
Wednesday 30 December 2015

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday 343

Anybody there? Any desks changed since this time last week? Yes? Mine too! Another Christmas miracle. Actually, pure sloth in the domestic department really. I was just sitting down to make a card for a January birthday and Mr Dunnit came home nice and early. 
So my desk still looks just as it did on Tuesday afternoon, because I abandoned it in favour of some Dunnit!  There's a couple of unused stamps at right; nothing to do with the card I am planning, just not put away. I've separated my unmounted and clear stamp collection into drawers for stuff that's current and that I can use in workshops, and into poly boxes for those that I want to keep for my 'stamping for pleasure' times. That's what you can see at top right - three of the poly boxes waiting for me to select from.  The chartreuse green (gopping green to some) is to be used on the card I intended to make. Lordy - are you sensing a pracraftination thing again? Yeah, me too.
Inspire me then, show us your 'limbo' week desks or surface that you're currently working on - you may be cooking up a storm of leftovers - we need to see! Put WOYWW in your title and link here please. And thank you.


  1. left overs rule! Happy creative New Year and heres to many more!
    robyn 2

  2. Hope you are ok with the 'tree' photo plus some others from Christmas. Not been as productive as you but need to be - too busy grabbing last minute sales and doing other things like recipes for left over turkey. Oh woe is me. Perhaps February will be my month for getting back into a routine - and making a start on those Christmas cards for next year - I will not be caught out again!
    Hugs, Neet xx

  3. Lol I agree about my desk in limbo I did manage to make a couple bd cards but it's been all cleaned up and hasn't changed much since Sunday night. Happy new year too you and all the best in 2016 hugs Nikki 1

  4. Morning Julia. Oh how encouraging to know others understand about sloth on the domestic front. Have hardly done anything this week - family still with us; only just celebrating Christmas with them; tree still there - so of course no cleaning or dusting done; mind you, there's been no crafting either!
    Have a very special 2016 when it arrives!
    Take care. God bless.

  5. Agree about desk in limbo mine has sat looking like it does all week untouched! But I have a plan ! Happy 2016!to you and the family

  6. I think it's called Bogey Green......... :-)
    LLJ 8 xx

  7. Happy new Year Julia! I have just got rid of Christmas guests, made a Turkey curry and just as I was about to sit down with my feet up I suddenly remembered I have a 2500 word assignment to get on with for college! No crafting time here for a while and no peace for the wicked as they say!
    Hugs Lynda B 10

  8. I have several January birthdays I should be making cards for (nearly put planning, but I don't plan my cards which is part of the problem..) as soon as my nose stops running I'll get round to them...

  9. Thanks for hosting this party today! I busy making a new men's jewelry collection at the moment. My table is buried under beads and new jewelry!

    Greetings, Sofie #14

  10. Hi Julia - at least you have crafty stuff to show unlike me. I don't have the inclination to craft at moment!
    Happy New Year !!! Anne x #_17

  11. Hi Julia, the mention of leftovers got me thinking. I'm still playing with some copies of my Christmas Masterboards who knows maybe I will get all next years cards made earlier! other than that I have managed a bit of a tidy up in-between visitors so you can almost see the desk again!!!! Angela xXx 16

  12. Hello Julia! Glas I´m not the only one trying to do some crafting during these busy days! I need it like eating and breathing I think.....
    Wishing you a very Happy 2016 and hope you go on with WOYWW! Love it!!
    Gelukkig Nieuwjaar!

  13. Well I love that Chartreuse green, despite Jan's comment - and it sounds like you've got the planning under control if not the actual making, which is more than me! I've managed about an hour of art this week and definitely dealt with some leftovers but no idea what I'm doing next!
    Diana #18

  14. My desk stays the same, except when I am actually doing a project, then I have the gubbins spread out on it.

    Happy WOYWW. Sue

  15. Fun post...your glass looks like a new drink I've enjoyed. Cranberry juice with Southern Comfort. Tasty!! AH...leftovers were tasty too, but now finished them all up. Traditional here ham, turkey, dressing, mashed potatoes, cranberries, relish and a couple of veggies. Desert French Silk Pie.
    I plan to be ahead of the game with cards this year. So will get to spend today in my crafty spot. Even making a few more cards for next season. I'm not out of the Christmas mode yet. I THINK it is the snowcover. It is so pretty but such a mess and lots of work. Enjoy the week, amd happiess for the NEW YEAR

  16. I always think I will start next year's Christmas cards and do them all through the year. Problem is it never happens. I get lazy after about the first card or two. Also I have a very short attention span. I'm always getting pulled away into something else! Happy New Year to everyone!
    Glenda #23

  17. Hurrah to procraftination I excel in it. No desk today....though this may change as I have decided not to go into the office this afternoon so may craft and blog so who knows!! Good to see everyone else's desks though

  18. I'm late linking up this week but having had the night from hell with my chest infection I'm only just up :-( I'm doing all the right things but guess it just takes it's time.
    Here's hoping you have a happy and healthy 2016 full of fab crafty times.
    Annie x

  19. Seems as though there's been a bit of organisation going on - that counts as domesticity in my book. I spend hours tidying my craft room!!!
    Love Helen H's special photo for you!!!
    Happy New Year!

    Bishopsmate #26

  20. I haven't really looked at my craft stuff other than a quick play with my new Sparkle pens.
    Still a few left-overs to deal with.
    Hope 2016 is a good one for you Julia.
    Toni xx

  21. My desk has been in limbo too for many weeks but seems I must be back on track as I had a big tidy up on Sunday, and it must be therapeutic as I'm back making some cards. All the best for 2016 Julia.

  22. To me, your desk always looks ready for action and everything to hand. Interesting green colour. I've a fairly good idea what my nieces would call it!! My desk is a bit of a dumping ground today. Wishing you and yours a very Happy New Year! Take care Zo xx

  23. Likewise, other than a quick play with my new fabrics and business cards I've abandoned my desk in favour of spending time with husband and toddler! Best wishes for 2016. Happy crafting, Max #32

  24. Blogged!! I like that green by the way would make a lovely nail varnish :-)

  25. Hi Julia, and a Happy New Year to you and yours. Mine hasn't really changed a whole lot, and indeed I still have some Christmassy stuff out, as for once I'm not entirely sick of the sight of it, and have a plan to make a card or three.Love and Hugs, Shaz & Doug xxx

  26. Happy end of the year and here's to a prosperous and healthy New Year! I've pracraftinated too! I have stacks of cards that need to be packaged for display. To much like work. Carole # 33

  27. Home sick today - realized I finally have time to post! Had a great Christmas, hopefully you did too! I see you have the same glue tape gun as I do - however mine is sitting here in front of me as I try to refill it watching you tube how-to videos on how to refill it - I've just about given up! Have a great day! Lindart #36

  28. I really have a major cleanup to do today I am really curious about the contents of that glass Have a wonderful new year. Peg r 38

  29. Hello, Julia! I'm sure Mr. Dunnit was glad you made time for him. Hope you have time to play again soon. It is such a good time of year to think about organizing or reorganizing . . . I do enjoy the fresh start feeling of a new year. I'm off of work this week and hope to do some more crafting. Happy WOYWW! ~ Laura #41

  30. Happy WOYWW. Nearly missed it. Forgot it was Wednesday today! At least you sat down at your desk and started to craft. I have not got that far. At least I am working on decluttering the house, so that I feel more free and less crowded - always good for inspiration. Happy New Year. Ali x #43

  31. That green card kinda reminds of the green pea soup my mom made us eat years ago. Ugh. Maybe it's just the lighting.... Hope you have a wonderful New Year!
    Carol N #34

  32. Hi Julia, not much going on my desk either - the urge has gone into hiding but I'm trying to push the start button, as Alan would say :) 'Stamping for pleasure' sounds good to me. Here's wishing you a Healthy, Prosperous and Happy New Year - may 2016 bring you all you wish for you and yours! Elizabeth x #37

  33. Greetings Julia! I actually got here! Yay! And I'm showing the desks off! Woo hoo!

    Must lay off the snowballs.....

  34. Nothing and everything happening here Julia but I did want to wish you all the best for the new year and to say thanks for WOYWW it's a fantastic outreach resource (with no threat of government cuts like my library lol)
    Lynn xx

  35. I just wanted to say THANK YOU for hosting this each week! I look forward to participating more in the New Year!

  36. I thought about joining in this week, not that I have anything worthy to show off, but then I realized that today is Thursday.... that's what happens to me when I'm off work. Who am I kidding? That's what happens to me when I'm at work too.

  37. Happy Holidays! Didn't get to join in last week for various reasons and was determined to join in this week but failed to hit the publish button and when I came on line this evening to view what was what I noticed I hadn't done happy WOYWW on Thursday. My desk is a bigger procraftination then yours is at the moment...can't seem to muster what it takes to get it done. Have a great holiday! Vickie#46

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