
Friday 11 September 2015

What's seldom is wonderful.

No gentle reader, I don't mean this blog! I mean unfettered internet access and a proper keyboard. I've been away for 6 days and had use of a tablet every now and then. In 'our' part of Spain, they advertise 6MBP of broadband as high speed..I couldn't even get a comment to publish! Mr Dunnit stayed at home and worked really hard whilst I accompanied my parents to our place in Spain. Some of you will have seen on Facebook that it wasn't easy. Not living with your parents for thirty years and then being with them and 'in charge' and very much depended upon is really challenging!
Moody huh? One minute lovely bright skies, and then all went Indigo and thundery. Amazing!
The first three days were cool and rainy which was really difficult, of course, we'd planned to sit around all day on a beach, just watching the world go by! Ah well, they did in the end, get a chance to soak up some sun and we had a paddle in the beautiful warm Mediterranean, which to this day, is the greatest part of any visit for me. I love the sea. 
But look what happens when you run away at the beginning of September - the sun is lower and the mornings are quite distinctly on the turn towards Autumn; children are back at school and hey, an untidy desk and some  real Christmas seasonal craft plans need to be made. Don't count on me to lead, but as usual, I'll show you mine if you show me yours!


  1. Sounds like you've struck a happy medium with the folks then. Christmas? YIKES! It'll be here before we know it! I've posted a "Seasonal" project on my blog only this morning!!!

    Happy Friday


  2. Oo a very moody sky there Julia! Bright and breezy here today - and that's just our Annie!! lol

  3. I can only imagine. I haven't lived with parents for many years but have been on holiday with mum. That pic is fantastic. Take care Zo xx

  4. I'm sure your parents enjoyed the time away.

    That photo sure looked like the heavens were about to open.

    Hope now you are home you can get back into your routine. Sue

  5. I love that moody sky!! Glad you got home safely and that your parents enjoyed the break, despite the difficulties. xx

  6. I took my Mum away for a week a few years ago...not something I wish to repeat any time soon LOL We get on best in short spells.
    That sky in the photo is certainly 'moody' - great photo.
    Toni xx

  7. Julia in charge? Julia the adult? What a unique concept.

    Seriously, it's good to know that you are well, things are fine, and in the end, your parents had a good time.

    That looks like the sky in Kansas last night right before the rain and high wind blew the roof off a local high school and a near-by nursing home. Glad it wasn't that severe in your area. Moody is good, but torrential is not.

    Glad you are home!

  8. Julia, sorry you arrived with the rain, must admit we were pleased it finally arrived as our gardens really needed it.
    Always better without the tourists and it is so lovely to walk about now without our clothes being glued to our bodies, not a good look, hope you enjoyed your holiday anyway.
    Jan S

  9. This sounds familiar Julia. We have just been away with my mum and dad. They are both in their 80s and had been unable to get away so we decided to treat them to a short break. It was really nice to spend time with them but very tiring. I'm sure you will understand what I mean though I feel very privileged to still have them here and able to spend time with them. Angela x

  10. cherish the time even though it can be a real trial on occasion. Both my mother and father died in 1989...too young to have any old age issues so I missed that part of life. Thank heavens. I miss them! I love the picture of the that a tormenta? I am learning a little Spanish for my next trip to Mallorca. I saw a tornado by the way on Mallorca a couple years ago. It was a water spout and came right on to land. Love it! Have fun!

  11. Love that moody sky! When I first saw your photo I thought, "Oh you're *here*" but I see that you are over there. Glad to hear you manage to hit the beach! It sounds like you mostly had a relaxing time. And now that you are back do you need a vacation from your vacation???


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