
Sunday 27 July 2014

Overdue...for a change

We went away very soon after the WOYWW 5 celebration and very soon after that, I was ill and you enjoyed quite a prolonged blog silence.  Whilst I was sitting in my armchair being a tired old woman, I had company in the form of art.  The ATCs that so many of you were generous enough to give or send to me. And some of you had to jump through hoops to do it too, I had no idea that the 'contact me' for this blog now uses a Gmail account. Now that I do know, I'm checking it, honestly!
I thought I'd group the ATCs into colour or technique order for photography purposes. Immediate fail.  It was hard, I couldn't decide and Mr Dunnit was, well, less than helpful. He did defend himself by saying that he wasn't technique savvy, and I might have suggested that he didn't have an eye for colour in the end, I did what any sensible human would do...laid 'em all on the table and photographed them. Really, me, over thinking things....not usual, to be honest.
The over riding theme of this year's ATC swap was without doubt, friendship.  And I don't wanna get all speech maker and pompous (and you KNOW that I can), so let me just say that I think your art truly reflects the 'spirit' of WOYWW. S'about friends.  And you genuinely don't need to thank me for that, as so many of you do.  It's entirely within your control.  I think it so easily could have become a bit of a clique and died a death. But your interest and inclusivity perpetuates the enjoyment, and the anniversary swap was really the tangible evidence.  Oh sorry..I did get all pompous and speechy.  I'm available for speaking you know, air fare, board and fees to be negotiated.  Ahem.
There are stories to all of these little art pieces too - 'out of the comfort zone' techniques, first time ATC makers, stitching, blending, scanning, printing, carving your own stamps. A lot of thought went into every single trade and in my case, quite a lot of feverish finishing and a little panic.    
Belatedly, thank you for the ATCS you made and sent to me.  I love each one and they have a proper file, so will be enjoyed for yonks. Thank you mostly though, for joining WOYWW.  I hope you get as much out of it as I do.  


  1. Oh, Julia - pompous and speechy? Never!! Love your large collection of atcs (what a talented bunch we are, lol!!) and it's lovely to see them all together like that. I did laugh at the gmail thing though..we all seem to end up with so many email accounts!!
    Regardless of not wanting thanks, I will thank you again, for enabling us all to make some great friends through WOYWW. Long may it continue (if you can stand to!)

  2. Well I think you DO need thanking for all this WOYWW business ... so there! Glad to see you binned my ATC ... it really was the best place for them. Hope to visit on Wednesday ... if I ever get sorted after our holiday and the exhaustion of doing 1710 miles in a week! Love Debbie xXx PS: REALLY glad you are feeling better x

  3. What a lovely lot of ATC's, I can't believe WOYWW is 5, I really should join back in sometime.
    Claire xx

  4. The ATCs this year just rocked! Everyone is so talented, newbie or seasoned crafter, they all did a fab job! You are to be Thanked a thousand times over for being the conduit that brings us all together! Big hugs and furry hugs (the Girls) from FLorida

  5. What a fab set of ATCs all made with love for a special lady :-) ......yes that's you. So many friendships have you to thank for your efforts.
    Biggest hugs,
    Annie x

  6. Beautiful ATCs. I'm so glad you're feeling better! WOYWW helped me get over my desk shame lol. I'm not sure my family is happy about that, but I am : D

  7. Hi Julia, we did get some gorgeous ATC's this year, didn't we? Each one a little token of friendship. And like it or not, you are being thanked, for enabling each of us to make so many new and now treasured friends.Huge Hugs, Shaz xXx

  8. Thank you for bringing us all together. I'm it the most regular of WOYWWers but I love it.

    Thank you.

  9. Fabulous collection there Julia - what a wonderful keepsake.

    Toni xx

  10. Amazing collection of AtCS Julia, now I have my blog problem sorted I will be back this week unless Ives melted in the heat before Wednesday
    Jan x

  11. Thanks are definitely needed - how else would we all have got to know each other? Real friends get together each week courtesy of woyww - so - thank you lovely lady! Chrisx

  12. What a lovely variety of ATCs.

    Hope you have a good week ahead.

  13. Wonderful selection of ATCs you had, really deserve them for all you do. Make me feel I should have made more effort to get one to you but I left it all too late.
    Like the new background without all the lines, loads much better.
    Bless you for all you do

  14. Twas nothing compared with you bringing us peeps from all walks of life and countries together.
    Thank you Julia. As a result of you I not only met up with a PIF, Kim, from a previous Anniversary last year, but I get to go out to US to meet up with Kim again later this year in Boston!!!
    So Big Thanks to you.
    Glad you are feeling better.

  15. It was good to see these ATCs all together. It's true testament to your hosting abilities, and how your plan grew from a seed to the full blown BLOOMING plant it is today. I could continue this metaphor and say how the vines have encompassed the globe, but that might be a bit too much.

    We all love you, Julia, and we actually LIKE that you are speechy (brutal honesty is what I call it). So, please keep it up, even though some of us (UMMM) haven't been able to link up for a few weeks.

  16. Oh Julia

    You being pompous and a speaker, never. So glad to see you catch up and enjoy the finer things in life and what a wonderful collection of ATCs you have received.

    Hugs Eliza

  17. Forgot to say you started this desk hop so you have to take the accolades too.

    Hugs Eliza

  18. What a marvellous display of ATC's - by a lady who is much loved by WOYWW'ers all over the world. You should be proud of your achievement Julia, you have touched the hearts and hands of so many people in all corners of the world.
    Thank you and long may WOYWW remain.
    Hugs, Neet xx
    ps any chance of you linking me up this coming Wednesday please.

  19. What a wonderful selection of ATCs, Julia. Don't you just love these annual celebrations? I know I do ... a great excuse to celebrate your brilliant brainchild, without which I would never have made so many lovely friends. Everybody has said it so much better than I ever could but thank you from me and please keep on doing what you do, speeches included, because you do it so well :) Hugs, Elizabeth xx

  20. Thanks for posting theses photos. I too am the proud owner of quite a few of these wonders of art and testimonies to friendship!
    This is what peace looks like!

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