like Mr. D., know how to fix shit.

    Let me know when the gopher becomes the apprentice.

  7. My working life was a glorified gopher (my term) as I was a PA. Now I'm a handy woman.....when I'm fit of course!!!
    Love that teeshirt!

  8. LOL - thanks for making me laugh :))

  9. I am constantly asked to fix jewellery or clothing, while the fella is constantly asked to fix anything electrical (computers, lighting, microwaves!) Mostly, I don't mind - as I'm a lover of mending, rather than throwing - but sometimes .... ach!

  10. We have Titles Julia.
    Philip is the Brain Dead Welder and I am the Out of Work Bum Artist :-)

  11. Great shirt. I hope he is feeling better.

  12. bwahaha love shirt... your idea for you own is good too.
    (my own hubs is an Machinest & certified welder who has just an enormous amount of practical knowledge besides so... I totally get that) :)

  13. my husband is an IT guy, so he gets all the time questions about pc problems, which he doesn't like at all, even I don't dare to ask anything, he doesn't want to see a pc after working all day with them.

  14. Hee hee! Fun shirt! My hubby works in the software industry, which means that people think he fixes computers so he gets asked about stuff all the time. He always replies with, "I'm in QA, my job is to tell you what is busted, not to fix it."


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