
Sunday 10 August 2014

The best laid plans..

Well, see, it's raining. And there's no better reason to spend a day at my desk.  After all, I have some hideous deadlines to meet and I don't know about you, but 'desk time' is the last thing on the daily list. And it gets pushed back and then suddenly, days have gone by and the only thing achieved is the advancement of the deadline!

So now I can actually get into the blog (anyone else had trouble this week?), I thought I'd show you the path to my sitting down and erm, creating.  
First, trim off the edge and ensure that the LOs made last weekend are really finished. Check. Here's one.

I love that fact that my neice is my friend on Facebook, and I keep quiet about it, lest she remembers!

I've been using existing stash as a matter of course, but in that, I can't count paper.  For this particular crop day, I had LOADs of photos of my party printed and primed.  And apparently from my stash of oh, about a 4" thick pile of papers, I have nothing to use. So I set them aside and did other, stash using stuff.
You've seen these two recently, guess which one is Myrtle!
I haven't quite got the LOs in the albums yet, that will happen this evening.  I know this because I have placed them on my armchair which means I can't sit without moving them, and in theory, it should only be into the album that they are moved...sensible, non? 
And then, gentle reader..we move on to the afternoon activity.  I had to use the stepladder to get these stamps from my top shelf, and after this, I shall pull out the clear stamps that Christmas is at my hand.  It doesn't help really, but it will save me having the excuse of getting up and wandering about 'looking' for stamps! 

For now though, the hordes are talking about bacon sandwiches for lunch and oh goodness, the rain has stopped and the skies are clearing...I may yet be distracted!


  1. Fantastic layouts Julia, a bacon sandwich sounds good about now ***heads to kitchen***
    Claire xx

  2. All that crafty stuff and now I'm obsessed with having a bacon sandwich ..... I'll have to leave my desk and the 'painting' on it

  3. We had so much rain earlier then sun - and now it's getting dark again! Hope the bacon sarnies were tasty, (it's just started raining again) sound yummy! I applaud your procrastinating - am doing some of my own!

  4. Wonderful pages! Mmmmmmm Bacon sandwiches! enjoy! xx

  5. Julia, thank goodness you haven't been caught in Bertha, enjoy your bacon sandwiches, we don't have many now since steves heart attack, just don't waft the smell this way or I might cave in.

    Jan s

  6. Oh I love the idea of using all those little FB pictures.

    Mmmmmmm... bacon.

  7. That's a fair few stamps there.

    I have some bacon in the freezer. I wonder how long it will take to thaw it out:) LOL

  8. Golly, dear Julia. You have more Christmas stamps than I own (grin). Seriously, those are two very lovely layouts. You put a LOT of effort into your scrapbook pages, I can tell.

    I have home grown tomatoes, and even though I'm a vegetarian, I'd go for a BLT about now.

  9. Love the FB layout :-)
    Have to confess my scrapbook paper stash is about 30" deep (or wide, since all stored in Really Useful scrapbook boxesll) and I still buy more. So you are positively virtuous!!!
    Hope you enjoyed the bacon sarnie
    Debs x

  10. I love the layouts you created - they are neat. I haven't scrapbooked in - oh I can't even remember. I haven't been in my studio for a few months, no creativity at all. I've been traveling, baking bread, cooking and gardening... and tell myself, that these things are quite creative as well.

  11. Love to see piles of woodern stamps!!!!!!!!!!! And also love a bacon roll!!!!

  12. Love the layouts! I tweaked two layouts this week that I made a couple of years ago lol. To be fair, they hadn't made it into their proper book, only the "holding" book. I might have completion issues. Getting the Christmas stamps out make perfect sense to me.

  13. I think I'm in love with Myrtle, that is if she is the car! I wonder how much it would be to ship one of those to the USA. ... The pages look great.
    I love bacon lettuce and tomato sandwiches. That just might be lunch tomorrow.
    Hugs. Kay

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