
Monday 7 October 2013

A good start..

This weeks starts well - with a massive finish!  In principle, my new king-size blanket is finished.  It's my first crochet  project - because hell, there's nothing like a bit of arrogant ambition when you're learning!  

I need to work in some ends, and ignore some obvious and some less obvious imperfections, but overall I'm really quite pleased. Having started the squares way back in the spring, I left the joining into rows until the end of the summer and then the joining of rows and adding the border had to wait until the nights were distinctly's pretty heavy and inevitably, very warm! 
I've done some other crochet bits and pieces in between the squares and the row making - a couple of baskets, a baby blanket and some lacy edging practice.  But mostly I've been pinning a million 'next projects' on Pinterest!  And despite all that, the next project,  will be another blanket made from squares.  This time not a granny stitch in sight and some reds and blacks involved to match Miss Dunnit's fave colours.  I might cast on this week.  But I may not.  I'm on holiday see, so the only thing I can be sure of finishing is my book, the odd game of Scrabble and maybe the odd Gin and Tonic.  Happy Monday to you - take my example and start as you mean to go on!


  1. Congratulations to the finished project. It is looking beautiful and will certainly be warm and remind still generations of your patience and ability to persevere.

  2. Stunning! And seeing it has made me think that it might be time to dig out the pieces I have been knitting for the last two winters and finally get my throw finished

  3. Love the new look to the blog - but the blanket is a masterpiece... well done you. I can picture you of a chilly evening now, with your granny blanket wrapped round you in your chair... lol!!!
    I am off this week too, having a lazy start to the day. Have fun. xxx

  4. Blanket looks very nice, congrats on your will to finish it - I always give up somewhere half way! Have a good time on your holidays! Can I have a gin and tonic please??? :-)
    Lots of hugs,

  5. Well done you! I still have a crocheted blanket made by my mum who passed away twenty years ago, and it is one of my treasured possessions. The imperfections make it personal. Keep it up. There are so many wonderful patterns available out there, you'll never be short of ideas. Kate x

  6. Well done indeed! That looks fabulous and very large!!

  7. Wow massive project. I did a scarf that took me a year to finish. Awesome.

  8. I am so impressed that you have finished this beautiful project, Julia! I am a beginning crocheter as well but have not tackled anything of this magnitude! You have given me hope!

  9. Nothing like a bit of blind ambition to start you off! Well done for completing it, I for one, love it. It's one of the nicest crocheted blankets I've seen. Most of them look like they were made of scraps with not a lot of planning. I don't do random, not really, but I suspect you know that!! Hope you're enjoying your holibobs, have a drink for me.


  10. Well done you. That's brilliant.
    Annie x

  11. Well done Julia! I love an over ambitious starter project. Rumour has it that I can crochet, but I only ever make scarves!! Simples. Love the blanket, maybe I should get braver... Cx

  12. It looks perfect for snuggling under on the couch. Can I put in for one in jewel tones?


  13. Now I can read your blog with no problem. I see you fixed the problem of the right sidebar.

    I'm super impressed with your wonderful blanket. I could never make anything that awesome. And to think that was your first project. Very, very impressive!

  14. Congratulations your blanket looks fantastic especially for a beginner, gosh what an ambitious feat you set yourself.

    Rest, read and drink you deserve it.

    Hugs Eliza

  15. wow what a project...shows you have some great patiance Julia. I keep thinking I should try some crochet project but never seem to get around to have to just go for it don't you? Sounds like you've done a few other bits, show us some photos of all your projects i would be very interested. Will have to go on pintrest and look sounds great. HAVE A GREAT HOLIDAY>>>RELAX AND ENJOY XX Julie

  16. Wow! I want to learn how to crochet but can't imagine starting off with a huge spread. It looks great and I'm sure only you will spot the imperfections.

    Congratulations on getting it done! I'd love to see the crochet edgings - I would love to learn how to do that.


  17. A finished project! Woo hoo! It is very beautiful.

  18. Crikey, that's a bit impressive Julia! You should be mighty proud that you have done all that. It looks terrific. Love the colours and the red really makes it cheery for winter.
    Well done!
    Hugs, Neet xxx

  19. well done all ready for granny hood and the women's institute,( do they still have that?).

  20. I LOVE it !!! and the fact that it is warm is always a plus :) hugs Nikki

  21. Bravo! Superb! Bedmaking will be so much more pleasurable!!!


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