
Monday 16 November 2015

The long winded method

My gorgeous Brother In Law asked his lovely partner to marry him, and she said yes! Cue lots of happiness. And congratulations. And therefore, the requirement for a card. I mean really, if you make cards and don't bother for this sort of occasion, what does that say...? (Actually don't answer that, I have resorted to bought cards more than once this year!)
So I spent a ridiculous amount of time making a card that I liked.
I had in mind to do a bunch of love heart shaped balloons. I have a die and some really lovely glitter and mirror paper, I envisioned a lot of gorgeousness. So I cut into the sheet of gorgeous glitter paper. Cut three balloons. And then two from the mirror card. Then I had trouble fitting them on any size of card that I liked. And getting then to look like a bunch of well spaced lofty balloons. I had thought that the white glitter paper on white card with a hint at colour would be vaguely bridal and dammit, I wanted to design sophistication and glamour onto the card face. Turns out I couldn't.
And then of course, the old quality 'less is more' excuse idea popped into my head and I went that way. It was getting very late, my glasses aren't strong enough in the dark and we were seeing the bride-to-be in the morning. I DID not want to be empty handed.

Mess. Discarded elements. Honestly, this simple is really hard!
See all the discarded die cuts. Sheesh. I need to do some thinking and planning before I launch... 
The real irony is that although I remembered to take her birthday present...yep, I forgot the congratulatory card. She might take this as a warning about what a long marriage does to your memory!


  1. Congrats to the happy couple and I think that card is lovely! I do have a problem with less is more... I always want to add a little bit of something and then a little bit of something else and then the next second it is anything but less and very much the more!! LOL

    You can use balloons for Christmas can't you? Make them into baubles or something? ;)

  2. I really admire the Less is More..but alas, like Voodoo Vixen, I could never do it.How lovely for your brother in law and his lovely lady.

  3. Lovely card!! Congratulations for the happy couple and the advantage of forgetting the card is that she has two surprisemoments! :-)

  4. Congratulations to the happy couple. I love that balloon. What a shame you forgot ... you sound like me. Barbxx

  5. Yep, Less Is More is often more difficult than it seems it should be. Yours turned out great.

    And planning a card before you launch? Where's the adventure in that? I stamp without a net, and I learn so much along the way! :)

  6. This is a beautiful card, even if undelivered.

    Guess I'm one of those Less is More people, because I always seem to stop too soon. I just never could get into the "pile it all on" sort of card most real cardmakers make. I also don't add everything but the kitchen sink. So, I congratulate you on this true gem.

    And trust me. You'll find a use for those balloons. Think birthday, baby shower, or even anniversary.

  7. OOPS, forgot to say congratulations to the happy couple. I guess it's early (or late) depending on how much coffee I've had already (which obviously isn't enough).

  8. Beautiful card Julia (shame it got forgotten...oops).
    That would be me - chasing my tail to get something made and then dashing out without it...happens to us all.
    Congrats to the happy couple.
    Toni xx

  9. Ha Ha isnt that just typical?! Its id a lovely card and I am sure she will love it xx

  10. I love the card. I do think simple is elegant.

    Hope you've had a good start to the week. Sue

  11. Congratulations to your BIL and his fiance! I cannot do less is more so good on you... even if you left it at home.. it looks great.

  12. Oh yes I know that feeling and a similar result.

  13. In this case less was definitely more, it looks great. Simple is often anything but to achieve.

  14. Sometimes I don't work better under pressure. And many times what I pictured in my head is not what comes out to put in the envelope. I'm glad I'm not the only one. ;-) Glad you remembered the birthday though. lol

  15. Lovely card! And, who plans, I just start in! LOL

  16. It turned out lovely in the end! I don't like creating under pressure, either! Congrats to the happy couple!


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