
Monday 10 November 2014


My chum Fiona has this fab MEME which gives you a whole month to think about.  And still I'm late. SIPIDI - See It, Pin It, Do It.  Simples huh.  I have many boards on Pinterest, and in Fiona's footsteps, I'm trying to do more than just Pin stuff.  These cards actually, are from Pins that so inspired me that I did them almost immediately.  Unusual.  Sometimes, you see something and think 'oh,that would work with my such and such image' and there you are, off on an idea route... and the easiest way to get into it is to make a start.

Original by Teneale Williams on Pinterest. Hers is unrecognisable from this, but it is very much a copy of her sketch. Border stamp Theresa Collins, Scroll stamp Basic Grey, butterfly and text Quietfire.  The text is embossed onto the vellum and then very gently sanded to make it matt.  

And then, inevitably, the one that I can't find to give credit to..I'm fairly sure it was an SU! card maker. The butterfly and text are Quietfire, the woodgrain is SU and the leaves are punched with a Woodware punch from vellum coloured with alcohol inks.

I no longer spend hours on Pinterest.  I have a rule that if I browse, I stop as soon as I see something I'd like to repeat. I pin it and then try to repeat it as soon as possible.  And weeks can go by before I browse...that way the guilt is reduced and the stuff I look at is always new!  This remarkable discipline comes from the idea of SIPIDI, and for that, I really thank Fiona!


  1. Firstly, there's no such thing as late and secondly, how come it hasn't made me that disciplined? Hmm!
    Beautiful cards. I really must try that alcohol ink on vellum thing. I think I said that last time you mentioned it. Maybe I should pin it!

  2. LOL! I "try" to only get on Pinerest when I am actually LOOKING for something or an idea for something. Other wise I'm there wasting hours doing nothing, might as well sit in front of the TV and flip channels...LOL

    I did get on Pinterest, yesterday, and found a couple of storage ideas :O !

    Beautiful inspiration pieces, I can see why you chose to pin them.

  3. Hi Julia,

    Aren't you the disciplined pinner! I was in a Craft Fair Saturday and actually made two things from pins I've found -- soy candles hand poured into coffee cups and little glass necklaces. I'm planning to write a post about the soy candles and I actually remembered to take photos during the process!

    Your cards look lovely.


  4. Hi Julia, I must join in the SIPIDI idea, I have so many pins, and have rarely done any of them. I think I have seen the Butterfly card you were inspired by, but having checked I haven't pinned it, probably because I knew if I did, every time I saw it, I would want to get the wood panel stamp involved, lol.Love your take on the pins, by the way. Hugs, Shaz xx

  5. SIPDI.. love the idea and it would certainly stop me pinning stuff willy nilly and never doing any of it! Will check out Fiona's blog and see what it all entails as could do with some mojo lifting stuff!

  6. Loving the cards. I love butterflies and they always make a card.

    Hope you've had a good start to the week.

  7. Great Meme! I won't go anywhere near Pinterest because frankly, there aren't enough hours in my day for another addictive computerised past-time!! Love your card, well done on doing it!!

  8. Great makes.
    I really couldn't even consider Pinterest otherwise I'd be on the PC 24/7.

    Thank you for your lovely comment on my blog - can I say that the "Finishing Touches" only relate to the table. Every year the table gets left until the end and then ends up a bit of an after thought - so this year I though I'd be a bit more organised and start with the table LOL
    Toni xx

  9. I had a bunch of stamps given to me by a new friend. Your lovely cards may be just the thing to get me busy using them on my own cards. I love especially the bit about happiness on the first card!

  10. Now you know why I'm not on Pinterest. I would get carried away and stay there all the time, I suspect.

    What I like was the comment you made that the card looked nothing like the original, yet followed the concept. I am often dismayed as to why people choose to copy exactly what is in front of them. I much prefer to see original thought from a borrowed idea or concept. Way to go.

  11. Your cards are lovely and I'm trying to also do more of the Pinterest pins rather than just save them and forget them.

  12. I love these! pin inspired or whatever!
    thanks for using Quietfire Design stamps!

  13. What a great idea of Fiona's - I spend ages on Pinterest - don't tell anyone, but last week I trawled through the WOYWW folks, being inspired and fascinated by their boards - what a lovely assortment. I will pop over to Fee and join in. Thanks for the heads up xx


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