
Wednesday 1 October 2014

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday 278

WOYWW - huh? and WOYWW how? can be found on separate pages. If you have any questions or comments, leave them here and I will answer them.
All this by way of putting off my show and tell contribution this week - in my mind, it's not terribly interesting, but at least shows an organised and vaguely prepared side of me...

Hmm..actually it probably doesn't! My desk is a almost in zones today.  The piles at far left are the card kits for Thursday. A Christmas workshop.  The iPad's deckchair is empty.  The iPad is in the kitchen, where I left it last night.The pile next to the deckchair consists of bagged stamps, mostly by Quietfire - my guest DT posts are due out next week see.  And the Prima doll is there too.  That pile now represents the 'play with these some more' part of my crafting wish list.  On top of the clear box which is actually drawers, of course there's my ATG gun (currently out of favour for misbehaving and eating a third of a reel), and a 7Gypsies 'flash' card.  I put it there because it was my intention to add it to a scrapbook page that I made relatively recently.  It's still there because I didn't do it straight away and now can't remember why I felt it was so relevant! The yellow basket is one of four being filled with supplies that need to be shared between the workshopeers on Thursday. The notebook tells me what I need to gather for each card.  Not fascinating, but Oh so necessary! With any luck, by lunchtime today, this desk will be a seething mass of papers, ideas and fabulous new cards. I did say 'with any luck'!
Join us do please, post a pic of your workspace and tell us what you're doing thereon, it's interesting, free, fun and friendly. 


  1. I have to say I am loving those stamps so quite looking forward to your guest post. Now I have to hustle and do my visits before my guests arrive! Have a fun day.


  2. Once again we find ourselves in similar desk positions. Calm before/calm after the storm.
    Any port?
    Safe travels to your next- port that is.
    Robyn 4

  3. I can't wait to see what you do with the quiet fire stamps. My space is also looking less than interesting this week.. good luck getting your seething mass of papers going later...

  4. Morning Julia. That in-between-y feeling today - done one thing, all ready for the next. Trust all goes well at the workshops - and that everyone has a great day.
    Take care. God bless.
    Margaret #7

  5. Hi Julia,

    What's happened to your desk it should be a hive of activity. I do like the look of that Prima Doll stamp. Hope you get to have some fun soon. I am getting in early today with the desks.

    Hugs Eliza, Yoda & Flat Susan
    Happy WOYWW

  6. Wishing you a morning seething with creativity then. I think I used all mine up on the first card for today's workshop! The others were like pulling teeth!

  7. Morning, Julia - I'm relieved that I'm not the only one who has a disobedient ATG gun! Looking forward to seeing your finished cards. Have a lovely week, Chris # 16

  8. My kit boxes for Saturdays class are out of shot today...I too have notes on what to do and what I need to take...only I prepped this class so long ago, I hope the grey matter kicks in and remembers what sequence things have to be done in!

  9. About to start kitting for next weeks class, so empty desk from me!
    Hope your class goes well
    Debs x

  10. Mornin'
    Have to say it's a little scary seeing your desk sort of in it's nakey state Julia, but we all know it's the lull before creativity bursts forth once more!
    Have a great fun workshop.
    Neesie #22

  11. Bad ATG gun!! I'm glad I got a chance to join in; I've missed you, Julia! You are the Captain of Organized Chaos! Good luck and have fun on Thursday!! Hugs, Darnell #23

  12. Great looking desks with a lot of prospects. Since the store closed here in town I don't have deadlines so I have been just doing what I want to do. Have fun twitch your class. Vickie#21

  13. Hi Julia, Good to see you organised and I hope you have productive week.
    My week not going quite to plan as Shell is in hospital with severe abdominal pain. They have not found out what it is yet so it's a worrying time here.
    Annie x

  14. You seem rather organised for your workshops, I must say!!!!!!!! The Prima doll stamps are nice, hope we get to see what you do with the quite fire stamps soon!
    Jackie 11

  15. Morning julia
    My but your desk looks organised I do hope you get to make it messy later ... So much more fun
    Janet @8

  16. You sound to have everything under control there Julia! I bet your workshops are brilliant. x Jo

  17. how organized, Julia! oh, the cycles of tidiness and mess in a crafter's desk! happy WOYWW!

  18. Hi Julia,
    I saw your ivy growing in the last post wow how beautiful does that look....
    Is that a massive stamping block under your notebook and glasses if it is it's blinkin massive...
    Have a great day creating.


  19. The Quietfire cards were fab! Have a good day messing that tidy desk up again :-)
    Hugs, LLJ 30 xx

  20. Nothing wrong with a bit of organisation now and then. Good luck with your workshops. Karen 33

  21. Zones are VERY important. Although I've never had room on my work table for zones, I applaud you for using yours as one.

    Hope you have a great turnout to the workshop. Sorry you and your ATG have fallen out of love with each other.

    Really, really intended to play this week, but had too many other obligations, including my misbehaving computer. Best wish you a great WOYWW before it decides to freeze up and quit again.

  22. A very empty desk for you Julia but lots of anticipation for things to come.
    Have a great day.
    Toni xx

  23. Good morning Julie, What a good idea to have those yellow baskets. Put them on the table with little embellies in them and people can just browse. I do workshops too and coincidentally I have bought a similar dolly stamp. It had been delivered at our neighbours and he gave it to me last night. (It's not on my desk yet and I haven't even opened it.) Mine is called 'Kate' by Julie Nutting. I hope it has instructions because I am used to acrylic stamps which you 'stick' to an acrylic block. This one seems to be different.I can't wait to play with it.
    Have a good week and thanks for organising WOYWW. I love it!

  24. Hullo Julia.. another week already and am late linking even though it was up as scheduled about thirteen hours or more ago cos not time y' see! :D such is life.
    I love your neat organised piles and will be interesting to see what you do with Quietfire stamps, some of them are on my wish list one day keep looking at their site :D Happy WOYWW Shaz in Oz.x

  25. Well it sounds like you have a system (of sorts):)

    Happy WOYWW

  26. Mmm... list of what to do, now were did I put it? somewhere under the pile of card and paper. Oh well at least we try to be organised. Can't wait to see what you do with everything so must remember to pop back.
    Happy crafting, Angela x

  27. Sorry Julia forgot the number, Angela x 39

  28. Your desk is looks prepared for the hub of activity it is to become! I love the iPad deckchair! #42 Lyns :o)

  29. Morning Julia, miles behind today. Was convinced it was Tuesday, till I saw all the WOYWW posts in my Bloglovin feed!Very organised today Julia- I can only hope its contagious, lol. Hugs, Shaz xxx

  30. Lots going on there on your desk which looks really well organised unlike my messy desk. Anita #45 ( lol I got my number wrong last week).

  31. You may not think your desk is interesting, but I always love to come for a visit. I just adore those windows on the world over your desk! They let in such wonderful light and I'm always amazed to think I'm looking out onto a world that is so far away.
    Glenda #46

  32. Morning! Well it's nearly lunch time so hopefully that desk is a mass of ideas by now. Mine is equally boring today, I may just play on the pc!! Happy WOYWW Cindy x

  33. I already had a visit from someone even though I hadn't remembered to switch on the PC and link up first thing when I got up!

    Happy WOYWW Julia,a seething mass eh! Well we might see that next week!

    Cazzy #52

  34. Oh my, your desk looks to be a haven of tranquility this week, Julia. However, I expect that at the time of typing it will now be 'a seething mass of papers, ideas and fabulous new cards' as envisaged :) Hope all goes as planned. Hugs, Elizabeth x #51

  35. I noticed right away that your iPad was missing, even before you mentioned it in your post. It's funny how that happens. Blessings!

  36. Hi Julia, happy WOYWW...and thanks so much for hosting this crazy addictive bloghop...we all look forward to sharing and snooping each week and as you know we get to smile at messy desks and see the wonderful creations other make...thank you for this. You have a great desk position there and your looking pretty organised. Cheers RobynO#40

  37. Hi Julia, your desk does look tidy today but then I know from my own experience that in a very short time indeed it will look as if a bomb has gone off! Hope you have fun creating lots of organized chaos this afternoon. Hugs Lottie x

  38. Rushing around here so will just say - thanks for hosting again, you make my Wednesdays happy!
    Bishopsmate #61

  39. Wow we're back to clean again! I didn't expect that, hope it's suitably messy by now.

    Brenda 54 again this week

  40. You are so organised in your head, mine is just mush and jumble at the moment.
    As for ATG guns, don't talk ATG to me - I get so angry with mine when the reels won't go around or when the glue bit sticks and pulls off in a streak. Oh, just don't go there - I am having to go and lie down now. Sorry.
    Hugs, Neet xx (thanks for visiting me whilst I was out)

  41. Julia you always manage to make me laugh and feel my foibles are shared. Forgetting what something is for or what the great flash of genius was is tops on my list of why stuff accumulates everywhere.
    Monica # 59

  42. How I would love to have an area where I could play and leave all my stuff out - love how you have organised the desk into zones. And glad to see that I am not the only one that needs a faithful notebook to remind her of everything she needs to pack.

    KraftyKaren #65

  43. I am not surprised your ATG gun acted up! When I finally broke down and bought one, I thought I would never get the thing loaded the first time. Now I've got the hang of it, I'm really afraid I won't remember at all how to load it again when the time comes and it will end up eating half a reel! Your desk is lovely today though--lucky you having all the fun workshops! In my view, you are in a big productive mode right now. You go girl! Hugs! Sandy Leigh

  44. Yes, indeed you are organized today, just waiting to make some creative chaos, I can tell. :-)

    Happy Woyww,

    Sandy #44

  45. Nice tidy desk this week Julia. Love that notebook for gathering your materials. Cx #68

  46. Hi Julia, me again. Laughed out loud at your comment that I will just get on with them while you procrastinate! I've just completed 3 1/2 weeks of procrastinating about starting them,lol. Considering I was going to do them while I was at home and couldn't do a lot, I've managed to do a lot of absolutely nothing. I have until the 27th to get my a** in gear and get them done! :) Hugs, Shaz xxx

  47. Very organized desk you have! Looks like you have a good foundation for the workshop. And Yikes! @ your ATG eating 1/3 of a reel! #55

  48. "Play with these some more" much nicer than the "pile of stuff I forgot I had" May I use it please?
    Have a great workshop!

  49. Me again - a lot of folks are not putting their WOYWW number when they leave a comment - just sayin'!

  50. Zones sounds good--more organized, yes? Have a wonderful workshop!

    70 this week
    with a mish mash of stuff

  51. Hi Julia, no post today, away on the narrow boat and injured hand means crafting not possible, but I can manage some visiting.
    How organised you are on your desk, but do tell, what is an ATG gun?

  52. Hi Julia, no post today, away on the narrow boat and injured hand means crafting not possible, but I can manage some visiting.
    How organised you are on your desk, but do tell, what is an ATG gun?

  53. You may think it doesn't look much but my …you're busy…. and so organised!!! Love that Prima stamp - must use mine more1! Chrisx 70

  54. Ipad deck chair! Now I know what it is called! Every since I saw yours, I have wanted one and been wanting one, but didn't know what it was called! LOL Did you or your husband make it? :)

  55. Hi Julia I'm very late today - so much going on. My desk tidier as well although have been preparing for Saturdays class. Happy WOYWW Anne x #78

  56. Hello!

    I see that you are as busy as always! I look forward to seeing your new cards! Wishing you a happy evening!


    Barbara Diane

  57. Oh Julia, how I wish I lived close enough to take one of your card classes...I bet you all just have so much fun!!! Good luck getting your desk covered!!

    Happy WOYWW!
    Amy E. #9

  58. I'm sure Julia that the desk did become awash with papers etc by lunchtime. I am heartened to see that at the edges of the lovely organised space there are piles. I have to confess that today I haven't shown the extreme edges of my space! Hope that you have a lovely crafting week to come. Hazel, WOYWW #81 x

  59. Hi Julia, just got home from a few days in Budapest, injured shoulder so typing with one hand, but quickly linking up and will be back for a proper nosey tomorrow. Your desk looks ready to spring into action any moment - I hope you had a good day and that by now it is covered in creative clutter :o) Happy WOYWW Annie C #82

  60. Just managed to sneak in with my late post. Looking forward to another week of having a nose around everyone's desk.

    Helen x

  61. Hi I popped in added my link then went to sleep so I am a tad bit later then usual. Lists save time as long as you don't leave them at home witch I do more then I care to admit lol your very organized this week hugs Nikki 10

  62. LOL! That is just like me! I half finish something and then when I go back to it I can't remember which direction I was heading in! Where exactly was I going to put that item that I couldn't possibly finish it without?

  63. I wish I was that organized! My desk looks like a war zone.

  64. Ya can't have production without orginzation! I enjoyed your "countdown" list to production!
    Have a great week! Ginny M #64

  65. I forgot to comment here when posting! oh well I came back - no harm done! Your desk looks fun but that helicopter looks much more fun! Glad you had a good time I have been in a few helicopters but not for years now. Sunshine Girl

  66. Just popping in to say Hello Julia. Life has gotten in the way of my free time, but I have not forgotten all my buddies here! Someday.....


Your contribution is a valuable thing - thanks for taking the time!