
Wednesday 12 February 2014

245 :What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday

Welcome, welcome.  If you wanna play but need directions, there are links at the top of this page to transport you to some instructions and such.  So, my week, illustrated by my desk...
Sum it  up - a lot of everything...lots of stuff cleared off it - which is a good thing.  And lots remaining.  Not great, but not too onerous.  My ipad poised toplay part of a crime drama I've been listening to.  The black box at left is awaiting a cover or a lick of decent paint or's to house my ridiculous washi and other tape collection which is frankly getting out of hand. It was once a wardrobe/case for Bratz dolls. Glasses case on top of that.  You can still see some of the Luscious Valentine papers waiting to be put away...I'm not quite over them yet, so haven't stored them...or that's what I'm telling myself.  And there's a new addition this week...indeed, just yesterday..
Jan and I were in a lovely kitchen shop in Salisbury.  She on a mission, me browsing.  She caught up with me in a section of the shop that was unstaffed and gave me this mug.  I had strolled past the rack of mugs and not even noticed it.  We howled.  So much so that staff came to see what was so funny.  And then of course, they didn't get it.  And so we howled some more! Honestly, my face was aching.  And now, in an effort to make my desk tidy....I'm using it for pens.  Ta Na! You have to be in it to get it, huh!
Be in it then please, link your WOYWW post here and we'll trot round to visit. And can I add - word verification is incredibly difficult to negotiate for this old woman with an iPad that hates really makes it so hard to comment.  And also...why do I have to tell every wordpress blog who I am, what my email address is and what my website is?  It drives me nuts and causes heart sinking delays in getting a comment typed!  And don't try to stop me being cross by telling me about auto fill.  That is so not the point!
And on that happy note....
Oh and PS...I've put a few stamps for sale on my erm, for sale blog.


  1. I've never heard of "auto fill," but I have that same problem with WordPress and blogs that are special in some way. Can't exactly explain what I mean, but I'm sure you've seen them, too.

    LOVE the mug. It's perfect. Yep, just right for you, my dear. And I'm still loving those Valentine papers. Your sis has a fantastic web site and makes some lovely digi papers, too.

    Happy WOYWW from #1. Guess I should let someone else first next time, especially since I didn't visit everyone who visited me last week.

  2. Lovely neat desk, love that you are going to alter the Bratz wardrobe!
    Fabulous mug, how perfect!
    Debxx #7

  3. Love the mug.
    I feel the same about word press- arrgghhh!
    You def need to pile more stuff on that empty space.
    Thanks for the snoop around as ever, and I do hope you will find time to come by and check out our blog hop!
    Robyn 9

  4. That mug is too funny, Julia--it would be an outright lie if I ever claimed such an outlandish thing!

    #13ish this week

  5. That is a fabulous mug! What a hoot!
    Happy WOYWW!
    Carol N #14

  6. I get so mad. I tried writing a comment on my iPad and it seized up and would not allow me to write or correct. There are times when i feel so pissed with the computer age. that mug is the perfect find darling. What luck!
    monica #16


  7. Think I need the mug for a work colleague.

    Nikki (19)

  8. I do not know how many times I've made a comment and had to verify several times because the letters just run into each other and THEN my whole comment disappears! Aaaaargh! Love the cup by the way! I think I'll make one for myself! Patsy #

  9. WOO HOO!! I made it back finally!Yu fooled me this week! I thought the link up was tomorrow morning my time! I'm just happy to be here and get to delight in your desk and commentary!!
    xxDaniella#19 i think?

  10. Man, I NEEED one of those mugs! LOL Your desk looks positively pristine compared to mine.
    Have a great day
    Tertia (will post a little later and get a number)

  11. I could use one of those mugs on my work desk. #5

  12. I'll be trawling every shop that seeks mugs now to look for one of those mugs. t's amazing that you found it and I can just picture you two laughing so much. Priceless!
    What a transformation on your desk... seems the mug worked it's magic! BTW...That crime drama is probably one I listen to on Radio4ex. There are some great prigs on there!
    Jo x

  13. Love the mug Julia!Love the view of your desk as well as out your window! #29

  14. I believe great washi tape collections are made because we have fabulous tape and the stuff is relatively cheap! I keep thinking surely I have enough; nope, just ordered three more rolls. Oh well.
    So glad to hear about the laughing fit - I was fortune enough to have a couple of those myself this week. They are good for the soul. May you have sunny skies this week!

  15. TASTE, not tape.
    Must. Slow. Down.

  16. Love the mug, brilliant! I am a PM and I have a I heart spreadsheets mug - how geeky is that! I HATE wordpress, its a real pain. Still jealous of your window view..Cx #31

  17. I love that mug... just love it. I am with you with the email requirements it's almost as bad as WV. Can't get to your blog that sells stuff, for some reason.. am I being stoopid? Will keep trying. (not got many stamps, see....youmay be getting rid of just the one I need!) Helen 12

  18. I NEED three of those mugs, cause I seem to be always repeating myself......LOL
    Krisha #34

  19. Ok so I read the post again and clicked the link IN your post (cos the one in your side bar isn't a link...) it's early, what can I say!

  20. I love your mug Julia. Sooo funny when other people don't get the joke! Wasn't dear LLJ you were with by any chance?
    Hugs Lynda B x # 36

  21. Great light over your desk.. I've just had to move from one so good to one with no natural light... but there is a lot of space so a girl cant' complain too much!

  22. Blimey, that must be a magic mug...didn't realise that when I bought it......;-)
    That poor sales woman's face....lololololllll.......we were very. loud. Snigger!!
    Hugs, LLJ 39 xx

  23. I can just picture you & Jan in that shop, Lol. Awesome mug, perfect for our weekly shenanigans. You know we are all going to be looking for one now, don't you? What have you started? Have a great week, be back after I've been to bed, Hugs, Shaz#43 xx

  24. Love the mug and the tidiness this week. Have a good week . Karen #44

  25. Just love the mug!!!!i bet the staff in the shop wondered what was going on with you two laughing your heads off!
    Jackie 22

  26. Great sentiment on the mug. I can just imagine the pair of you laughing in the shop and the uncomprehending hop assistant! Oh, I'm with you on the WV! The worst being when you manage to decipher it all and then you get the little message that your comment will be visible after blog owner approval! Seriously?!

  27. Morning Julia. I love that mug, I want one.
    Sorry, after you read this you will add predictive text to those hates. I know I put everything in Mr Linky without spaces, but Android thought it knew better and as I hit enter I saw it change. Can you remove the old one, please?
    Chris# 46 and 48

  28. That mug could have been made for us WOYWWers....I NEED one :-) Just brilliant.
    Annie x

  29. Ha ha ha I would have brought you that mug too. I can just imagine the two of you laughing. Snuck in some shameless advertising this week ....ust have a look I probably don't have enough stamps anyway !!!!!!

  30. A fit of the giggles is a wonderful pick me up - I could do with that just now - flippin cold - eyes streaming, sneezing and feeling miserable - I will bounce back! x Jo

  31. Looks like you need to get in a supply of those mugs for your desk hoppers Julia - it is fab; isn't it.

    They didn't do a plaque that I could fix on the front door saying "one day this house will be tidy" did they? I could do with one of those..............

    Toni xx

  32. I love the mug! I would have howled too I'm sure. Have a great week luvvie xx #45

  33. Well you have us all laughing Julia, that mug is just the best ever....we all need one. Desk is looking tidy...just ready for some crafting Cheers RobynO#51

  34. I first noticed brightness! Oh how we need sunshine here. I guess the warmth is on the way. Love the mug, but who can maintain neatness on a working desk? I can barely keep order in my house anymore.
    Not a fan of all the WV either, I found if I put on my specks, it is easier. Enjoy WOYWW and thanks #53 today.

  35. Loving the mug:)

    Had to laugh at you thinking you have loads of Washi Tape and ribbons. My Washi Tape and ribbons wouldn't fit into that bod. I'll have to take photos and put them on my blog to show you just what an addict I am:)

  36. That mug is priceless...too funny for words! I think I need a box for my washi tapes too as they tend to keep rolling away from me whenever I need to use them! Thanks for hosting and sharing. Caro x (#56)

  37. Oh no, that's another thing I need, one of those mugs. Can see it ending up as a race between me and Jo to see finds one first, may have to cheat and paint my own. Do you think she would notice?
    Happy Wednesday
    Ann B

  38. This is the first time I have seen your desk so tidy. I love that mug
    Bridget #21

  39. Hi Julia, glad to see you still are going strong! Haven't been around for - what is it - six weeks? But I'm báááck!!! Love your photo today! Although my desk is resonably tidy, I DO want a mug like that - awesome! Sorry 'bout the WordPress-fillout-stuff... cannot really help it though but you are free to come by and NOT comment ;) Have a great day!

  40. Got to love that mug, saw it first then read about it, what a hoot. I have a tease on my desk today, a guess what's in the package? BJ#58

  41. Oh my what a neat and tidy desk you have.
    Well, neat for a crafter LOL
    Fabulous mug. Have told hubby it's a must have for mine.

  42. Love the mug! I don't have a mug, but something bigger on my desk to hold pens and just cleaned out some brushes this morning. Everything gets stuck in there when I'm in a hurry! Happy WOYWW! We are expecting snow and ice in the Southern US today. Makes it very hard when areas are not used to it.

  43. Love the mug! I don't have a mug, but something bigger on my desk to hold pens and just cleaned out some brushes this morning. Everything gets stuck in there when I'm in a hurry! Happy WOYWW! We are expecting snow and ice in the Southern US today. Makes it very hard when areas are not used to it.

  44. That is hysterical Julia! Queen of the desks needs a mug like that as do we all! Lady must have been happy to make a "happy" sale. Great idea to reuse the old doll box to house your washi. I am still making Valentine's as I am behind with all this snow (another storm tomorrow!) so my papers will probably be out until Spring at this rate! Winnie#62

  45. I can see a lot of crafters coming round yours to nick that mug. What a hoot. Happy woyww
    64 x

  46. Oh, I need that mug!! Must google it and buy one.
    I'm with Sue... you think you have a lot of washi? I have two towers (kitchen roll holders) full and enough rolls to fill another one and a half towers... I've stopped buying washi now :(
    Happy WOYWW

  47. Hi there, happy WOYWW :o) I always love your desk Julia, and that mug is THE perfect addition to it - bet the staff in that shop are still talking about the strange women who bought it hehee! I always have my iPad on my desk too, with catch up Bake Off and suchlike, but it never appears in pictures because I use it as a camera too.

  48. oops forgot to say my number! Annie C #67

  49. Looking good and tidi-ish. Every one like your mug...hehe! I love boxes,all shapes and sizes - and I like to decorate them too! Great for organizing. Happy trails Carole #68

  50. Done it again (no pun intended, honest guv!) I keep forgetting to you a comment... thanks for not forgetting me, though, dear Julia, lovely to see over at mine :)
    Happy WOYWW :)
    no. 26 xx

  51. Great space Julia, love the mug! xx Jan

  52. Hello Miss Julia, your desk is looking quite clean today, love the black box, I have a little see through one for mine,you cup is so kool, it would be a real lie on mine, it's never really clean. A crime drama, fabulous, I watch all the old ones from BBC on you tube, I'm running out of ones to watch, LOL,Have a lovely day, I'm off to water fit and will visit this afternoon.
    ((( BIG HUGS)))..

  53. Afternoon, Julia - I just LOVE that mug!! I can quite see why you were in fits of laughter - and it certainly couldn't remain on the shelf in the shop, now could it??? Very envious of your neat desk - mine is chaos personified this morning... what with days out, visits to the GP with hubby, and all sorts.... never enough hours...

    Have a great week with the black box
    Margaret #73

  54. love the mug, so perfect.
    Have a good week
    Gill x 75

  55. The mug is a GREAT addition! Your desk is tidy now and ready for some action!

  56. Bratz ... there's a blast from the past. The Christmas our grandaughter(aged ten) appeared on the doorstep with her mother I bought her a couple of those dolls, didn't know they had a wardrobe!!!
    Love the mug, could've used one of those when I worked ....
    I can just imagine the pair of you .... *smiling*
    Bishopsmate #73

  57. Oopsy, just realised had a senior moment and linked up with week 243 by mistake before adding it here too. sorry about that.
    *hangs head in shame*
    Gill x 75

  58. Lovely desk. Fabulous mug, need one. I can imagine you both laughing in the shop about it. Loved your list about your name, didn't even think about it, just assumed that was your name but a great one 'dunnit' x

  59. Thanks for your comments last week Julia, sorry I wont be in England for your workshop, we leave just before that date.
    Happy WOYWW

    Jan S 71

  60. The desk as always looks good and ready. I love seeing your ipad perched there and your glasses waiting to for the next moment when you need them. I still chuckle at the size of your yellow tape gun thingy, probably nearly as big as me!! Look forward to seeing you in May. Enjoy your day. Take care Zo xx 71

  61. Love the mug! I need 2 - as you'll understand when you stop my blog today. Envious you have a spot to work in but I'm getting there. Creative Blessings ~Kelly #79

  62. Great mug. I was giggling at thought of you and Jan laughing away and onlookers looking bemused. Thanks for tip re photos. Have been trying to find a new place to take them - well somewhere with the right background Happy WOYWW Anne x #78

  63. That mug says it all, for all of us I guess!
    A daily reminder to clean up; but thats no fun!
    I love Valentine's Day and am having trouble giving up the valentines I made. Have fun.

  64. I bliddy hate wordpress comment box and it hates me. That's EVEN using the PC. Don't even attempt it on my trusty tablet.

    I LOVE that mug! LOVE!

  65. Your Mug is fantastic, so you put pens in it to let it know where it's going to be living .. tucked in all your stash hugs Nikki 4

  66. And we shall be patiently waiting to see the photos of that tidy desk of yours. Never fear, we shan't be holding our breath.

  67. Your desk looks very neat and tidy to me. I love your pen mug!
    Happy Wednesday,
    Karin #85

  68. Hi Julia,

    I made it this week! YAY. Although I am currently bringing up the rear at number 86.

    I LOVE the mug. I wish I could have been there to see you and Jan having a good hoot and the salespeople wondering what exactly is so funny in their store.

    I'm not sure what auto fill is but I do agree with you regarding the other two issues. It usually takes me two times to leave a comment when there is word verification involved.

    I'm so glad I'm home (here, with you lovely ladies (and a few gents).


  69. Oh Julia, what a giggle to find something like that and have fun too, I so want to go shopping with you, some shop keepers just don't get it. Have a great week and sorry for getting back to you late.

    Hugs Eliza

  70. I Love the Mug!! Wish I could have spent more time in my husband was on a mission that day! And Glastonbury..really do need to get back there!
    Have a wonderful Valentine's Weekend.

  71. Thanks for linking me last week Julia, I still haven't got round the few that did comment!
    Hopefully this week, although the pooter is still poorly and I am going to have to do some scary stuff, and then I might still need new innards for it!
    Your desk looks pretty tidy this week!

  72. Thanks for linking me last week Julia, I still haven't got round the few that did comment!
    Hopefully this week, although the pooter is still poorly and I am going to have to do some scary stuff, and then I might still need new innards for it!
    Your desk looks pretty tidy this week!

  73. Hi ! Love that Mug , too. I think it's funny that they didn't get it. Must not be artists. :))
    Cathy #89

  74. Oh Wow, that MUG is so ME! I might get to Salisbury and I will have to go hunting for one now!


  75. really late today, love the mug, Donna #91

  76. Julia, you are right. I've gotten some of my happy back! And I'm cracking up just thinking of you and Jan in that shop, laughing and giggling over that mug! It is perfect being used for markers. Owl always smile when I see it on your desk now!! Hugs! Happy WOYWW! Sandy Leigh #11

  77. Oh that mug is just adorable but if I put it on my desk think I would get done under the trades description act - or breach of promise maybe !!! Ali x ~36

  78. Holy smokes, I LOVE LOVE LOVE that mug! The WOYWW community could probably make whatever company who produces them wealthy!!

  79. I just love that mug! It's fantastic when someone knows you so well.
    Reading your post reminded me of a similar shopping expedition I went on whilst living in Brunei. A gang of girls went to find fancy dress costumes. We were lucky to be able to find everything we wanted in a local store. I've never laughed so much in all my life. The staff just couldn't understand our tears and needing to hang on to the clothes rails for support. Our party theme was the 70's. But it was the 90's and the store thought they were cutting edge! What fun!
    I always love to visit your desk so thank you for keeping the inspiration flowing...even if I don't quite get to produce anything. Maybe next week? ;D

  80. You did have a good look, Julia, to notice that some of those ink pads still have their wrappers on. I have every intention of getting them used very soon, starting after I have been to the dentist tomorrow morning. Auto fill! diabolical. I am going to keep a book with some of the gems that I end up with using predictive text. Not too bad when I am awake, but when I am typing on the Kindle in bed, semi conscious, oh boy! thank you for your visit, Julia, and I hope you are safe and dry. xx Maggie #15

  81. Last one on the sign up so far today! I forgot again what I am suppose to do on Wednesdays...I remember on Tuesdays...I think I will do an auto publish and try to remember to link it somehow! Love the cup...I can relate. DD and I were in a shop and were ROFLMBO over a cup about coffee drinkers. I think the help thought we were loaded on crack. Enjoy the week! Vickie aka Okienurse #96

  82. I totally LOVE the mug you found :)

  83. That mug is simply hilarious, especially for the mistress of WOYWW!!! I think I need one of those!!! My desk is NEVER tidy.

  84. Yes, your desk is tidier than usual! Looks like nice...I really like that glass grid! I promise to be back is so crazy these days-I haven't forgotten!

  85. Love your mug/beaker. What a find.
    I am so with you on this Wordpress thing - half the time I have not a clue what my name is never mid my password and then I get in a muddle and just quit.
    At least the numbers are better than the wiggly letters they used to have on those that needed verifying.
    Have a good week.
    Hugs, Neet 38 (I think - if only - hip size or age)

  86. I thought it was Wednesday and I have added my link...

    I'll be on time next week lol

  87. I don't know how I could have forgotten to link my blog, but I did. Thank you to the little angel who reminded me. I had to giggle, Julia, you have an ipad on your desk and a glass mat. I noticed as I was linking....guess what, so do I... Happy WOYWW...see you next Wednesday, or Thursday as I am getting to that forgetful stage in my life!

  88. Love the glass grid, now that would be very handy...I've noticed everyone's desk seem to be getting tidier....Thanks for visiting Julia, that hot knife I bought is wicked, I really think I could perform surgery, maybe remove some tonsils in my spare Sorry for the late reply, had awful trouble with gremlins....DeDe #98

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